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This is an automated script that collects and displays shards statistics in-game and on console.

In-game command: [Statistics

All those statistics are publicly accessible, so you can integrated with other scripts, like displaying the statistics on web status page.


Just drop this script anywhere inside your Scripts folder.


You can change Configs on the of the script:

bool Enabled = true;                            // Is this system enabled?
bool ConsoleReport = true;                      // Should we report statistics on console?
TimeSpan Interval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);    // How often should we update statistics?
AccessLevel CanSeeStats = AccessLevel.Player;   // What's the level required to see statistics in-game?
AccessLevel CanUpdateStats = AccessLevel.Seer;  // What's the level required to update statistics in-game?

For Developers

This is the list of the current statistics you can use on your scripts:

TimeSpan ShardAge
TimeSpan Uptime
TimeSpan TotalGameTime
DateTime LastRestart
DateTime LastStatsUpdate
int ActiveAccounts
int ActiveStaffMembers
int ActiveGuilds
int ActiveParties
int PlayersInParty
int PlayerHouses
int PlayerGold
int PlayersOnline
int StaffOnline

To use them, after you've installed the script, all you need to do is to refer them like this:


In this example, you'll get the number of player houses. You can assign to a variable, print a message with it or whatever you want.

Let's see a more complete example. Let's say you want to tell the player the Total Game Time of the shard:

Player.SendMessage("The game time sum of all players in this shard is {0} days, {1} hours, {2} minutes and {3} seconds!", Statistics.TotalGameTime.Days, Statistics.TotalGameTime.Hours, Statistics.TotalGameTime.Minutes, Statistics.TotalGameTime.Seconds);