/** \page VideoCapture \section introduction Overview This component captures camera data using v4l and publish it.
\section dataports Data Ports \subsection inports Input Ports
port namedata typeunitdescription
\subsection outports Output Ports
port namedata typeunitdescription
MultiCameraImagesImg::TimedMultiCameraImageexists only when multiple device IDs are given
CameraImageImg::TimedCameraImageexists only when a single device ID is given
\section serviceports Service Ports \subsection provider Service Providers
port nameinterface nameservice typeIDLdescription
CameraCaptureServiceservice0CameraCaptureService\ref Img::CameraCaptureService
\subsection consumer Service Consumers N/A \section configuration Configuration Variables
nametypeunitdefault valuedescription
devIdsstd::vector0list of device IDs
widthint640width of image
heightint480height of image
\section conf Configuration File N/A */