name: drupal8phpunit # recipe: drupal8 # Requires lando 3.0.0-rc2 or higher. # You can put local (non-git) overrides in .lando.local.yml # Add some default configuration for the recipe here. Which will be passed to all the services within the recipe. # config: # Set the php version. php: 7.3 # Set the webroot dir. webroot: web # Enable xdebug using "lando xdebug-on" tooling defined below. xdebug: false # We can add additional services here or even override some configuration. services: appserver: run: - 'bash config/' overrides: environment: # Enable PHPStorm XDebug with CLI. PHP_IDE_CONFIG: "serverName=appserver" # Set the Mink webdriver args. MINK_DRIVER_ARGS_WEBDRIVER: '["chrome", null, "http://host.docker.internal:4444/wd/hub"]' volumes: # Fix linux docker host.docker.internal resolving. - 'config/' database: # Add a static db port for easy bookmarking and access through SQL clients. # Ideally you would set this in a .lando.local.yml. portforward: 33006 # This will add some tools from the containers to the command line of your OS. # tooling: phpunit: service: appserver description: "Run PHP Unit tests: lando phpunit" cmd: "/app/web/vendor/bin/phpunit --debug --configuration /app/web/core/phpunit.xml --printer=\\Drupal\\Tests\\Listeners\\HtmlOutputPrinter" drush: cmd: "/app/web/vendor/bin/drush --root=/app/web --uri=" drupal: cmd: "/app/web/vendor/bin/drupal --root=/app/web" xdebug-on: service: appserver description: Enable xdebug. cmd: "docker-php-ext-enable xdebug && /etc/init.d/apache2 reload" user: root xdebug-off: service: appserver description: Disable xdebug. cmd: "rm /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xdebug.ini && /etc/init.d/apache2 reload" user: root