# WinSocat [![Testing][ci-badge]][ci] [![Release][release-badge]][release] [![Nuget][nuget-badge]][nuget] [ci]: https://github.com/firejox/WinSocat/actions/workflows/unit-test.yml [ci-badge]: https://github.com/firejox/WinSocat/actions/workflows/unit-test.yml/badge.svg [release]: https://github.com/firejox/WinSocat/releases [release-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/firejox/WinSocat?include_prereleases [nuget]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/winsocat [nuget-badge]: https://img.shields.io/nuget/vpre/winsocat WinSocat is a socat-like program specific on Windows platform. It can bridge Windows named pipe and other general I/O, e.g., STDIO, TCP, the STDIO of Process. ## Installation There are several ways to install WinSocat. ### .NET CLI [Install .NET 6 or newer](https://get.dot.net) and install via `dotnet tool` ``` dotnet tool install -g winsocat ``` ### Windows Package Manager Install via `winget` ``` winget install -e --id Firejox.WinSocat ``` ## Command Form The WinSocat is accept two address pattern ``` winsocat.exe [address1] [address2] ``` The `address1` can accept `STDIO`, `TCP-LISTEN`, `TCP`, `NPIPE`, `NPIPE-LISTEN`, `EXEC`, `WSL`, `UNIX`, `UNIX-LISTEN`, `HVSOCK`, `HVSOCK-LISTEN`, `SP` socket types. The `address2` can accept `STDIO`, `TCP`, `NPIPE`, `EXEC`, `WSL`, `UNIX`, `HVSOCK`, `SP` socket types. ## Examples * It can bridge standard input/output and tcp connection to address **** on port **80**. ``` winsocat STDIO TCP: ``` * It can forward from Windows named pipe to remote tcp socket. ``` winsocat NPIPE-LISTEN:myPipe TCP: ``` * It can use Windows named pipe for network connection ``` winsocat NPIPE:RemoteServer:RemotePipe STDIO ``` * It can create reverse shell. ``` winsocat EXEC:C:\Windows\syetem32\cmd.exe TCP: ``` * It can bridge Windows named pipe and [unix socket on Windows](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/af_unix-comes-to-windows/) ``` winsocat NPIPE-LISTEN:fooPipe UNIX:foo.sock ``` ### Interact with WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) WinSocat provide the syntax sugar for WSL program. Hence, this example ``` winsocat STDIO WSL:cat,distribution=Ubuntu,user=root ``` would be equivalent to ``` winsocat STDIO EXEC:"C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe -d Ubuntu -u root cat" ``` if `wsl.exe` is located on `C:\Windows\System32`. The `distribution` and `user` are optional parameters. If these parameters are not specified, it will run with the default options. You can combine the `socat` of WSL distribution for the communication between WSL and Windows Host. * Windows named pipe forwarding to WSL Unix Socket ``` winsocat NPIPE-LISTEN:fooPipe WSL:"socat STDIO unix-connect:foo.sock" ``` * WSL Unix Socket forwarding to Windows named pipe ``` socat unix-listen:foo.sock,fork EXEC:"/path/to/winsocat.exe STDIO NPIPE:fooPipe" ``` ### HyperV Socket Support WinSocat is also allow to interact with hyper-v socket. It requires the vmId and serviceId to connect. For example, you can use this ``` winsocat stdio hvsock:0cb41c0b-fd26-4a41-8370-dccb048e216e:00000ac9-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3 ``` to connect the VSOCK socket opened by WSL2 program. This program is running under the HyperV-VM with vmId `0cb41c0b-fd26-4a41-8370-dccb048e216e`. And it opens the VSOCK port 2761(the hex format is 0x00000ac9). According to [hyper-v on windows](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/user-guide/make-integration-service), the VSOCK port on Linux will be equivalent to the serviceId `[port in hex]-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3` on windows. Hence, WinSocat provide the short representation for VSOCK. ``` winsocat stdio hvsock:0cb41c0b-fd26-4a41-8370-dccb048e216e:vsock-2761 ``` This `vsock-2761` will be viewed as the serviceId `00000ac9-facb-11e6-bd58-64006a7986d3`. ### Serial Port Support WinSocat can relay the data of serial port. For example, ``` winsocat sp:COM1,baudrate=12500,parity=1,databits=16,stopbits=0 stdio ``` The `baudrate`, `parity`, `databits` and `stopbits` is optional parameter. Another example is to integrate with [com0com](https://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/). 1. Assume you have already created paired com port `COM5 <=> COM6` via [com0com](https://sourceforge.net/projects/com0com/). 2. Execute the command at terminal ``` winsocat sp:COM5 stdio ``` 3. Execute the command at another terminal ``` winsocat sp:COM6 stdio ``` Now these two terminals can interact with each other.