/* tslint:disable */ /* eslint-disable */ /** * OpenAI API * APIs for sampling from and fine-tuning language models * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.1.0 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech). * https://openapi-generator.tech * Do not edit the class manually. */ import { Configuration } from "./configuration"; // Some imports not used depending on template conditions // @ts-ignore import globalAxios, { AxiosPromise, AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios'; export const BASE_PATH = "https://api.openai.com/v1".replace(/\/+$/, ""); /** * * @export */ export const COLLECTION_FORMATS = { csv: ",", ssv: " ", tsv: "\t", pipes: "|", }; /** * * @export * @interface RequestArgs */ export interface RequestArgs { url: string; options: AxiosRequestConfig; } /** * * @export * @class BaseAPI */ export class BaseAPI { protected configuration: Configuration | undefined; constructor(configuration?: Configuration, protected basePath: string = BASE_PATH, protected axios: AxiosInstance = globalAxios) { if (configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.basePath = configuration.basePath || this.basePath; } } }; /** * * @export * @class RequiredError * @extends {Error} */ export class RequiredError extends Error { name: "RequiredError" = "RequiredError"; constructor(public field: string, msg?: string) { super(msg); } }