
# fasten-sources [![CI](]( [![codecov](]( [![GitHub release (latest by date)](]( [![Discord Join](]( [![Request Providers](]( [![Join Mailing List](]( [![GitHub Sponsors](]( The Fasten Sources is a library that contains medical provider metadata (`definitions` - OpenID Metadata documents) and http clients (OAuth2/Smart-on-FHIR clients) which can be used to retrieve data from various Medical Providers (`clients`). The source data is generated by the [fasten-sources-gen]( project, and then copied to the `catalog` folder of this project. > See [](./ for a full list of EHR platforms supported by this repo. > > See []( for a list of all supported Healthcare Providers. # Usage ## Search Engine Brands and Portals will be stored and indexed in Elasticsearch. The search engine will be used to find the correct Brand and associated Portals & Endpoints ## Definitions Definitions are OpenID Metadata documents that are used to configure OAuth2 clients. These definitions contain Endpoint information merged with Platform configuration # Types There are multiple protocols used by the Medical Provider industry to transfer patient data, the following mechanisms are the ones that Fasten supports | Definition Folder | Description | |----------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [clients/factory](./clients/factory) | Automatically created client initializer | | [clients/internal/base](./clients/internal/base]) | Manually created base OAuth clients for various FHIR versions (R3/R4). These are the base clients that all platforms inherit from. | | [clients/internal/platform](./clients/internal/platform) | Automatically created OAuth clients for various EMR platforms. **Manually created test files** | | [clients/internal/sandbox](./clients/internal/sandbox) | Automatically created OAuth clients for accessing test FHIR servers full of synthetic data. **Manually created test files** | | [clients/internal/source](./clients/internal/source) | Automatically created OAuth clients for accessing production data from various healthcare institutions. Usually inherit from Platform clients | | [definitions](./definitions/) | Automatically created definition files. These files are generated from files created by `fasten-sources-gen` and are used by Fasten Lighthouse. | # References ## NPM Library - -