function ft_defaults % FT_DEFAULTS (ending with "s") sets some general settings in the global variable % ft_default (without the "s") and takes care of the required path settings. You can % call this function in your startup.m script. This function is also called at the % begin of all FieldTrip functions. % % The global configuration defaults are stored in the global "ft_default" structure. % The ft_checkconfig function that is called by many FieldTrip functions will merge % these global configuration defaults with the cfg ctructure that you pass to % the FieldTrip function that you are calling. % % The global options and their default values are % ft_default.checkconfig = string, can be 'pedantic', 'loose', 'silent' (default = 'loose') % ft_default.checkpath = string, can be 'pedantic', 'once', 'no' (default = 'pedantic') % ft_default.checksize = number in bytes, can be inf (default = 1e5) % ft_default.checkstring = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes'), convert "strings" in cfg to 'chars' % ft_default.showlogo = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes') % ft_default.showcallinfo = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes') % ft_default.trackcallinfo = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes') % ft_default.trackusage = false, or string with salt for one-way encryption of identifying information (by default this is enabled and an automatic salt is created) % ft_default.trackdatainfo = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'no') % ft_default.keepprevious = string, can be 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes') % ft_default.outputfilepresent = string, can be 'keep', 'overwrite', 'error' (default = 'overwrite') % ft_default.debug = string, can be 'display', 'displayonerror', 'displayonsuccess', 'save', 'saveonerror', saveonsuccess' or 'no' (default = 'no') % ft_default.toolbox.signal = string, can be 'compat' or 'matlab' (default is automatic, see below) % ft_default.toolbox.stats = string, can be 'compat' or 'matlab' (default is automatic, see below) % ft_default.toolbox.images = string, can be 'compat' or 'matlab' (default is automatic, see below) % ft_default.reproducescript = string, directory to which the script and intermediate data are written (default = []) % % If you want to overrule these default settings, you can add something like this in your startup.m script % ft_defaults % global ft_default % ft_default.option1 = value1 % ft_default.option2 = value2 % % The toolbox option for signal, stats and images allows you to specify whether you % want to use the original version from MathWorks or a compatible drop-in to be used. % When you use the Radboud University license server, i.e. at the Donders, the % default is 'compat'. This has the advantage that you do not need a license for % these toolboxes; we do not have that many licenses and parallel computations on our % Donders compute cluster would otherwise use all licenses. In all other cases, the % default is 'matlab' when the toolbox is available, and 'compat' when it is not % available. % % See also FT_HASTOOLBOX, FT_CHECKCONFIG, FT_TRACKUSAGE, LICENSE % undocumented options % ft_default.siunits = 'yes' or 'no' % Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Robert Oostenveld % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ global ft_default persistent initialized persistent checkpath if isempty(initialized) initialized = false; end if isempty(checkpath) checkpath = false; end % ft_warning is located in fieldtrip/utilities, which may not be on the path yet if ~initialized && ~exist('ft_warning', 'file') ft_warning = @warning; end % locate the file with the persistent FieldTrip preferences fieldtripprefs = fullfile(prefdir, 'fieldtripprefs.mat'); if ~initialized && exist(fieldtripprefs, 'file') prefs = load(fieldtripprefs); % the file contains multiple fields ft_default = mergestruct(ft_default, prefs); end % Set the defaults in a global variable, ft_checkconfig will copy these over into the local configuration. % NOTE ft_getopt might not be available on the path at this moment and can therefore not yet be used. % NOTE all options here should be explicitly listed as allowed in ft_checkconfig if ~isfield(ft_default, 'checkconfig'), ft_default.checkconfig = 'loose'; end % pedantic, loose, silent if ~isfield(ft_default, 'checkpath'), ft_default.checkpath = 'pedantic'; end % pedantic, once, no if ~isfield(ft_default, 'checksize'), ft_default.checksize = 1e5; end % number in bytes, can be inf if ~isfield(ft_default, 'checkstring'), ft_default.checkstring = 'yes'; end % yes or no if ~isfield(ft_default, 'showlogo'), ft_default.showlogo = 'yes'; end % yes or no, this is relevant for SPM and EEGLAB if ~isfield(ft_default, 'showcallinfo'), ft_default.showcallinfo = 'yes'; end % yes or no, this is used in ft_pre/postamble_provenance if ~isfield(ft_default, 'keepprevious'), ft_default.keepprevious = 'yes'; end % yes, no, this is used in ft_postamble_previous if ~isfield(ft_default, 'keepcfg'), ft_default.keepcfg = 'yes'; end % yes, no, this is used in ft_postamble_history if ~isfield(ft_default, 'debug'), ft_default.debug = 'no'; end % no, save, saveonerror, display, displayonerror, this is used in ft_pre/postamble_debug if ~isfield(ft_default, 'outputfilepresent'), ft_default.outputfilepresent = 'overwrite'; end % can be keep, overwrite, error % These options allow to disable parts of the provenance if ~isfield(ft_default, 'trackcallinfo'), ft_default.trackcallinfo = 'yes'; end % yes or no if ~isfield(ft_default, 'trackdatainfo'), ft_default.trackdatainfo = 'no'; end % yes or no if ~isfield(ft_default, 'tracktimeinfo'), ft_default.tracktimeinfo = 'yes'; end % yes or no if ~isfield(ft_default, 'trackmeminfo') if ispc() % don't track memory usage info under Windows; this does not work (yet) ft_default.trackmeminfo = 'no'; else ft_default.trackmeminfo = 'yes'; end end if strcmp(license(), '38957') % within the Donders and Radboud University the default is compat, since we do not have that many licenses default_images = 'compat'; default_stats = 'compat'; default_signal = 'compat'; else % in this case it will still check whether the Mathworks toolbox is available and if not, the compatible version will be added default_images = 'matlab'; default_stats = 'matlab'; default_signal = 'matlab'; end % These options allow to prefer the MATLAB toolbox implementations ('matlab') over the drop-in replacements ('compat'). if ~isfield(ft_default, 'toolbox'), ft_default.toolbox = []; end if ~isfield(ft_default.toolbox, 'images'), ft_default.toolbox.images = default_images; end % matlab or compat if ~isfield(ft_default.toolbox, 'stats') , ft_default.toolbox.stats = default_stats; end % matlab or compat if ~isfield(ft_default.toolbox, 'signal'), ft_default.toolbox.signal = default_signal; end % matlab or compat % Some people mess up their path settings and then have stuff on the path that should not be there. % The following will issue a warning switch ft_default.checkpath case 'pedantic' % check every time checkIncorrectPath(); case 'once' % check only once if ~checkpath checkIncorrectPath(); checkpath = true; end case 'no' % do not check end % case % Check whether this ft_defaults function has already been executed. Note that we % should not use ft_default itself directly, because the user might have set stuff % in that struct already prior to ft_defaults being called for the first time. if initialized && exist('ft_hastoolbox', 'file') return; end if isfield(ft_default, 'toolbox') && isfield(ft_default.toolbox, 'cleanup') prevcleanup = ft_default.toolbox.cleanup; else prevcleanup = {}; end if strcmp(ft_default.showlogo, 'yes') % show a welcome message fprintf([ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ... '\nFieldTrip is developed by members and collaborators of the Donders Institute for Brain,' ... '\nCognition and Behaviour at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.' ... '\n'... '\n --------------------------'... '\n / \\'... '\n ------------------------------------'... '\n / \\'... '\n -------------------------------------------------'... '\n / /\\/\\/\\/\\/\\ '... '\n ---------------------------------------------------'... '\n | F i e l d T r i p |'... '\n ------------------------------------------'... '\n \\ /'... '\n ------------------------------------'... '\n \\ /'... '\n ----------'... '\n' ... '\nPlease cite the FieldTrip reference paper when you have used FieldTrip in your study.' ... '\nRobert Oostenveld, Pascal Fries, Eric Maris, and Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen. FieldTrip: Open' ... '\nSource Software for Advanced Analysis of MEG, EEG, and Invasive Electrophysiological Data.' ... '\nComputational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Article ID 156869, 9 pages, 2011.' ... '\ndoi:10.1155/2011/156869.' ... '\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ]); end % if showlogo % Ensure that the path containing ft_defaults is on the path. % This allows people to do "cd path_to_fieldtrip; ft_defaults" ftPath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); % get the full path to this function, strip away 'ft_defaults' ftPath = strrep(ftPath, '\', '\\'); if isempty(regexp(path, [ftPath pathsep '|' ftPath '$'], 'once')) ft_warning('FieldTrip is not yet on your MATLAB path, adding %s', strrep(ftPath, '\\', '\')); addpath(ftPath); end if ~isdeployed if isempty(which('ft_hastoolbox')) || isempty(which('ft_warning')) % the fieldtrip/utilities directory contains the ft_hastoolbox and ft_warning % functions, which are required for the remainder of this script addpath(fullfile(fileparts(which('ft_defaults')), 'utilities')); end % Some people mess up their path settings and then have different versions of certain toolboxes on the path. % The following will issue a warning checkMultipleToolbox('FieldTrip', 'ft_defaults.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('spm', 'spm.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('mne', 'fiff_copy_tree.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('eeglab', 'eeglab2fieldtrip.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('dipoli', 'write_tri.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('eeprobe', 'read_eep_avr.mexa64'); checkMultipleToolbox('yokogawa', 'GetMeg160ChannelInfoM.p'); checkMultipleToolbox('simbio', 'sb_compile_vista.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('fns', 'fns_region_read.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('bemcp', 'bem_Cii_cst.mexa64'); checkMultipleToolbox('bci2000', 'load_bcidat.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('openmeeg', 'openmeeg_helper.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('freesurfer', 'vox2ras_ksolve.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('fastica', 'fastica.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('besa', 'readBESAmul.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('neuroshare', 'ns_GetAnalogData.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('ctf', 'setCTFDataBalance.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('afni', 'WriteBrikHEAD.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('gifti', '@gifti/display.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('sqdproject', 'sqdread.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('xml4mat', 'xml2mat.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('cca', 'ccabss.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('bsmart', 'armorf.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('iso2mesh', 'iso2meshver.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('bct', 'degrees_und.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('yokogawa_meg_reader', 'getYkgwHdrEvent.p'); checkMultipleToolbox('biosig', 'sopen.m'); checkMultipleToolbox('icasso', 'icassoEst.m'); try % external/signal contains alternative implementations of some signal processing functions external_signal = fullfile(fileparts(which('ft_defaults')), 'external', 'signal'); if ~ft_platform_supports('signal') || ~strcmp(ft_default.toolbox.signal, 'matlab') || ~ft_hastoolbox('signal') addpath(external_signal); elseif contains(path, external_signal) rmpath(external_signal); end end try % external/stats contains alternative implementations of some statistics functions external_stats = fullfile(fileparts(which('ft_defaults')), 'external', 'stats'); if ~ft_platform_supports('stats') || ~strcmp(ft_default.toolbox.stats, 'matlab') || ~ft_hastoolbox('stats') addpath(external_stats); elseif contains(path, external_stats) rmpath(external_stats); end end try % external/images contains alternative implementations of some image processing functions external_images = fullfile(fileparts(which('ft_defaults')), 'external', 'images'); if ~ft_platform_supports('images') || ~strcmp(ft_default.toolbox.images, 'matlab') || ~ft_hastoolbox('images') addpath(external_images); elseif contains(path, external_images) rmpath(external_images); end end try % this directory contains various functions that were obtained from elsewere, e.g. MATLAB file exchange ft_hastoolbox('fileexchange', 3, 1); % not required end try % these directories deal with compatibility with older MATLAB versions if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2008a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2008b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2008b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2009a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2009a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2009b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2009b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2010a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2010a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2010b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2010b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2011a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2011a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2011b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2011b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2012a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2012a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2012b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2012b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2013a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2013a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2013b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2013b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2014a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2014a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2014b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2014b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2015a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2015a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2015b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2015b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2016a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2016a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2016b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2016b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2017a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2017a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2017b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2017b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2018a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2018a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2018b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2018b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2019a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2019a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2019b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2019b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2020a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2020a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2020b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2020b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2021a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2021a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2021b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2021b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2022a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2022a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2022b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2022b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2023a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2023a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2023b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2023b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2024a', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2024a'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2024b', 3, 1); end if ft_platform_supports('matlabversion', -inf, '2024b'), ft_hastoolbox('compat/matlablt2025a', 3, 1); end % this deals with compatibility with all OCTAVE versions if ft_platform_supports('octaveversion', -inf, +inf), ft_hastoolbox('compat/octave', 3, 1); end end try % these contains template layouts, neighbour structures, MRIs and cortical meshes ft_hastoolbox('template/layout', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/anatomy', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/headmodel', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/electrode', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/gradiometer', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/neighbours', 1, 1); ft_hastoolbox('template/sourcemodel', 1, 1); end try % this is used in ft_statistics ft_hastoolbox('statfun', 1, 1); end try % this is used in ft_definetrial ft_hastoolbox('trialfun', 1, 1); end try % this contains the low-level reading functions ft_hastoolbox('fileio', 1, 1); end try % this is for filtering etc. on time-series data ft_hastoolbox('preproc', 1, 1); end try % this contains forward models for the EEG and MEG volume conductor ft_hastoolbox('forward', 1, 1); end try % this contains inverse source estimation methods ft_hastoolbox('inverse', 1, 1); end try % this contains intermediate-level plotting functions, e.g. multiplots and 3-d objects ft_hastoolbox('plotting', 1, 1); end try % this contains intermediate-level functions for spectral analysis ft_hastoolbox('specest', 1, 1); end try % this contains the functions to compute connectivity metrics ft_hastoolbox('connectivity', 1, 1); end try % this contains test scripts ft_hastoolbox('test', 1, 1); end try % this contains the functions for spike and spike-field analysis ft_hastoolbox('contrib/spike', 1, 1); end try % this contains user contributed functions ft_hastoolbox('contrib/misc', 1, 1); end try % this contains specific code and examples for realtime processing ft_hastoolbox('realtime/example', 3, 1); % not required ft_hastoolbox('realtime/online_mri', 3, 1); % not required ft_hastoolbox('realtime/online_meg', 3, 1); % not required ft_hastoolbox('realtime/online_eeg', 3, 1); % not required end end % the toolboxes added by this function should not be removed by FT_POSTAMBLE_HASTOOLBOX ft_default.toolbox.cleanup = prevcleanup; % track the usage of this function, this only happens once at startup ft_trackusage('startup'); % remember that the function has executed in a persistent variable initialized = true; end % function ft_default %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function checkMultipleToolbox(toolbox, keyfile) persistent warned if isempty(warned) warned = false; end if ~ft_platform_supports('which-all') return; end list = which(keyfile, '-all'); if length(list)>1 ft_warning('Multiple versions of %s on your path will confuse FieldTrip', toolbox); if ~warned % only throw the following warnings once warned = true; for i=1:length(list) ft_warning('one version of %s is found here: %s', toolbox, list{i}); end end ft_warning('You probably used addpath(genpath(''path_to_fieldtrip'')), this can lead to unexpected behavior. See'); end end % function checkMultipleToolbox %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function checkIncorrectPath p = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); incorrect = fullfile(p, 'compat', 'incorrect'); if ~isempty(strfind(path, incorrect)) ft_warning('Your path is set up incorrectly. You probably used addpath(genpath(''path_to_fieldtrip'')), this can lead to unexpected behavior. See'); end end % function checkIncorrectPath