function [dataout] = ft_denoise_prewhiten(cfg, datain, noise) % FT_DENOISE_PREWHITEN applies a spatial prewhitening operation to the data using the % inverse noise covariance matrix. The consequence is that all channels are expressed % in singnal-to-noise units, causing different channel types to be comparable. This % ensures equal weighting in source estimation on data with different channel types. % % Use as % dataout = ft_denoise_prewhiten(cfg, datain, noise) % where the datain is the original data from FT_PREPROCESSING and % noise should contain the estimated noise covariance from % FT_TIMELOCKANALYSIS. % % The configuration structure can contain % = cell-array, see FT_CHANNELSELECTION (default = 'all') % cfg.split = cell-array of channel types between which covariance is split, it can also be 'all' or 'no' % cfg.lambda = scalar, or string, regularization parameter for the inverse % cfg.kappa = scalar, truncation parameter for the inverse % % The channel selection relates to the channels that are pre-whitened using the same % selection of channels in the noise covariance. All channels present in the input % data structure will be present in the output, including trigger and other auxiliary % channels. % % See also FT_DENOISE_SYNTHETIC, FT_DENOISE_PCA, FT_DENOISE_DSSP, FT_DENOISE_TSP % Copyright (C) 2018-2019, Robert Oostenveld and Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ % these are used by the ft_preamble/ft_postamble function and scripts ft_revision = '$Id$'; ft_nargin = nargin; ft_nargout = nargout; ft_defaults ft_preamble init ft_preamble debug ft_preamble loadvar datain ft_preamble provenance datain % the ft_abort variable is set to true or false in ft_preamble_init if ft_abort % do not continue function execution in case the outputfile is present and the user indicated to keep it return end % ensure that the input data is correct, the next line is needed for a % attempt correct detection of the data chanunit (with a hdr-field it fails % for meggrad data) if isfield(datain, 'hdr'), datain = rmfield(datain, 'hdr'); end % check if the input data is valid for this function datain = ft_checkdata(datain, 'datatype', {'raw' 'timelock' 'freq'}, 'haschantype', 'yes', 'haschanunit', 'yes'); noise = ft_checkdata(noise, 'datatype', { 'timelock' 'freq'}, 'haschantype', 'yes', 'haschanunit', 'yes'); % check if the input cfg is valid for this function cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'forbidden', {'channels'}); % prevent accidental typos, see issue 1729 % set the defaults = ft_getopt(cfg, 'channel', 'all'); cfg.split = ft_getopt(cfg, 'split', 'all'); cfg.lambda = ft_getopt(cfg, 'lambda', 0); cfg.kappa = ft_getopt(cfg, 'kappa', []); cfg.tol = ft_getopt(cfg, 'tol', []); cfg.realflag = ft_getopt(cfg, 'realflag', true); % for complex-valued crsspctrm cfg.invmethod = ft_getopt(cfg, 'invmethod', 'tikhonov'); dtype_datain = ft_datatype(datain); % check for allowed input combinations switch dtype_datain case 'raw' assert(ft_datatype(noise, 'timelock'), 'noise data should be of datatype ''timelock'''); case 'timelock' assert(ft_datatype(noise, 'timelock'), 'noise data should be of datatype ''timelock'''); case 'freq' if ft_datatype(noise, 'freq') % this is only allowed if both structures have the same singleton frequency assert(numel(noise.freq)==1 && numel(datain.freq)==1 && isequal(noise.freq,datain.freq), ... 'with both datain and noise of datatype ''freq'', only singleton and equal frequency bins are allowed'); elseif ft_datatype(noise, 'timelock') % this is OK end otherwise ft_error('unsupported input data'); end % select channels and trials of interest, by default this will select all channels and trials tmpcfg = keepfields(cfg, {'trials', 'channel', 'tolerance', 'showcallinfo', 'trackcallinfo', 'trackusage', 'trackdatainfo', 'trackmeminfo', 'tracktimeinfo', 'checksize'}); datain = ft_selectdata(tmpcfg, datain); noise = ft_selectdata(tmpcfg, noise); % restore the provenance information [cfg, datain] = rollback_provenance(cfg, datain); [cfg, noise] = rollback_provenance(cfg, noise); if ft_datatype(noise, 'timelock') if ~isfield(noise, 'cov') ft_error('noise covariance is not present'); else noisecov = noise.cov; end elseif ft_datatype(noise, 'freq') if ~isfield(noise, 'crsspctrm') ft_error('noise cross-spectrum is not present'); else if istrue(cfg.realflag) noisecov = real(noise.crsspctrm); else noisecov = noise.crsspctrm; end end end % determine whether it is EEG and/or MEG data hasgrad = isfield(datain, 'grad'); haselec = isfield(datain, 'elec'); hasopto = isfield(datain, 'opto'); if isequal(cfg.split, 'no') chantype = {}; elseif isequal(cfg.split, 'all') chantype = unique(noise.chantype); else chantype = cfg.split; end % zero out the off-diagonal elements for the specified channel types if numel(chantype)>0 invnoise = zeros(size(noisecov)); tra = zeros(size(noisecov)); for i=1:numel(chantype) sel = strcmp(noise.chantype, chantype{i}); %noisecov(sel,~sel) = 0; %noisecov(~sel,sel) = 0; invnoise(sel,sel) = ft_inv(noisecov(sel,sel), 'lambda', cfg.lambda, 'kappa', cfg.kappa, 'tolerance', cfg.tol, 'method', cfg.invmethod); [U,S,V] = svd(invnoise(sel,sel), 'econ'); diagS = diag(S)./numel(chantype); selS = 1:rank(invnoise(sel,sel)); tra(sel,sel) = U(:,selS)*diag(sqrt(diagS(selS)))*U(:,selS)'; end %invnoise = ft_inv(noisecov, 'lambda', cfg.lambda, 'kappa', cfg.kappa, 'tolerance', cfg.tol, 'method', cfg.invmethod); else % invert the noise covariance matrix invnoise = ft_inv(noisecov, 'lambda', cfg.lambda, 'kappa', cfg.kappa, 'tolerance', cfg.tol, 'method', cfg.invmethod); [U,S,V] = svd(invnoise,'econ'); diagS = diag(S); %sel = diagS./diagS(1)>1e-12; sel = 1:rank(invnoise); % the prewhitening projection first rotates to orthogonal channels, % then scales, and then rotates the channels back to (more or less) % their original MEG-channel representation tra = U(:,sel)*diag(sqrt(diagS(sel)))*U(:,sel)'; end prewhiten = []; prewhiten.tra = tra; prewhiten.labelold = noise.label; prewhiten.labelnew = noise.label; prewhiten.chantypeold = noise.chantype; prewhiten.chantypenew = noise.chantype; prewhiten.chanunitold = noise.chanunit; prewhiten.chanunitnew = repmat({'snr'}, size(noise.chantype)); % apply the projection to the data dataout = ft_apply_montage(removefields(datain, {'grad', 'elec', 'opto'}), prewhiten, 'keepunused', 'yes'); if hasgrad % the gradiometer structure needs to be updated to ensure that the forward model remains consistent with the data dataout.grad = ft_apply_montage(datain.grad, prewhiten, 'balancename', 'prewhiten'); end if haselec % the electrode structure needs to be updated to ensure that the forward model remains consistent dataout.elec = ft_apply_montage(datain.elec, prewhiten, 'balancename', 'prewhiten'); end if hasopto % the electrode structure needs to be updated to ensure that the forward model remains consistent dataout.opto = ft_apply_montage(datain.opto, prewhiten, 'balancename', 'prewhiten'); end % do the general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end of the function ft_postamble debug ft_postamble previous datain ft_postamble provenance dataout ft_postamble history dataout ft_postamble savevar dataout