function [cfg, artifact] = ft_artifact_zvalue(cfg, data) % FT_ARTIFACT_ZVALUE scans data segments of interest for artifacts, by means of % thresholding the z-scored values of signals that have been preprocessed, % using heuristics that increase the sensitivity to detect certain types of artifacts. % Depending on the preprocessing options, this method will be sensitive to EOG, muscle % or SQUID jump artifacts. The z-scoring is applied in order to make the threshold % independent of the phsyical units in the data. % % Use as % [cfg, artifact] = ft_artifact_zvalue(cfg) % with the configuration options % cfg.trl = structure that defines the data segments of interest, see FT_DEFINETRIAL % cfg.continuous = 'yes' or 'no' whether the file contains continuous data. % If the data has not been recorded continuously, then the cfg.trl should % stricly observe the boundaries of the discontinuous segments, and the % permitted values padding options (described below) are restricted to 0. % cfg.dataset = string with the filename % or % cfg.headerfile = string with the filename % cfg.datafile = string with the filename % and optionally % cfg.headerformat % cfg.dataformat % % Alternatively you can use it as % [cfg, artifact] = ft_artifact_zvalue(cfg, data) % where the input data is a structure as obtained from FT_PREPROCESSING. Any preprocessing options % defined in the cfg will be applied to the data before the z-scoring and thresholding. % % In both cases the configuration should also contain % cfg.trl = structure that defines the data segments of interest, see FT_DEFINETRIAL % cfg.continuous = 'yes' or 'no' whether the file contains continuous data % and % = Nx1 cell-array with selection of channels, see FT_CHANNELSELECTION for details % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.cutoff = number, z-value threshold % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.trlpadding = number in seconds % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.fltpadding = number in seconds % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artpadding = number in seconds % % If you encounter difficulties with memory usage, you can use % cfg.memory = 'low' or 'high', whether to be memory or computationally efficient, respectively (default = 'high') % % The optional configuration settings (see below) are: % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeak = 'yes' or 'no' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeakrange = [begin end] % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.interactive = 'yes' or 'no' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.zscore = 'yes' (default) or 'no' % % If you specify cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeak='yes', a peak detection on the suprathreshold % z-scores will be performed, and the artifact will be defined relative to % the peak, where the begin and end points will be defined by % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue artfctpeakrange, rather than by the time points that % exceed the threshold. % % You can specify cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeakrange if you want to use the % detected artifacts as input to the DSS method of FT_COMPONENTANALYSIS. The result % is saved into cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artifact. The range will automatically % respect the trial boundaries, i.e. it will be shorter if peak is near the beginning % or end of a trial. Samples between trials will be removed, thus this will not match % the sampleinfo of the data structure. % % If you specify cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.zscore = 'no', the data will NOT be z-scored prior % to thresholding. This goes a bit against the name of the function, but it may be useful % if the threshold is to be defined in meaningful physical units, e.g. degrees of visual % angle for eye position data. % % If you specify cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.interactive = 'yes', a graphical user interface % will show in which you can manually accept/reject the detected artifacts, and/or % change the threshold. To control the graphical interface via keyboard, use the % following keys: % % q : Stop % % comma : Step to the previous artifact trial % a : Specify artifact trial to display % period : Step to the next artifact trial % % x : Step 10 trials back % leftarrow : Step to the previous trial % t : Specify trial to display % rightarrow : Step to the next trial % c : Step 10 trials forward % % k : Keep trial % space : Mark complete trial as artifact % r : Mark part of trial as artifact % % downarrow : Shift the z-threshold down % z : Specify the z-threshold % uparrow : Shift the z-threshold down % % Configuration settings related to the preprocessing of the data are % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.lpfilter = 'no' or 'yes' lowpass filter % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.hpfilter = 'no' or 'yes' highpass filter % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bpfilter = 'no' or 'yes' bandpass filter % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bsfilter = 'no' or 'yes' bandstop filter for line noise removal % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.dftfilter = 'no' or 'yes' line noise removal using discrete fourier transform % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.medianfilter = 'no' or 'yes' jump preserving median filter % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.lpfreq = lowpass frequency in Hz % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.hpfreq = highpass frequency in Hz % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bpfreq = bandpass frequency range, specified as [low high] in Hz % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bsfreq = bandstop frequency range, specified as [low high] in Hz % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.lpfiltord = lowpass filter order % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.hpfiltord = highpass filter order % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bpfiltord = bandpass filter order % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bsfiltord = bandstop filter order % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.medianfiltord = length of median filter % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.lpfilttype = digital filter type, 'but' (default) or 'firws' or 'fir' or 'firls' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.hpfilttype = digital filter type, 'but' (default) or 'firws' or 'fir' or 'firls' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bpfilttype = digital filter type, 'but' (default) or 'firws' or 'fir' or 'firls' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.bsfilttype = digital filter type, 'but' (default) or 'firws' or 'fir' or 'firls' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.detrend = 'no' or 'yes' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.demean = 'no' or 'yes' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.baselinewindow = [begin end] in seconds, the default is the complete trial % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.hilbert = 'no' or 'yes' % cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.rectify = 'no' or 'yes' % % The output argument "artifact" is a Nx2 matrix comparable to the "trl" matrix of % FT_DEFINETRIAL. The first column of which specifying the beginsamples of an % artifact period, the second column contains the endsamples of the artifactperiods. % % To facilitate data-handling and distributed computing, you can use % cfg.inputfile = ... % to read the input data from a *.mat file on disk. This mat files should contain % only a single variable named 'data', corresponding to the input structure. % % See also FT_REJECTARTIFACT, FT_ARTIFACT_CLIP, FT_ARTIFACT_ECG, FT_ARTIFACT_EOG, % FT_ARTIFACT_JUMP, FT_ARTIFACT_MUSCLE, FT_ARTIFACT_THRESHOLD, FT_ARTIFACT_ZVALUE % Copyright (C) 2003-2011, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen & Robert Oostenveld % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ % these are used by the ft_preamble/ft_postamble function and scripts ft_revision = '$Id$'; ft_nargin = nargin; ft_nargout = nargout; % do the general setup of the function ft_defaults ft_preamble init ft_preamble provenance ft_preamble loadvar data % the ft_abort variable is set to true or false in ft_preamble_init if ft_abort return end % for backward compatibility cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'artfctdef.blc', 'artfctdef.demean'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'artfctdef.blcwindow' 'artfctdef.baselinewindow'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'artfctdef.zvalue.sgn', ''}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'', 'artfctdef.zvalue.interactive'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'forbidden', {'padding'}); % set the default options cfg.continuous = ft_getopt(cfg, 'continuous', []); = ft_getopt(cfg, 'feedback', 'text'); cfg.memory = ft_getopt(cfg, 'memory', 'high'); cfg.representation = ft_getopt(cfg, 'representation', 'numeric'); % numeric or table % set default rejection parameters cfg.artfctdef = ft_getopt(cfg, 'artfctdef', []); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef, 'zvalue', []); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.method = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'method', 'all'); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.ntrial = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'ntrial', 10); = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'channel', {}); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.trlpadding = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'trlpadding', 0); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.fltpadding = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'fltpadding', 0); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artpadding = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'artpadding', 0); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.interactive = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'interactive', 'no'); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.cumulative = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'cumulative', 'yes'); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeak = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'artfctpeak', 'no'); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeakrange = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'artfctpeakrange',[0 0]); cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.zscore = ft_getopt(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'zscore', 'yes'); if isfield(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'artifact') ft_notice('zvalue artifact detection has already been done, retaining artifacts\n'); artifact = cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artifact; return end % clear old warnings from this stack ft_warning('-clear') % flag whether to compute z-value per trial or not, rationale being that if there are % fluctuations in the variance across trials (e.g. due to position differences in MEG % measurements) which don't have to do with the artifact per se, the detection is % compromised (although the data quality is questionable when there is a lot of % movement to begin with). pertrial = strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.method, 'trial'); demeantrial = strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.method, 'trialdemean'); if pertrial if isfield(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'ntrial') && cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.ntrial>0 pertrial = cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.ntrial; else ft_error('you should specify cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.ntrial, and it should be > 0'); end end % the data can be passed as input arguments or can be read from disk hasdata = exist('data', 'var'); if ~hasdata cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'dataset2files', 'yes'); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'required', {'headerfile', 'datafile'}); hdr = ft_read_header(cfg.headerfile, 'headerformat', cfg.headerformat); else data = ft_checkdata(data, 'datatype', 'raw', 'hassampleinfo', 'yes'); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'forbidden', {'dataset', 'headerfile', 'datafile'}); hdr = ft_fetch_header(data); end % set default cfg.continuous if isempty(cfg.continuous) if hdr.nTrials==1 cfg.continuous = 'yes'; else cfg.continuous = 'no'; end end % get the specification of the data segments that should be scanned for artifacts if ~isfield(cfg, 'trl') && hasdata trl = data.sampleinfo; for k = 1:numel(data.trial) trl(k,3) = time2offset(data.time{k}, data.fsample); end elseif isfield(cfg, 'trl') && ischar(cfg.trl) trl = loadvar(cfg.trl, 'trl'); elseif isfield(cfg, 'trl') && isnumeric(cfg.trl) trl = cfg.trl; else ft_error('cannot determine which segments of data to scan for artifacts'); end % check whether the value for trlpadding makes sense if hasdata && cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.trlpadding > 0 % negative trlpadding is allowed with in-memory data, since that would remove some data from each trial ft_error('you cannot use positive trlpadding with in-memory data'); end trlpadding = round(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.trlpadding*hdr.Fs); fltpadding = round(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.fltpadding*hdr.Fs); artpadding = round(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artpadding*hdr.Fs); trl(:,1) = trl(:,1) - trlpadding; % pad the trial with some samples, in order to detect trl(:,2) = trl(:,2) + trlpadding; % artifacts at the edges of the relevant trials. if size(trl,2)>= 3 trl(:,3) = trl(:,3) - trlpadding; % the offset can of course be adjusted as well elseif hasdata % reconstruct offset for tr=1:size(trl,1) % account for 0 might not be in data.time t0 = interp1(data.time{tr}, 1:numel(data.time{tr}), 0, 'linear', 'extrap'); trl(tr,3) = -t0+1 - trlpadding; end else % assuming that the trial starts at t=0s trl(:,3) = trl(:,1); end numtrl = size(trl,1); = ft_channelselection(, hdr.label); chanindx = match_str(hdr.label,; nchan = length(chanindx); thresholdsum = strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.cumulative, 'yes'); if nchan<1 ft_error('no channels selected'); end % read the data and apply preprocessing options if ~pertrial sumval = zeros(nchan, 1); sumsqr = zeros(nchan, 1); numsmp = zeros(nchan, 1); else sumval = zeros(nchan, numtrl); sumsqr = zeros(nchan, numtrl); numsmp = zeros(nchan, numtrl); end if strcmp(cfg.memory, 'high') % store data in memory, saving computation time below dat = cell(1, numtrl); end ft_progress('init',, ['searching for artifacts in ' num2str(nchan) ' channels']); for trlop=1:numtrl ft_progress(trlop/numtrl, 'processing trial %d from %d\n', trlop, numtrl); if hasdata thisdat = ft_fetch_data(data, 'header', hdr, 'begsample', trl(trlop,1)-fltpadding, 'endsample', trl(trlop,2)+fltpadding, 'chanindx', chanindx, 'checkboundary', strcmp(cfg.continuous, 'no'), 'skipcheckdata', 1); else thisdat = ft_read_data(cfg.datafile, 'header', hdr, 'begsample', trl(trlop,1)-fltpadding, 'endsample', trl(trlop,2)+fltpadding, 'chanindx', chanindx, 'checkboundary', strcmp(cfg.continuous, 'no'), 'dataformat', cfg.dataformat); end thisdat = preproc(thisdat,, offset2time(0, hdr.Fs, size(thisdat,2)), cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, fltpadding, fltpadding); if ~pertrial % accumulate the sum and the sum-of-squares sumval = sumval + nansum(thisdat,2); sumsqr = sumsqr + nansum(thisdat.^2,2); numsmp = numsmp + sum(isfinite(thisdat),2); else % store per trial the sum and the sum-of-squares sumval(:,trlop) = nansum(thisdat,2); sumsqr(:,trlop) = nansum(thisdat.^2,2); numsmp(:,trlop) = sum(isfinite(thisdat),2); end if strcmp(cfg.memory, 'high') % store data in memory, saving computation time below dat{trlop} = thisdat; end end % for trlop ft_progress('close'); if pertrial>1 sumval = ft_preproc_smooth(sumval, pertrial)*pertrial; sumsqr = ft_preproc_smooth(sumsqr, pertrial)*pertrial; numsmp = ft_preproc_smooth(numsmp, pertrial)*pertrial; end % compute the average and the standard deviation if strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.zscore, 'yes') datavg = sumval./numsmp; datstd = sqrt(sumsqr./numsmp - (sumval./numsmp).^2); else ft_warning('not performing z-scoring, note that the defined threshold has physical units'); datavg = zeros(size(sumval)); datstd = ones(size(sumval)); end if strcmp(cfg.memory, 'low') ft_info('\n'); end zmax = cell(1, numtrl); zsum = cell(1, numtrl); zindx = cell(1, numtrl); % create a vector that indexes the trials, or is all 1, in order to a per trial % z-scoring, or use a static std and mean if pertrial indvec = 1:numtrl; else indvec = ones(1,numtrl); end ft_progress('init',, ['processing data in ' num2str(nchan) ' channels']); for trlop = 1:numtrl if strcmp(cfg.memory, 'low') % store nothing in memory (note that we need to fetch/read and preproc AGAIN... *yawn*) ft_progress(trlop/numtrl, 'processing trial %d from %d\n', trlop, numtrl); options_getdata = {'header', hdr, 'begsample', trl(trlop,1)-fltpadding, 'endsample', trl(trlop,2)+fltpadding, 'chanindx', chanindx, 'checkboundary', strcmp(cfg.continuous, 'no')}; if hasdata thisdat = ft_fetch_data(data, options_getdata{:}); else options_getdata = cat(2, options_getdata, {'dataformat', cfg.dataformat}); thisdat = ft_read_data(cfg.datafile, options_getdata{:}); end thisdat = preproc(thisdat,, offset2time(0, hdr.Fs, size(thisdat,2)), cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, fltpadding, fltpadding); else thisdat = dat{trlop}; end nsmp = size(thisdat,2); zmax{trlop} = -inf + zeros(1, nsmp); zsum{trlop} = zeros(1, nsmp); zindx{trlop} = zeros(1, nsmp); ix = indvec(trlop) * ones(1,nsmp); % indexing vector dependent on the pertrial setting zdata = (thisdat - datavg(:,ix))./datstd(:,ix); % convert the filtered data to z-values zsum{trlop} = nansum(zdata,1); % sum the z-values across channels [zmax{trlop},ind] = max(zdata,[],1); % find the maximum z-value and remember it zindx{trlop} = chanindx(ind); % also remember the channel number that has the largest z-value end % for trlop ft_progress('close'); if demeantrial for trlop = 1:numtrl zmax{trlop} = zmax{trlop}-nanmean(zmax{trlop},2); zsum{trlop} = zsum{trlop}-nanmean(zsum{trlop},2); end end for trlop = 1:numtrl zsum{trlop} = zsum{trlop} ./ sqrt(nchan); end % always create figure % keypress to enable keyboard uicontrol h = figure('KeyPressFcn', @keyboard_cb); set(h, 'visible', 'off'); opt.artcfg = cfg.artfctdef.zvalue; opt.artval = {}; opt.artpadding = artpadding; opt.cfg = cfg; = 'artifact'; opt.hdr = hdr; opt.numtrl = size(trl,1); opt.quit = 0; opt.threshold = cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.cutoff; opt.thresholdsum = thresholdsum; opt.trialok = true(1,opt.numtrl); % OK by means of objective criterion opt.keep = zeros(1,opt.numtrl); % OK overruled by user +1 to keep, -1 to reject, start all zeros for callback to work opt.trl = trl; opt.trlop = 1; opt.updatethreshold = true; opt.zmax = zmax; opt.zsum = zsum; if isfield(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue, 'montage') opt.montage = cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.montage; end if ~thresholdsum opt.zval = zmax; else opt.zval = zsum; end opt.zindx = zindx; if ~hasdata = {}; else = data; end if strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.interactive, 'yes') set(h, 'visible', 'on'); set(h, 'CloseRequestFcn', @cleanup_cb); % give graphical feedback and allow the user to modify the threshold set(h, 'position', [100 200 900 400]); h1 = axes('position', [0.05 0.15 0.4 0.8]); h2 = axes('position', [0.5 0.57 0.45 0.38]); h3 = axes('position', [0.5 0.15 0.45 0.32]); opt.h1 = h1; opt.h2 = h2; opt.h3 = h3; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); artval_cb(h); redraw_cb(h); % make the user interface elements for the data view, the order of the elements % here is from left to right and should match the order in the documentation uicontrol('tag', 'width1', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'stop', 'userdata', 'q'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '<', 'userdata', 'comma'); uicontrol('tag', 'width1', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'artifact', 'userdata', 'a'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '>', 'userdata', 'period'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '<<', 'userdata', 'x'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '<', 'userdata', 'leftarrow'); uicontrol('tag', 'width1', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'trial', 'userdata', 't'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '>', 'userdata', 'rightarrow'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '>>', 'userdata', 'c'); uicontrol('tag', 'width3', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'keep trial', 'userdata', 'k'); uicontrol('tag', 'width3', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'reject full', 'userdata', 'space'); uicontrol('tag', 'width3', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'reject part', 'userdata', 'r'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '<', 'userdata', 'downarrow'); uicontrol('tag', 'width3', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'threshold', 'userdata', 'z'); uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '>', 'userdata', 'uparrow'); %uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '<', 'userdata', 'control+uparrow') %uicontrol('tag', 'width1', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', 'channel', 'userdata', 'c') %uicontrol('tag', 'width2', 'parent', h, 'units', 'normalized', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'string', '>', 'userdata', 'control+downarrow') ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width1', 'width', 0.10, 'height', 0.05); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width2', 'width', 0.05, 'height', 0.05); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width3', 'width', 0.12, 'height', 0.05); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width1', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'callback', @keyboard_cb); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width2', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'callback', @keyboard_cb); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width3', 'style', 'pushbutton', 'callback', @keyboard_cb); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width1', 'retag', 'viewui'); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width2', 'retag', 'viewui'); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'width3', 'retag', 'viewui'); ft_uilayout(h, 'tag', 'viewui', 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'hpos', 'auto', 'vpos', 0.005); while opt.quit==0 uiwait(h); opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); end else % compute the artifacts given the settings in the cfg setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); artval_cb(h); end h = getparent(h); opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); % convert the artifact values per trial to one long boolean vector boolvec = zeros(1,max(opt.trl(:,2))); for trlop=1:opt.numtrl boolvec(opt.trl(trlop,1):opt.trl(trlop,2)) = opt.artval{trlop}; end % find the padded artifacts and put them in a Nx2 trl-like matrix artifact = boolvec2artifact(boolvec); if strcmp(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeak, 'yes') % this is a re-implementation of the peak-detection stuff, to make the % overall code behavior more consistent. artifact will be adjusted % according to the specifications of the user, i.e. the peak index for % each identified artifact will be identified, and used for an offset % column. the peak_indx, peaks, and dssartifact fields are be obsoleted pre = round(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeakrange(1)*hdr.Fs); pst = round(cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artfctpeakrange(2)*hdr.Fs); for k = 1:size(artifact,1) % identify the corresponding trl for the current artifact, the artifact % can either be fully within the trl, or overlapping at one (or % both) edges current = artifact(k,:); seltrl = find(current(2)>=opt.trl(:,1) & current(1)<=opt.trl(:,2)); % in case the artifact is in more than one trial a for-loop is needed mx = []; mx_idx = []; for m = 1:numel(seltrl) idx = current - opt.trl(seltrl(m),1) + 1; idx(1) = max(idx(1),1); idx(2) = min(idx(2),size(opt.zval{seltrl(m)},2)); [mx(m), mx_idx(m)] = max(opt.zval{seltrl(m)}(idx(1):idx(2))); end [maxtrl, maxtrl_idx] = max(mx); seltrl = seltrl(maxtrl_idx); peak = current(1) + mx_idx(maxtrl_idx) - 1; artifact(k,1) = max(peak+pre, opt.trl(seltrl,1)); artifact(k,2) = min(peak+pst, opt.trl(seltrl,2)); artifact(k,3) = artifact(k,1) - peak; end end if strcmp(cfg.representation, 'numeric') && istable(artifact) if isempty(artifact) % an empty table does not have columns artifact = zeros(0,2); else % convert the table to a numeric array with the columns begsample and endsample artifact = table2array(artifact); end elseif strcmp(cfg.representation, 'table') && isnumeric(artifact) if isempty(artifact) % an empty table does not have columns artifact = table(); else % convert the numeric array to a table with the columns begsample and endsample begsample = artifact(:,1); endsample = artifact(:,2); if size(artifact,2)==3 offset = artifact(:,3); artifact = table(begsample, endsample, offset); else artifact = table(begsample, endsample); end end end % remember the details that were used here and store the detected artifacts cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.trl = trl; % remember where we have been looking for artifacts cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.cutoff = opt.threshold; % remember the threshold that was used cfg.artfctdef.zvalue.artifact = artifact; ft_notice('detected %d artifacts\n', size(artifact,1)); delete(h); % do the general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end of the function ft_postamble previous data ft_postamble provenance ft_postamble savevar %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function artval_cb(h, eventdata) opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); artval = cell(1,opt.numtrl); for trlop=1:opt.numtrl if opt.thresholdsum % threshold the accumulated z-values artval{trlop} = opt.zsum{trlop}>opt.threshold; else % threshold the max z-values artval{trlop} = opt.zmax{trlop}>opt.threshold; end % pad the artifacts artbeg = find(diff([0 artval{trlop}])== 1); artend = find(diff([artval{trlop} 0])==-1); artbeg = artbeg - opt.artpadding; artend = artend + opt.artpadding; artbeg(artbeg<1) = 1; artend(artend>length(artval{trlop})) = length(artval{trlop}); for artlop=1:length(artbeg) artval{trlop}(artbeg(artlop):artend(artlop)) = 1; end opt.trialok(trlop) = isempty(artbeg); end for trlop = find(opt.keep==1 & opt.trialok==0) % overrule the objective criterion, i.e. keep the trial when the user % wants to keep it artval{trlop}(:) = 0; end for trlop = find(opt.keep<0 & opt.trialok==1) % if the user specifies that the trial is not OK % reject the whole trial if there is no extra-threshold data, % otherwise use the artifact as found by the thresholding if opt.thresholdsum && opt.keep(trlop)==-1 % threshold the accumulated z-values artval{trlop} = opt.zsum{trlop}>opt.threshold; elseif opt.keep(trlop)==-1 % threshold the max z-values artval{trlop} = opt.zmax{trlop}>opt.threshold; elseif opt.keep(trlop)==-2 artval{trlop}(:) = 1; end % pad the artifacts artbeg = find(diff([0 artval{trlop}])== 1); artend = find(diff([artval{trlop} 0])==-1); artbeg = artbeg - opt.artpadding; artend = artend + opt.artpadding; artbeg(artbeg<1) = 1; artend(artend>length(artval{trlop})) = length(artval{trlop}); if ~isempty(artbeg) for artlop=1:length(artbeg) artval{trlop}(artbeg(artlop):artend(artlop)) = 1; end else artval{trlop}(:) = 1; end end for trlop = find(opt.keep==-2 & opt.trialok==0) % if the user specifies the whole trial to be rejected define the whole % segment to be bad artval{trlop}(:) = 1; % pad the artifacts artbeg = find(diff([0 artval{trlop}])== 1); artend = find(diff([artval{trlop} 0])==-1); artbeg = artbeg - opt.artpadding; artend = artend + opt.artpadding; artbeg(artbeg<1) = 1; artend(artend>length(artval{trlop})) = length(artval{trlop}); if ~isempty(artbeg) for artlop=1:length(artbeg) artval{trlop}(artbeg(artlop):artend(artlop)) = 1; end else artval{trlop}(:) = 1; end end opt.artval = artval; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); uiresume; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function keyboard_cb(h, eventdata) % If a mouseclick was made, use that value. If not, determine the key that % corresponds to the uicontrol element that was activated. if isa(eventdata, 'matlab.ui.eventdata.ActionData') % only the case when clicked with mouse curKey = get(h, 'userdata'); elseif isa(eventdata, 'matlab.ui.eventdata.KeyData') % only when key was pressed if isempty(eventdata.Character) && any(strcmp(eventdata.Key, {'control', 'shift', 'alt', '0'})) % only a modifier key was pressed return end if isempty(eventdata.Modifier) curKey = eventdata.Key; else curKey = [sprintf('%s+', eventdata.Modifier{:}) eventdata.Key]; end elseif isfield(eventdata, 'Key') % only when key was pressed curKey = eventdata.Key; elseif isempty(eventdata) % matlab2012b returns an empty double upon a mouse click curKey = get(h, 'userdata'); else ft_error('cannot process user input, please report this on including your MATLAB version'); end h = getparent(h); % otherwise h is empty if isa [...].ActionData opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); switch strtrim(curKey) case 'leftarrow' % change trials opt.trlop = max(opt.trlop - 1, 1); % should not be smaller than 1 setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); case 'x' opt.trlop = max(opt.trlop - 10, 1); % should not be smaller than 1 setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); case 'rightarrow' opt.trlop = min(opt.trlop + 1, opt.numtrl); % should not be larger than the number of trials setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); case 'c' opt.trlop = min(opt.trlop + 10, opt.numtrl); % should not be larger than the number of trials setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); case 'uparrow' % change threshold opt.threshold = opt.threshold+0.5; opt.updatethreshold = true; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); artval_cb(h, eventdata); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); % grab the opt-structure from the handle because it has been adjusted in the callbacks opt.updatethreshold = false; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); case 'downarrow' opt.threshold = opt.threshold-0.5; opt.updatethreshold = true; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); artval_cb(h, eventdata); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); % grab the opt-structure from the handle because it has been adjusted in the callbacks opt.updatethreshold = false; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); case 'period' % change artifact artfctindx = find(opt.trialok == 0); sel = find(artfctindx>opt.trlop); if ~isempty(sel) opt.trlop = artfctindx(sel(1)); end setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); redraw_cb(h, eventdata); case 'comma' artfctindx = find(opt.trialok == 0); sel = find(artfctindx0 sel = trlpadsmp:(size(data,2)-trlpadsmp); selpad = 1:size(data,2); else sel = 1:size(data,2); selpad = sel; end % plot data of most aberrant channel in upper subplot subplot(opt.h2); hold on if isempty(get(opt.h2, 'children')) % do the plotting plot(xval(selpad), data(selpad), 'color', [0.5 0.5 1], 'displayname', 'line1'); plot(xval(sel), data(sel), 'color', [0 0 1], 'displayname', 'line2'); vline(xval( 1)+(trlpadsmp-1/opt.hdr.Fs), 'color', [0 0 0], 'displayname', 'vline1'); vline(xval(end)-(trlpadsmp/opt.hdr.Fs), 'color', [0 0 0], 'displayname', 'vline2'); data(~artval) = nan; plot(xval, data, 'r-', 'displayname', 'line3'); xlabel('time(s)'); ylabel('uV or Tesla'); xlim([xval(1) xval(end)]); title(str); else % update in the existing handles h2children = get(opt.h2, 'children'); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline1'), 'visible', 'off'); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline2'), 'visible', 'off'); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line1'), 'XData', xval(selpad)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line1'), 'YData', data(selpad)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line2'), 'XData', xval(sel)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line2'), 'YData', data(sel)); data(~artval) = nan; set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line3'), 'XData', xval); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'line3'), 'YData', data); abc2 = axis(opt.h2); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline1'), 'XData', [1 1]*xval( 1)+(trlpadsmp-1/opt.hdr.Fs)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline1'), 'YData', abc2(3:4)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline2'), 'XData', [1 1]*xval(end)-(trlpadsmp/opt.hdr.Fs)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline2'), 'YData', abc2(3:4)); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline1'), 'visible', 'on'); set(findall(h2children, 'displayname', 'vline2'), 'visible', 'on'); str = sprintf('trial %3d, channel %s', opt.trlop, channame); title(str); xlim([xval(1) xval(end)]); end % plot z-values in lower subplot subplot(opt.h3); hold on; if isempty(get(opt.h3, 'children')) % do the plotting plot(xval(selpad), zval(selpad), 'color', [0.5 0.5 1], 'displayname', 'line1b'); plot(xval(sel), zval(sel), 'color', [0 0 1], 'displayname', 'line2b'); hline(opt.threshold, 'color', 'r', 'linestyle', ':', 'displayname', 'threshline'); vline(xval( 1)+(trlpadsmp-1/opt.hdr.Fs), 'color', [0 0 0], 'displayname', 'vline1b'); vline(xval(end)-(trlpadsmp/opt.hdr.Fs), 'color', [0 0 0], 'displayname', 'vline2b'); zval(~artval) = nan; plot(xval, zval, 'r-', 'displayname', 'line3b'); xlabel('time(s)'); ylabel('z-value'); xlim([xval(1) xval(end)]); else % update in the existing handles h3children = get(opt.h3, 'children'); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline1b'), 'visible', 'off'); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline2b'), 'visible', 'off'); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line1b'), 'XData', xval(selpad)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line1b'), 'YData', zval(selpad)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line2b'), 'XData', xval(sel)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line2b'), 'YData', zval(sel)); zval(~artval) = nan; set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line3b'), 'XData', xval); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'line3b'), 'YData', zval); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'threshline'), 'YData', [1 1].*opt.threshold); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'threshline'), 'XData', xval([1 end])); abc = axis(opt.h3); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline1b'), 'XData', [1 1]*xval( 1)+(trlpadsmp-1/opt.hdr.Fs)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline1b'), 'YData', abc(3:4)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline2b'), 'XData', [1 1]*xval(end)-(trlpadsmp/opt.hdr.Fs)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline2b'), 'YData', abc(3:4)); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline1b'), 'visible', 'on'); set(findall(h3children, 'displayname', 'vline2b'), 'visible', 'on'); xlim([xval(1) xval(end)]); end setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); uiresume %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function cleanup_cb(h, eventdata) opt = getappdata(h, 'opt'); opt.quit = true; setappdata(h, 'opt', opt); uiresume %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SUBFUNCTION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function h = getparent(h) p = h; while p~=0 h = p; p = get(h, 'parent'); end