## JavaTDD

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## Table of contents ### Java fundamentals 1. String - "Hello, world" 2. Conditions - > , < , >=, <=, ==, != 3. Statements - if/else, switch 4. Primitive - byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, char and test their edges. 5. Loops - while loop and for loop 6. Exception - TBD 7. Design Pattern - TBD 8. Lambda 1. Functional Interface more... ### Code expected * Proper naming for variables, avoid using i,v,k...etc. The variable name should be self explanatory. * Proper names for files * Follow unit tests naming conventions - **MethodName_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior** ``` String hello(String name) { return "Hello World " + name; } @Test void hello_InputName_HelloWorldWithName() { String result = helloWorld.hello("Name"); assertEquals("Hello World Name", result); } ``` ## Import and Execute It's a Gradle project, can be simply imported by any IDE such as Eclipse, Intellij. Firstly , ```git clone https://github.com/fengyuanyang/JavaTDD.git``` Secondly, open with build.gradle file. IDE should do the rest of importing and dependencies download. Thirdly, open any test file you would like to execute, run it. ## Background As time goes by, project is getting bigger, people who wrote that code might have been missing. How could I refactor those code I don't even know why the logic like this. TDD is a perfect way for me to refactor or start the codes. What I need to do is trying my best to pass all the tests.