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Conformance testing Amazon EKS

Setup EKS Cluster

Setup EKS cluster as per the EKS documentation.

Or install eksctl based on your version of OS. Use eksctl for quickly creating a cluster. EksCtl will take care of creating the required dependent resources for the cluster, including the managed nodes for running conformance tests.

eksctl create cluster --version=1.29 \
  --name=sample-cluster-1-29 \
  --managed --node-type c5.xlarge \
  --nodes 10 --node-volume-size 40

To run conformance tests, we recommend that you use a cluster that provides sufficient resources - compute, storage as well as network IPs. EKS uses Amazon VPC CNI plugin which uses ENIs to provide IP addresses to your Kubernetes pods. Please ensure your worker node instance type provides you sufficient ENI limits. We ran our conformance tests on a cluster with 10 c5.xlarge worker instances.

If using the example vpc and node group templates from the EKS documentation you need to allow outbound traffic on the ControlPlaneSecurityGroup for ports 1-1024 and inbound traffic on the NodeSecurityGroup for the same ports.


Download a binary release of sonobuoy.

If you are on a Mac, you many need to open the Security & Privacy and approve sonobuoy for execution.

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]
wget -qO- ${SONOBUOY} | tar -xz sonobuoy
chmod 755 sonobuoy
mv sonobuoy /usr/local/bin

Run conformance tests using sonobuoy CLI

Start the conformance tests on your EKS cluster

sonobuoy run \
--mode=certified-conformance \
--kubernetes-version=v1.29.0 \

You can monitor the conformance tests by tracking the sonobuoy logs. Wait for the line no-exit was specified, sonobuoy is now blocking, which signals the end of the testing.

sonobuoy logs -f

Upon completion of the tests you can obtain the results by copying them off the sonobuoy pod.

OUTPUT_PATH=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
mkdir ./results
tar xzf ${OUTPUT_PATH} -C ./results


eksctl delete cluster --name=sample-cluster-1-29