function [source] = ft_dipolefitting(cfg, data) % FT_DIPOLEFITTING perform grid search and non-linear fit with one or multiple % dipoles and try to find the location where the dipole model is best able % to explain the measured EEG or MEG topography. % % This function will initially scan the whole brain with a single dipole on % a regular coarse grid, and subsequently start at the most optimal location % with a non-linear search. Alternatively you can specify the initial % location of the dipole(s) and the non-linear search will start from there. % % Use as % [source] = ft_dipolefitting(cfg, data) % % The configuration has the following general fields % cfg.numdipoles = number, default is 1 % cfg.symmetry = 'x', 'y' or 'z' symmetry for two dipoles, can be empty (default = []) % = Nx1 cell-array with selection of channels (default = 'all'), % see FT_CHANNELSELECTION for details % cfg.gridsearch = 'yes' or 'no', perform global grid search for initial % guess for the dipole parameters (default = 'yes') % cfg.nonlinear = 'yes' or 'no', perform nonlinear search for optimal % dipole parameters (default = 'yes') % % If a grid search is performed, a source model needs to be specified. This should either be % specified as cfg.sourcemodel (see below), or as a set of parameters to define a 3-D regular grid. % In the latter case, a complete grid is constructed using FT_PREPARE_SOURCEMODEL. The specification % of a regular 3-D grid, aligned with the axes of the head coordinate system, can be obtained with % cfg.xgrid = vector (e.g. -20:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.ygrid = vector (e.g. -20:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.zgrid = vector (e.g. 0:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.resolution = number (e.g. 1 cm) % If the source model destribes a triangulated cortical sheet, it is described as % cfg.sourcemodel.pos = N*3 matrix with the vertex positions of the cortical sheet % cfg.sourcemodel.tri = M*3 matrix that describes the triangles connecting the vertices % Alternatively the position of the dipoles at locations of interest can be % user-specified, for example obtained from an anatomical or functional MRI % cfg.sourcemodel.pos = N*3 matrix with position of each source % cfg.sourcemodel.inside = N*1 vector with boolean value whether grid point is inside brain (optional) % cfg.sourcemodel.dim = [Nx Ny Nz] vector with dimensions in case of 3-D grid (optional) % % If you do not start with a grid search, you have to give a starting location % for the nonlinear search % cfg.dip.pos = initial dipole position, matrix of Ndipoles x 3 % % The conventional approach is to fit dipoles to event-related averages, which % within FieldTrip can be obtained from the FT_TIMELOCKANALYSIS or from % the FT_TIMELOCKGRANDAVERAGE function. This has the additional options % cfg.latency = [begin end] in seconds or 'all' (default = 'all') % cfg.model = 'moving' or 'regional' % A moving dipole model has a different position (and orientation) for each % timepoint, or for each component. A regional dipole model has the same % position for each timepoint or component, and a different orientation. % % You can also fit dipoles to the spatial topographies of an independent % component analysis, obtained from the FT_COMPONENTANALYSIS function. % This has the additional options % cfg.component = array with numbers (can be empty -> all) % % You can also fit dipoles to the spatial topographies that are present % in the data in the frequency domain, which can be obtained using the % FT_FREQANALYSIS function. This has the additional options % cfg.frequency = single number (in Hz) % % Low level details of the fitting can be specified in the cfg.dipfit structure % cfg.dipfit.display = level of display, can be 'off', 'iter', 'notify' or 'final' (default = 'iter') % cfg.dipfit.optimfun = function to use, can be 'fminsearch' or 'fminunc' (default is determined automatic) % cfg.dipfit.maxiter = maximum number of function evaluations allowed (default depends on the optimfun) % cfg.dipfit.checkinside = boolean, check that the dipole remains in the source compartment (default = false) % % Optionally, you can modify the leadfields by reducing the rank, i.e. remove the weakest orientation % cfg.reducerank = 'no', or number (default = 3 for EEG, 2 for MEG) % cfg.backproject = 'yes' or 'no', determines when reducerank is applied whether the % lower rank leadfield is projected back onto the original linear % subspace, or not (default = 'yes') % % The volume conduction model of the head should be specified as % cfg.headmodel = structure with volume conduction model, see FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL % % The EEG or MEG sensor positions can be present in the data or can be specified as % cfg.elec = structure with electrode positions or filename, see FT_READ_SENS % cfg.grad = structure with gradiometer definition or filename, see FT_READ_SENS % % To facilitate data-handling and distributed computing you can use % cfg.inputfile = ... % cfg.outputfile = ... % If you specify one of these (or both) the input data will be read from a *.mat % file on disk and/or the output data will be written to a *.mat file. These mat % files should contain only a single variable, corresponding with the % input/output structure. % % See also FT_SOURCEANALYSIS, FT_PREPARE_LEADFIELD, FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL % TODO change the output format, more suitable would be something like: % dip.label % dip.time % dip.avg (instead of Vdata) % dip.dip.pos % % dip.dip.model, or dip.dip.avg % dip.dimord % Undocumented local options: % cfg.dipfit.constr = Source model constraints, depends on cfg.symmetry % Optionally, you can include a noise covariance structure to sphere the data (is useful when using both % magnetometers and gradiometers to fit your dipole) % cfg.dipfit.noisecov = noise covariance matrix, see e.g. FT_TIMELOCK_ANALYSIS % Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Robert Oostenveld % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ % these are used by the ft_preamble/ft_postamble function and scripts ft_revision = '$Id$'; ft_nargin = nargin; ft_nargout = nargout; % do the general setup of the function ft_defaults ft_preamble init ft_preamble debug ft_preamble loadvar data ft_preamble provenance data % the ft_abort variable is set to true or false in ft_preamble_init if ft_abort return end % check if the input data is valid for this function data = ft_checkdata(data, 'datatype', {'comp', 'timelock', 'freq'}, 'feedback', 'yes'); % check if the input cfg is valid for this function cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'forbidden', {'channels'}); % prevent accidental typos, see issue 1729 cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'elecfile', 'elec'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'gradfile', 'grad'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'optofile', 'opto'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'hdmfile', 'headmodel'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'vol', 'headmodel'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'grid', 'sourcemodel'}); % get the defaults = ft_getopt(cfg, 'channel', 'all'); cfg.component = ft_getopt(cfg, 'component', 'all'); % for comp input cfg.frequency = ft_getopt(cfg, 'frequency'); % for freq input cfg.latency = ft_getopt(cfg, 'latency', 'all'); % for timelock input = ft_getopt(cfg, 'feedback', 'text'); cfg.gridsearch = ft_getopt(cfg, 'gridsearch', 'yes'); cfg.nonlinear = ft_getopt(cfg, 'nonlinear', 'yes'); cfg.symmetry = ft_getopt(cfg, 'symmetry'); cfg.dipfit = ft_getopt(cfg, 'dipfit', []); % the default for this is handled below cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'tightgrid', 'tight'}); % this is moved to cfg.sourcemodel.tight by the subsequent createsubcfg cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'sourceunits', 'unit'}); % this is moved to cfg.sourcemodel.unit by the subsequent createsubcfg % put the low-level options pertaining to the sourcemodel in their own field cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'createsubcfg', {'sourcemodel'}); % move some fields from cfg.sourcemodel back to the top-level configuration cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'createtopcfg', {'sourcemodel'}); % determine data type iscomp = ft_datatype(data, 'comp'); % it can also be raw+comp, timelock+comp or freq+comp isfreq = ft_datatype(data, 'freq'); % it might also be freq+comp, in that case it should be treated as component data istimelock = ft_datatype(data, 'timelock'); % it might also be timelock+comp, in that case it should be treated as component data % the default for this depends on the data type if ~isfield(cfg, 'model') if iscomp % each component is fitted independently cfg.model = 'moving'; elseif isfreq % fit the data with a dipole at one location cfg.model = 'regional'; elseif istimelock % fit the data with a dipole at one location cfg.model = 'regional'; end end if ~isfield(cfg, 'numdipoles') if isfield(cfg, 'dip') cfg.numdipoles = size(cfg.dip(1).pos,1); else cfg.numdipoles = 1; end end % set up the symmetry constraints if ~isempty(cfg.symmetry) if cfg.numdipoles~=2 ft_error('symmetry constraints are only supported for two-dipole models'); elseif strcmp(cfg.symmetry, 'x') % this structure is passed onto the low-level FT_INVERSE_DIPOLEFIT function cfg.dipfit.constr.reduce = [1 2 3]; % select the parameters [x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.expand = [1 2 3 1 2 3]; % repeat them as [x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.mirror = [1 1 1 -1 1 1]; % multiply each of them with 1 or -1, resulting in [x1 y1 z1 -x1 y1 z1] elseif strcmp(cfg.symmetry, 'y') % this structure is passed onto the low-level FT_INVERSE_DIPOLEFIT function cfg.dipfit.constr.reduce = [1 2 3]; % select the parameters [x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.expand = [1 2 3 1 2 3]; % repeat them as [x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.mirror = [1 1 1 1 -1 1]; % multiply each of them with 1 or -1, resulting in [x1 y1 z1 x1 -y1 z1] elseif strcmp(cfg.symmetry, 'z') % this structure is passed onto the low-level FT_INVERSE_DIPOLEFIT function cfg.dipfit.constr.reduce = [1 2 3]; % select the parameters [x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.expand = [1 2 3 1 2 3]; % repeat them as [x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1] cfg.dipfit.constr.mirror = [1 1 1 1 1 -1]; % multiply each of them with 1 or -1, resulting in [x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 -z1] else ft_error('unrecognized symmetry constraint'); end elseif ~isfield(cfg, 'dipfit') || ~isfield(cfg.dipfit, 'constr') % no symmetry constraints have been specified cfg.dipfit.constr = []; end if ft_getopt(cfg.dipfit.constr, 'sequential', false) && strcmp(cfg.model, 'moving') ft_error('the moving dipole model does not combine with the sequential constraint') % see end if iscomp % transform the data into a representation on which the timelocked dipole fit can perform its trick data = comp2timelock(cfg, data); % default component selection is all components if ischar(cfg.component) && strcmp(cfg.component, 'all') cfg.component = (1:size(data.avg, 2)); end elseif isfreq % transform the data into a representation on which the timelocked dipole fit can perform its trick data = freq2timelock(cfg, data); elseif istimelock % no transformation is needed end % collect and preprocess the electrodes/gradiometer and head model % this will also update to match the electrodes/gradiometers [headmodel, sens, cfg] = prepare_headmodel(cfg, data); % construct the low-level options for the leadfield computation as key-value pairs, these are passed to FT_COMPUTE_LEADFIELD and FT_INVERSE_DIPOLEFIT leadfieldopt = {}; leadfieldopt = ft_setopt(leadfieldopt, 'reducerank', ft_getopt(cfg, 'reducerank')); leadfieldopt = ft_setopt(leadfieldopt, 'backproject', ft_getopt(cfg, 'backproject')); leadfieldopt = ft_setopt(leadfieldopt, 'normalize', ft_getopt(cfg, 'normalize')); leadfieldopt = ft_setopt(leadfieldopt, 'normalizeparam', ft_getopt(cfg, 'normalizeparam')); leadfieldopt = ft_setopt(leadfieldopt, 'weight', ft_getopt(cfg, 'weight')); % construct the low-level options for the dipole fitting as key-value pairs, these are passed to FT_INVERSE_DIPOLEFIT dipfitopt = ft_cfg2keyval(cfg.dipfit); % select the desired channels, ordered according to the sensor structure or configuration [selcfg, seldata] = match_str(, data.label); % take the selected channels from the data structure Vdata = data.avg(seldata, :); % sphere the date using the noise covariance matrix supplied, if any % this affects both the gridsearch and the nonlinear optimization noisecov = ft_getopt(cfg.dipfit, 'noisecov'); if ~isempty(noisecov) [u, s] = svd(noisecov); tol = max(size(noisecov)) * eps(norm(s, inf)); s = diag(s); r1 = sum(s > tol) + 1; s(1:(r1 - 1)) = 1 ./ sqrt(s(1:(r1 - 1))); s(r1:end) = 0; sphere = diag(s) * u'; % apply the sphering to the data Vdata = sphere * Vdata; % apply the sphering as a pre-multiplication to the sensor definition montage = []; montage.labelold =; montage.labelnew =; montage.tra = sphere; sens = ft_apply_montage(sens, montage, 'balancename', 'sphering'); end if iscomp % select the desired component topographies Vdata = Vdata(:, cfg.component); elseif isfreq % the desired frequencies have already been selected Vdata = Vdata(:, :); elseif istimelock % select the desired latencies if ischar(cfg.latency) && strcmp(cfg.latency, 'all') cfg.latency = data.time([1 end]); end tbeg = nearest(data.time, cfg.latency(1)); tend = nearest(data.time, cfg.latency(end)); cfg.latency = [data.time(tbeg) data.time(tend)]; Vdata = Vdata(:, tbeg:tend); end nchans = size(Vdata,1); ntime = size(Vdata,2); Vmodel = zeros(nchans, ntime); ft_info('selected %d channels\n', nchans); ft_info('selected %d topographies\n', ntime); if nchans0.001) ft_warning('the EEG data is not average referenced, correcting this'); end Vdata = avgref(Vdata); end % set to zeros if no initial dipole was specified if ~isfield(cfg, 'dip') cfg.dip.pos = zeros(cfg.numdipoles, 3); = zeros(3*cfg.numdipoles, 1); end % set to zeros if no initial dipole position was specified if ~isfield(cfg.dip, 'pos') cfg.dip.pos = zeros(cfg.numdipoles, 3); end % set to zeros if no initial dipole moment was specified if ~isfield(cfg.dip, 'mom') = zeros(3*cfg.numdipoles, 1); end % check the specified dipole model if numel(cfg.dip.pos)~=cfg.numdipoles*3 || numel(*3 ft_error('inconsistent number of dipoles in configuration') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % perform the dipole scan, this is usefull for generating an initial guess %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmp(cfg.gridsearch, 'yes') % test whether we have a valid configuration for dipole scanning if cfg.numdipoles==1 % this is ok elseif cfg.numdipoles==2 && ~isempty(cfg.dipfit.constr) % this is also ok elseif isfield(cfg.sourcemodel, 'pos') && size(cfg.sourcemodel.pos,2)==cfg.numdipoles*3 % this is also ok else ft_error('dipole scanning is only possible for a single dipole or a symmetric dipole pair'); end if isfield(cfg.sourcemodel, 'leadfield') ft_notice('using precomputed leadfields for the gridsearch'); sourcemodel = keepfields(cfg.sourcemodel, {'pos', 'tri', 'dim', 'unit', 'coordsys', 'inside', 'leadfield', 'leadfielddimord', 'label'}); % select the channels corresponding to the data and the user configuration tmpcfg = keepfields(cfg, 'channel'); sourcemodel = ft_selectdata(tmpcfg, sourcemodel); % sort the channels to be consistent with the data [dum, chansel] = match_str(data.label, sourcemodel.label); sourcemodel.label = sourcemodel.label(chansel); for i=1:numel(sourcemodel.leadfield) if ~isempty(sourcemodel.leadfield{i}) sourcemodel.leadfield{i} = sourcemodel.leadfield{i}(chansel, :); end end % ensure that the channels are consistent with the data assert(isequal(sourcemodel.label,, 'cannot match the channels in the sourcemodel to those in the data') else ft_notice('computing the leadfields for the gridsearch on the fly'); % construct the dipole positions on which the source reconstruction will be done tmpcfg = keepfields(cfg, {'sourcemodel', 'mri', 'headshape', 'symmetry', 'smooth', 'threshold', 'spheremesh', 'inwardshift', 'xgrid' 'ygrid', 'zgrid', 'resolution', 'tight', 'warpmni', 'template', 'showcallinfo', 'trackcallinfo', 'trackusage', 'trackdatainfo', 'trackmeminfo', 'tracktimeinfo', 'checksize'}); tmpcfg.headmodel = headmodel; if ft_senstype(sens, 'eeg') tmpcfg.elec = sens; elseif ft_senstype(sens, 'meg') tmpcfg.grad = sens; end sourcemodel = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(tmpcfg); end % if precomputed leadfield or not ngrid = size(sourcemodel.pos,1); switch cfg.model case 'regional' sourcemodel.error = nan(ngrid, 1); case 'moving' sourcemodel.error = nan(ngrid, ntime); otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end insideindx = find(sourcemodel.inside); ft_progress('init',, 'scanning grid'); for i=1:length(insideindx) ft_progress(i/length(insideindx), 'scanning grid location %d/%d\n', i, length(insideindx)); thisindx = insideindx(i); if isfield(sourcemodel, 'leadfield') % reuse the previously computed leadfield lf = sourcemodel.leadfield{thisindx}; else lf = ft_compute_leadfield(sourcemodel.pos(thisindx,:), sens, headmodel, leadfieldopt{:}); end % the model is V=lf*mom+noise, therefore mom=pinv(lf)*V estimates the % dipole moment this makes the model potential U=lf*pinv(lf)*V and the % model error is norm(V-U) = norm(V-lf*pinv(lf)*V) = norm((eye-lf*pinv(lf))*V) if any(isnan(lf(:))) % this might happen if one of the dipole locations of the grid is % outside the brain compartment lf(:) = 0; end switch cfg.model case 'regional' % sum the error over all latencies sourcemodel.error(thisindx,1) = sum(sum(((eye(nchans)-lf*pinv(lf))*Vdata).^2)); case 'moving' % remember the error for each latency independently sourcemodel.error(thisindx,:) = sum(((eye(nchans)-lf*pinv(lf))*Vdata).^2); otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model end % looping over the grid ft_progress('close'); switch cfg.model case 'regional' % find the source position with the minimum error [err, indx] = min(sourcemodel.error); dip.pos = sourcemodel.pos(indx,:); % note that for a symmetric dipole pair this results in a vector dip.pos = reshape(dip.pos,3,cfg.numdipoles)'; % convert to a Nx3 array = zeros(cfg.numdipoles*3,1); % set the dipole moment to zero if cfg.numdipoles==1 ft_info('found minimum after scanning on grid point [%g %g %g]\n', dip.pos(1), dip.pos(2), dip.pos(3)); elseif cfg.numdipoles==2 ft_info('found minimum after scanning on grid point [%g %g %g; %g %g %g]\n', dip.pos(1,1), dip.pos(1,2), dip.pos(1,3), dip.pos(2,1), dip.pos(2,2), dip.pos(2,3)); end case 'moving' for t=1:ntime % find the source position with the minimum error [err, indx] = min(sourcemodel.error(:,t)); dip(t).pos = sourcemodel.pos(indx,:); % note that for a symmetric dipole pair this results in a vector dip(t).pos = reshape(dip(t).pos,3,cfg.numdipoles)'; % convert to a Nx3 array dip(t).mom = zeros(cfg.numdipoles*3,1); % set the dipole moment to zero if cfg.numdipoles==1 ft_info('found minimum after scanning for topography %d on grid point [%g %g %g]\n', t, dip(t).pos(1), dip(t).pos(2), dip(t).pos(3)); elseif cfg.numdipoles==2 ft_info('found minimum after scanning for topography %d on grid point [%g %g %g; %g %g %g]\n', t, dip(t).pos(1,1), dip(t).pos(1,2), dip(t).pos(1,3), dip(t).pos(2,1), dip(t).pos(2,2), dip(t).pos(2,3)); end end otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model elseif strcmp(cfg.gridsearch, 'no') % there is no grid needed for dipole scanning sourcemodel = []; % use the initial guess supplied in the configuration for the remainder switch cfg.model case 'regional' dip = cfg.dip; case 'moving' for t=1:ntime dip(t) = cfg.dip; end otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model end % if gridsearch yes/no % multiple dipoles can be represented either as a 1x(N*3) vector or as a Nx3 matrix, % i.e. [x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2] or [x1 y1 z1; x2 y2 z2] switch cfg.model case 'regional' dip = fixdipole(dip); case 'moving' for t=1:ntime dip(t) = fixdipole(dip(t)); end otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % perform the non-linear fit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if strcmp(cfg.nonlinear, 'yes') switch cfg.model case 'regional' % perform the non-linear dipole fit for all latencies together % catch errors due to non-convergence try dip = ft_inverse_dipolefit(dip, sens, headmodel, Vdata, dipfitopt{:}, leadfieldopt{:}); success = 1; if cfg.numdipoles==1 ft_info('found minimum after non-linear optimization on [%g %g %g]\n', dip.pos(1), dip.pos(2), dip.pos(3)); elseif cfg.numdipoles==2 ft_info('found minimum after non-linear optimization on [%g %g %g; %g %g %g]\n', dip.pos(1,1), dip.pos(1,2), dip.pos(1,3), dip.pos(2,1), dip.pos(2,2), dip.pos(2,3)); end catch success = 0; disp(lasterr); end case 'moving' % perform the non-linear dipole fit for each latency independently % instead of using dip(t) = ft_inverse_dipolefit(dip(t),...), I am using temporary variables dipin and dipout % to prevent errors like "Subscripted assignment between dissimilar structures" dipin = dip; for t=1:ntime % catch errors due to non-convergence try dipout(t) = ft_inverse_dipolefit(dipin(t), sens, headmodel, Vdata(:,t), dipfitopt{:}, leadfieldopt{:}); success(t) = 1; if cfg.numdipoles==1 ft_info('found minimum after non-linear optimization for topography %d on [%g %g %g]\n', t, dipout(t).pos(1), dipout(t).pos(2), dipout(t).pos(3)); elseif cfg.numdipoles==2 ft_info('found minimum after non-linear optimization for topography %d on [%g %g %g; %g %g %g]\n', t, dipout(t).pos(1,1), dipout(t).pos(1,2), dipout(t).pos(1,3), dipout(t).pos(2,1), dipout(t).pos(2,2), dipout(t).pos(2,3)); end catch % keep the position and moment according to the initial guess dipout(t).pos = dipin(t).pos; dipout(t).mom = dipin(t).mom; success(t) = 0; disp(lasterr); end end dip = dipout; clear dipin dipout otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model end % if nonlinear if strcmp(cfg.nonlinear, 'no') % the optimal dipole positions are either obtained from scanning % or from the initial configured specified by the user switch cfg.model case 'regional' success = 1; case 'moving' success = ones(1,ntime); otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % compute the model potential distribution and the residual variance %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch cfg.model case 'regional' if success % re-compute the leadfield in order to compute the model potential and dipole moment lf = ft_compute_leadfield(dip.pos, sens, headmodel, leadfieldopt{:}); if isfield(dip, 'mom') && isfield(dip, 'ampl') % the orientation and amplitude have already been estimated, this applies to the case of a fixed dipole orientation dip.pot = (lf * * dip.ampl; else % compute all details of the final dipole model using linear estimation = pinv(lf)*Vdata; dip.pot = lf*; end dip.rv = rv(Vdata, dip.pot); Vmodel = dip.pot; end case 'moving' for t=1:ntime if success(t) % re-compute the leadfield in order to compute the model potential and dipole moment lf = ft_compute_leadfield(dip(t).pos, sens, headmodel, leadfieldopt{:}); % compute all details of the final dipole model dip(t).mom = pinv(lf)*Vdata(:,t); dip(t).pot = lf*dip(t).mom; dip(t).rv = rv(Vdata(:,t), dip(t).pot); Vmodel(:,t) = dip(t).pot; end end otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model switch cfg.model case 'regional' if isfreq % the matrix with the dipole moment is encrypted and cannot be interpreted straight away % reconstruct the frequency representation of the data at the source level if isfield(dip, 'mom') && isfield(dip, 'ampl') % this applies to the case of a fixed dipole orientation [dip.pow, dip.csd, dip.fourier] = timelock2freq( * dip.ampl); else [dip.pow, dip.csd, dip.fourier] = timelock2freq(; end end case 'moving' if isfreq % although this is technically possible so far, it does not make any sense ft_warning('a moving dipole model in the frequency domain is not supported'); end otherwise ft_error('unsupported cfg.model'); end % switch model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % collect the results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% source.label =; % these channels were used in fitting source.dip = dip; source.Vdata = Vdata; % FIXME this should be renamed (if possible w.r.t. EEGLAB) source.Vmodel = Vmodel; % FIXME this should be renamed (if possible w.r.t. EEGLAB) % the units of the fitted source are the same as the units of the headmodel and the sensor array for i=1:length(source.dip) if isfield(headmodel, 'unit') source.dip(i).unit = headmodel.unit; elseif isfield(sourcemodel, 'unit') source.dip(i).unit = sourcemodel.unit; end end % assign a latency, frequeny or component axis to the output if iscomp source.component = cfg.component; % FIXME assign Vdata to an output variable, idem for the model potential elseif isfreq source.freq = cfg.frequency; source.dimord = 'chan_freq'; % FIXME assign Vdata to an output variable, idem for the model potential elseif istimelock tbeg = nearest(data.time, cfg.latency(1)); tend = nearest(data.time, cfg.latency(end)); source.time = data.time(tbeg:tend); source.dimord = 'chan_time'; end % do the general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end of the function ft_postamble debug ft_postamble previous data ft_postamble provenance source ft_postamble history source ft_postamble savevar source