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139 lines (95 loc) · 2.77 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (95 loc) · 2.77 KB

Supported Versions

We currently officially support Angular 15,16, and 17.

If you need a build for earlier versions of Angular here is how this can be accomplished.

Adding a Branch for a Specific Angular Version

Here we will describe how we added a library build for version 16.2.1 of Angular.

Clone slice.

git clone [email protected]:fireflysemantics/slice.git && cd slice 

And get all the branches.

git pull --all

Lets first figure out what version of Angular we want.

npm view @angular/cli versions --json

Then install the version of the CLI that we want. In this case 16.2.x.

npm install -g  @angular/[email protected]  

Later on we can reinstall the latest version of the CLI like this.

npm uninstall -g @angular-cli
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

First create a new version branch.

git switch --orphan v16.2.10

Create a new Angular version 16 project.

ng new --directory . --create-application=false

Then generate a slice library.

ng g library slice

Commit the newly generated library.

git add . && git commit -m "Generate slice 16.2.1 workspace project" 

Remove the src folder.

git rm -r projects/slice/src 

Commit thew new structure.

git add . && git commit -m "Remove the library source files"

Change directories to the slice folder.

Copy over the slice files from the master branch.

git checkout master -- projects/slice/src

Then update the workspace package.json build scripts.

    "ig": "npm install -g @jsdevtools/version-bump-prompt && npm install -g npm-check-updates && npm install -g npm-install-peers",
    "c": "ng build slice",
    "bp": "cd projects/slice && bump patch",
    "p": "npm run cp && npm run bp && npm run c && cd dist/slice/ && npm publish",
    "cp": "cp ./ projects/slice/",
    "d": "typedoc --out doc --exclude **/*.spec.ts ./projects/slice/src/lib"    

Commit the update.

git add package.json && git commit -m "Update the package.json scripts"

Then update package.json for the library.

Change the name to @fireflysemantics/slice, the version to 16.2.10 (The version of the CLI we are using), and change the peerDependencies to.

    "nanoid": "^5.0.4",
    "@types/nanoid": "*",
    "rxjs": "*"

Add the package.json repository, bugs, and keywords as blocks as well.

Commit the update.

git add projects/slice/package.json && git commit -m "Update the slice library package.json" 

Add the root level

git add && git commit -m "Update the" 

Publish the version.

npm run p

Push the branch.

git push --set-upstream origin v16.2.10

And just commmit the branch after publish.

git add . && git commit -m "Post first publish commit"