function fieldtrip2besa(filename, data, varargin) % FIELDTRIP2BESA saves a FieldTrip data structures to a corresponding BESA file. This % export function is based on documentation that was provided by Todor Jordanov of % BESA. % % Use as % fieldtrip2besa(filename, data) % with data as obtained from FT_PREPROCESSING to export single trial data as a % set of .avr files. % % Use as % fieldtrip2besa(filename, elec) % or % fieldtrip2besa(filename, grad) % with an electrode structure as obtained from FT_READ_SENS to export channel % positions to an .elp file. % % Additional key-value pairs can be specified according to % channel = cell-array, can be used to make subset and to reorder the channels % % See also FIELDTRIP2SPSS, FIELDTRIP2FIFF % Copyright (C) 2015, Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see . % % $Id$ % parse the optional input arguments channel = ft_getopt(varargin, 'channel'); % this requires the "MATLAB to BESA Export functions" % which are available from ft_hastoolbox('matlab2besa', 1); datatype = ft_datatype(data); switch datatype case 'raw' %% write raw data as *.avr assert(isempty(channel), 'channel selection and reordering is not yet supported'); NumTrials = length(data.trial); channel_labels = data.label; data_scale_factor = 1.0; time_scale_factor = 1.0; for iTr = 1:NumTrials % Multiply by 1000 to get the time in milliseconds. time_samples = data.time{iTr}.*1000; % The file name where data should be written. file_name = sprintf('%s%03d.avr', filename, iTr); % Multiply by 1e15 to get the data in femtoTesla. data_matrix = data.trial{iTr}.*1e15; %FIXME % Save the data besa_save2Avr(custom_path, file_name, data_matrix, time_samples, channel_labels, data_scale_factor, time_scale_factor); end case 'timelock' %% write timelocked data as *.avr assert(isempty(channel), 'channel selection and reordering is not yet supported'); if isfield(data, 'trial') && strcmp(getdimord(data, 'trial'), 'rpt_chan_time') [NumTrials, NumChans, NumSamp] = size(data.trial); % Multiply by 1000 to get the time in milliseconds. time_samples = data.time.*1000; channel_labels = data.label; data_scale_factor = 1.0; time_scale_factor = 1.0; for iTr = 1:NumTrials % The file name where data should be written. file_name = sprintf('%s%03d.avr', filename, iTr); % Multiply by 1e15 to get the data in femtoTesla. data_matrix = reshape(data.trial(iTr, :, :), [NumChans NumSamp]).*1e15; % FIXME % Save the data besa_save2Avr(custom_path, file_name, data_matrix, time_samples, channel_labels, data_scale_factor, time_scale_factor); end elseif isfield(data, 'avg') && strcmp(getdimord(data, 'avg'), 'chan_time') % Multiply by 1000 to get the time in milliseconds. time_samples = data.time.*1000; channel_labels = data.label; data_scale_factor = 1.0; time_scale_factor = 1.0; % The file name where data should be written. file_name = sprintf('%s.avr', filename); % Multiply by 1e15 to get the data in femtoTesla. data_matrix = data.avg.*1e15; % FIXME % Save the data besa_save2Avr(custom_path, file_name, data_matrix, time_samples, channel_labels, data_scale_factor, time_scale_factor); else ft_error('unsupported data structure'); end case {'elec', 'grad'} %% write channel data to *.elp channel_labels = data.label; NumChannels = length(data.label); % Rearrange channels in grad SortedCoordinates = zeros(NumChannels, 3); NumBadChannels = 1; % A106 for iCh1 = 1:NumChannels CurrLabel1 = channel{iCh1}; for iCh2 = 1:NumChannels+NumBadChannels CurrLabel2 = data.label{iCh2}; if(strcmp(CurrLabel1, CurrLabel2)) SortedCoordinates(iCh1, :) = data.chanpos(iCh2, :); end end end % Transform to spherical coordinates SphericalCoords = zeros(NumChannels, 3); % Create a matrix for rotation about the z-axis. Angle1 = -90; rotate1 = [cosd(Angle1) -sind(Angle1) 0; sind(Angle1) cosd(Angle1) 0; 0 0 1]; % Perform rotation. RotatedPositions = SortedCoordinates*rotate1; for iCh = 1:NumChannels % Get the current coordinates and normalize the radius to 1.0. CurrCartesianCoords = RotatedPositions(iCh, :) / ... sqrt(sum(RotatedPositions(iCh, :).^2)); % Perform the transformation from Cartesian to spherical coordinates. [azimuth, elevation, r] = besa_transformCartesian2Spherical( ... CurrCartesianCoords(1), CurrCartesianCoords(2), ... CurrCartesianCoords(3)); % Assign the transform values to the output matrix. SphericalCoords(iCh, 1) = azimuth; SphericalCoords(iCh, 2) = elevation; SphericalCoords(iCh, 3) = r; end % The type of the channels to be stored. switch datatype case 'grad' channel_type = 'MEG'; case 'elec'; channel_type = 'EEG'; end % Export elp-file besa_save2Elp(custom_path, filename, SphericalCoords, channel_labels, channel_type); otherwise ft_error('unsupported data structure'); end % switch type