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🎉 Generate CSS for your Neumorphism designs
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is ca…
My self coded personal website build with React.js
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a real time chat application. Covered topics: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and Soc…
My personal portfolio website built using React and three js
Modern Full Stack ECommerce Application with Stripe
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build and deploy a real time chat application. Covered topics: React.js, SCSS, Framer Motion, Sanity
Tutorial created in collaboration with Enyel Sequeira, taught by JavaScript Mastery.
Image Sharing Social Media App
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we're going to build a Modern UI/UX Restaurant Landing Page Website
💀 Headless Shopify Starter – powered by Next.js + Sanity.io
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial, we're going to build and deploy a React Video Chat Application using WebRTC.
This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. In this tutorial we are going to build, deploy and publish a Weather Progressive Web App. Covered topics: React.js, Service Workers, P…
Google Clone App powered by RapidAPI
A portfolio built in React and NextJS. Simple, clean, and fast.
An online code editor which supports HTML, CSS, and Javascript Development. A Markdown editor for generating readme.
Personal Chat Room or Workspace to share resources and hangout with friends build with React.js, Material-UI, and Firebase.
A simple music player for local audio files built with gatsbyjs, redux, react
Ecommerce wineshop Roccolo del Lago
QOSC - Quickly Organize your Social Contacts