require "bundler/gem_tasks" GEMS = %w(fastlane danger-device_grid) SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 task(:rubygems_admins) do names = ["KrauseFx", "joshdholtz", "snatchev", "powerivq"] (GEMS + ["krausefx-shenzhen", "commander-fastlane", "fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_lab"]).each do |gem_name| names.each do |name| puts(`gem owner #{gem_name} -a #{name}`) end end end task(:test_all) do formatter = "--format progress" formatter += " -r rspec_junit_formatter --format RspecJunitFormatter -o #{ENV['CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS']}/rspec/fastlane-junit-results.xml" if ENV["CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS"] command = "rspec --pattern ./**/*_spec.rb #{formatter}" # To move Ruby 3.0 or next major version migration going forward, we want to keep monitoring deprecation warnings if Gem.win_platform? # Windows would not work with /bin/bash so skip collecting warnings sh(command) else # Mix stderr into stdout to let handle `tee` it and then collect warnings by filtering stdout out command += " 2>&1 | tee >(grep 'warning:' > #{File.join(ENV['CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS'], 'ruby_warnings.txt')})" if ENV["CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS"] # tee >(...) occurs syntax error with `sh` helper which uses /bin/sh by default. sh("/bin/bash -o pipefail -c \"#{command}\"") end end # Overwrite the default rake task # since we use fastlane to deploy fastlane task(:push) do sh("bundle exec fastlane release") end task(:generate_team_table) do require 'json' content = [""] contributors = JSON.parse("team.json")) counter = 0 number_of_rows = 5 contributors.keys.shuffle.each do |github_user| user_content = contributors[github_user] github_user_name = user_content['name'] github_user_id = github_user_name.downcase.gsub(' ', '-') github_profile_url = "{github_user}" content << "" if counter % number_of_rows == 0 content << "" content << "" if counter % number_of_rows == number_of_rows - 1 counter += 1 end content << "
" content << "" content << "" content << "" if user_content['twitter'] content << "


" else content << "


" end # content << "


" if user_content['slogan'].to_s.length > 0 content << "
" readme ="") readme.gsub!(%r{\.*\<\/table\>}m, content.join("\n")) File.write("", readme) puts("All done") end task(:update_gem_spec_authors) do require 'json' contributors = JSON.parse("team.json")) names = contributors.values.collect do |current| current["name"] end.shuffle gemspec ="fastlane.gemspec") names = names.join("\",\n \"") gemspec.gsub!(/spec.authors\s+\=\s.*?\]/m, "spec.authors = [\"#{names}\"]") File.write("fastlane.gemspec", gemspec) end task(default: :test_all)