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Cucumber automated and manual acceptance tests. This module depends on a QA library (stratio-test-bdd), where common logic and steps are implemented.


These tests will be executed as part of the continuous integration flow as follows:

mvn verify [-D<ENV_VAR>=<VALUE>] [-Dit.test=<TEST_TO_EXECUTE>|-Dgroups=<GROUP_TO_EXECUTE>]


mvn verify -DSPARTA_HOST=localhost -DSPARTA_PORT=9090 -DSPARTA_API_PORT=9090 -Dit.test=com.stratio.sparta.testsAT.automated.gui.inputs.AddNewSocket

By default, in jenkins we will execute the group basic, which should contain a subset of tests, that are key to the functioning of the module and the ones generated for the new feature.

All tests, that are not fully implemented, should belong to the group manual and be tagged with '@ignore @manual'


From testsAT directory execute:

Cassandra: mvn verify -DSPARTA_PORT=9090 -DSPARTA_API_PORT=9090 -DCASSANDRA_PORT=9042 -DIFACE=eth0 -Dit.test=com.stratio.sparta.testsAT.automated.endtoend.ISocketOCassandra

SPARTA_HOST: ip/name of the sparta instance SPARTA_PORT: sparta web port SPARTA_API_PORT: sparta api port CASSANDRA_HOST: ip/name of the cassandra instance CASSANDRA_PORT: cassandra port number IFACE: name of the interface in your system to be used to create the socket

Mongo: mvn verify -DSPARTA_PORT=9090 -DSPARTA_API_PORT=9090 -DMONGO_PORT=27017 -DIFACE=eth0 -Dit.test=com.stratio.sparta.testsAT.automated.endtoend.ISocketOMongoDB

SPARTA_HOST: ip/name of the sparta instance SPARTA_PORT: sparta web port SPARTA_API_PORT: sparta api port MONGO_HOST: ip/name of the mongodb instance MONGO_PORT: mongodb port number IFACE: name of the interface in your system to be used to create the socket

Elasticsearch: mvn verify -DSPARTA_PORT=9090 -DSPARTA_API_PORT=9090 -DIFACE=eth0 -Dit.test=com.stratio.sparta.testsAT.automated.endtoend.ISocketOElasticsearch

SPARTA_HOST: ip/name of the sparta instance SPARTA_PORT: sparta web port SPARTA_API_PORT: sparta api port ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: ip/name of the elasticsearch instance IFACE: name of the interface in your system to be used to create the socket

CSV: mvn verify -DSPARTA_PORT=9090 -DSPARTA_API_PORT=9090 -DCSV_PATH=/tmp/sparta/csv -DIFACE=eth0 -Dit.test=com.stratio.sparta.testsAT.automated.endtoend.ISocketOCSV

SPARTA_HOST: ip/name of the sparta instance SPARTA_PORT: sparta web port SPARTA_API_PORT: sparta api port CSV_PATH: Path in sparta system to csv file location IFACE: name of the interface in your system to be used to create the socket