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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do to test convergence?

The best way to make sure that your GME computation is converged is to increase the parameters controlling the precision of the simulation until you no longer see change in the eigenmodes of interest. We recommend doing this in the following order:

  • First, make sure you have set a high enough gmax, which is defined upon initialization of GuidedModeExp.
  • Then, increase the number of guided bands included in the simulation by adding more indexes to the gmode_inds list supplied to :meth:``. Note that after including more modes in gmode_inds, you should test again the convergence w.r.t. gmax.
  • If your bands look particularly weird and discontinuous, there might be an issue in the computation of the guided modes of the effective homogeneous structure (the expansion basis). Try decreasing gmode_step supplied in :meth:`` to 1e-3 or 1e-4 and see if things look better.

Finally, note that GME is only an approximate method. So, even if the simulation is converged with respect to all of the above parameters but still produces strange results, it might just be that the method is not that well-suited for the structure you are simulating. We're hoping to improve that in future version of legume!

How do I choose truncation of reciprocal lattice vectors?

The Fourier expansion of electromagnetic fields relies on an infinite vector set G as its basis. However, for practical numerical computations, it becomes necessary to truncate this infinite basis. The choice of the truncation rule becomes crucial, as the results may vary for a finite number (NG) of plane waves. It is expected that all reasonable truncation choices converge to the same result as NG approaches infinity. In legume, two distinct truncation rules are implemented:

  • abs: This rule defines a circular boundary in reciprocal space with the condition |G| < 2 π gmax;
  • tbt: This creates a parallelogram in reciprocal space, which is suitable to put the dielectric matrices in Toeplitz-block-Toeplitz form.

In both case, the number (NG) of plane waves (sometimes called npw in the code) grows like the square of gmax.

An illustrative example of these truncation rules applied to the reciprocal triangular lattice is shown here, where the darker points corresponds to vectors G included in the basis:

Increasing gmax truncation


For given gmax, abs and tbt may give a different number of plane waves NG in the basis.

So, should I use abs or tbt? abs is, in general, a safer choice since it always preserves the underlying symmetry of any lattice. In particular, abs should be chosen when using symmetrization with respect to a vertical mirror plane in the hexagonal (also called triangular) lattice. From the plot above, we can see that tbt breaks the rotational symmetry of the hexagonal lattice, and is therefore not compatible with symmetrization. Also, tbt may give unexpected results when the symmetry of the modes is a crucial point of the simulation. On the other hand, the calculation of the Fourier components of the in-plane dielectric profile is highly optimized for the tbt truncation. For this reason, when we need to run a calculation with a large number of plane waves, tbt is currently the best option in terms of computing time and memory usage. Inverse design optimizations are often done with a rectangular supercell, and for such structures tbt is compatible with symmetrization.


Based on these guidelines, the user should choose the truncation scheme that is most suited to the specific application. The choice of truncation scheme depends on the keyword argument truncate_g in GuidedModeExp, and has the default value abs.

Why am I running out of memory?

GME requrest the diagonalization of dense matrices, and you might start running out of memory for simulations in which computational time is not that much of an issue. This is also because the scaling with gmax is pretty bad: the linear dimension of the matrix for diagonalization scales as gmax**2, and so the total memory needed to store it scales as gmax**4. You can improve the memory usage a bit by using the eigsh solver to only compute a few eigenmodes as discussed in the next question. But things get even worse in gradient computations. Reverse-mode autodiff is generally the best approach for optimization problems in terms of computational time, but this can sometimes come at a memory cost. This is because all of the intermediate values of the forward simulation have to be stored for the backward pass. So, if you are for example doing a loop through different k-points, the dense matrices and their eigenvectors at every k will be stored, which can add up to a lot. There is no easy way to fix this (and no direct way within autograd), but we've included a function that can provide a workaround.

For details on things you can try, have a look at this example.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that there are probably improvements that can be made to the memory usage. If anybody wants to dive deep in the code and try to do that, it will be appreciated! I have pointed out some ideas along these lines here.

Can I speed things up if I need only a few eigenmodes?

The options that can be supplied in :meth:`` include numeig and eig_sigma, which define that numeig eigenmodes closest to eig_sigma are to be computed. However, note that the default solver defined by the eig_solver option is numpy.linalg.eigh, which always computes all modes. Thus, numeig in this case only defines the number of modes which will be stored, but it does not affect performance. If you're looking for a small number of eigenvalues, you can try setting eig_solver = eigsh, which will use the scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh method. In some cases this will be faster, so it's worth a try -- but it might also not be, since the matrix for diagonalization is dense, and this is why it is not the default option. Have a look at this example for usage.

What if I only need the Q of some of the modes?

In some simulations, the computation of the radiative losses could be the time bottleneck. In some cases, e.g. when optimizing a cavity, you only need to compute the quality factor of a single mode. If you run the GME by default, the Q-s of all modes will be computed instead, but you can set the option compute_im = False to avoid this. Running the GME with this option will compute all modes, but not the imaginary part of their frequencies (which is done perturbatively after the first stage of the computation). Then, you can use the :meth:`legume.GuidedModeExp.compute_rad` method to only compute the loss rates of selected modes.

What should I know about the guided-mode basis?

Guided-modes of effective homogeneous structure

The expansion basis in the GME consists of the guided modes of an effective homogeneous structure (panels (a)-(b)) in the Figure. By default, the effective permittivities in (b) are taken as the average value in every layer. This is controlled by the gmode_eps keyword option in the run options. Setting gmode_eps = 'background' will take the background permittivity instead, while there's also the option to have custom values by setting gmode_eps = 'custom'. In that case, every layer (including the claddings) in the PhotCryst object should have a pre-defined effective permittivity eps_eff, which will be used in the guided-mode computation. This is simply set as an attribute of the layer, e.g.

phc.layers[0].eps_eff = 10   # Slab custom effective epsilon
phc.calddings[0].eps_eff = 1 # Lower cladding
phc.claddings[1].eps_eff = 5 # Upper cladding

The guided modes can be classified as TE/TM, where in our notation the reference plane is the slab plane (xy). The guided modes alternate between TE and TM, such that gmode_inds = [0, 2, 4, ...] are TE and gmode_inds = [1, 3, 5, ...] are TM (panel (c)). However, this classification is often broken by the photonic crystal structure (we discuss symmetries further below).

We only include the fully-guided modes in the computation (the ones that lie below both light lines in (c)). This is what makes the computation approximate, as the basis set is not complete.

How do I incorporate symmetry?

The TE/TM classification of the guided modes of the homogeneous structure is often broken by the photonic crystal permittivity. Here is how you can still incorporate some structural symmetries.

For gratings (permittivity is periodic in one direction and homogeneous in the other), the TE/TM classification holds. You can selectively compute the modes by supplying gmode_inds with either only even or only odd numbers. Please see example 0.2 for other hints.

For 2D structures, it is most important to distinguish between horizontal (xy) and vertical (kz) mirror planes, that latter may arise only if the k-vector points along specific high-symmetry directions.

For photonic crystals with a horizontal (xy) mirror plane, like a single slab with symmetric claddings, the correct classification of modes is with respect to reflection in that plane:

  • the positive-symmetry, or \sigma_{xy}=+1 photonic modes are obtained by choosing a basis of guided modes such as gmode_inds = [0, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 ...];
  • the negative-symmetry, or \sigma_{xy}=-1 photonic modes are obtained by choosing a basis of guided modes such as gmode_inds = [1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, ...].

Low-frequency positive-symmetry modes that are mostly formed by the gmode_inds = [0] guided band are sometimes referred to as quasi-TE, and low-frequency negative-symmetry modes that are mostly formed by the gmode_inds = [1] guided band are sometimes referred to as quasi-TM. Please see example 1.1 for full analysis.

Without any horizontal mirror planes, all the guided modes are generally mixed. There can still be symmetry if the k-vector points in a high-symmetry direction. The new version of legume (2024 version, related to the CPC paper) allows implementing symmetry with respect to a vertical mirror plane, which we call a kz-plane. This is controlled by the keyword argument kz_symmetry, which can have four possible values:

  • kz_symmetry=None: kz-symmetry is not used;
  • kz_symmetry='even': only kz-even modes are calculated ;
  • kz_symmetry='odd': only kz-odd modes are calculated ;
  • kz_symmetry='both': all modes are calculated, and can be separated using the variable kz_symmetry=kz_symms.

Please see example 1.2 for full analysis, example 1.6 for inverse design using kz-symmetry, and the CPC paper for theoretical discussion.

How do I use the polariton module?

Polaritons are the mixed modes that result from the interaction of light with material excitation, in this case we consider 2D excitons. To model exciton-polaritons in PhC slabs we need to calculate the exciton eigenmodes, and photonic eigenmodes, and their mutual interaction.

Exciton eigenmodes are obtained by solving the effective-mass equation in a confining potential, using the same plane-wave basis that is employed for the photonic eigenmodes. The exciton-photon interaction is treated by the Hopfield method, which leads to a non-hermitian eigenvalue problem.

The polariton class HopfieldPol is organized in a way that is similar to GuidedModeExp, but it employs SI units and sometimes electronvolts (eV), as the exciton resonances are characterized by real parameters like resonance energy, loss, and oscillator strength per unit area.

Please refer to example 1.5 for details on usage.

When should I use approximate gradients?

When running GME with the autograd backend, one of the run() options you can specify is 'gradients' = {'exact' (default), 'approx'}. The approximate option could be faster in some cases, and could actually still be exact in some cases. This is the high-level computational graph of the guided-mode expansion:

Guided-mode expansion computation graph

The 'approx' option discards the gradient due to the top path in this graph, i.e. the gradient due to the changing basis. Only the gradient from the diagonalization path is included. Here are some rules of thumb on what to use:

  • If you're optimizing hole positions, or more generally parameters that don't change the average permittivity, you're in luck! In this case, the 'approx' gradients should actually be exact!
  • If you're optimizing dispersion (real part of eigenfrequencies), you could try using 'approx' gradients, as they might be within just a few percent of the exact ones.
  • If you're optimizing loss rates or field profiles and/or if your parameters include the layer thicknesses, then the 'approx' gradients could be significantly off, 'exact' is recommended (and is the default).

What's the gauge?

Something to be aware of is the fact that the eigenmodes come with an arbitrary k-dependent gauge, as is usually the case for eigenvalue simulations. That is to say, each eigenvector is defined only up to a global phase, and this phase might change discontinously even for nearby k-points. If you re looking into something that depends on the gauge choice, you will have to figure out how to set your preferred gauge yourself.

Of course, apart from this global phase, all the relative phases should be well-defined (as they correspond to physically observable quantities). So for example if you compute radiative couplings to S and P polarization, the relative phase between the two should be physical.

How can I learn more about the method?

The 2020 paper gives the fundamentals on the guided-mode expansion method and on our differentiable implementation.

The 2024 paper gives basic theory and details on symmetrization with respect to a vertical mirror plane, and on the interaction of photonic modes with excitons leading to photonic crystal polaritons.

How should I cite legume?

If you find legume useful for your research, we would apprecite you citing our paper. For your convenience, you can use the following BibTex entry:

  title = {Inverse Design of Photonic Crystals through Automatic Differentiation},
  volume = {7},
  ISSN = {2330-4022},
  url = {},
  DOI = {10.1021/acsphotonics.0c00327},
  number = {7},
  journal = {ACS Photonics},
  publisher = {American Chemical Society (ACS)},
  author = {Minkov,  Momchil and Williamson,  Ian A. D. and Andreani,  Lucio C. and Gerace,  Dario and Lou,  Beicheng and Song,  Alex Y. and Hughes,  Tyler W. and Fan,  Shanhui},
  year = {2020},
  month = jun,
  pages = {1729–1741}

The paper describing the symmetry separation and polariton theory has been published in CPC. If you find the new features useful, please cite our paper using the following BibTex entry:

title = {Legume: A free implementation of the guided-mode expansion method for photonic crystal slabs},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
volume = {304},
pages = {109286},
year = {2024},
issn = {0010-4655},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Simone Zanotti and Momchil Minkov and Davide Nigro and Dario Gerace and Shanhui Fan and Lucio Claudio Andreani},

Who made that awesome legume logo?

The legume logo was designed by Nadine Gilmer. She is also behind the logos for our angler and ceviche packages.