#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Define the modules to update mods=("Management" "Runtime") # mods=("Alterations" "Runtime" "Management" "Identity" "Labels") # Define the list of providers providers=("MySql" "SqlServer" "Sqlite" "PostgreSql") # providers=("SqlServer") # Connection strings for each provider typeset -A connStrings connStrings=( MySql "Server=localhost;Port=3306;Database=elsa;User=root;Password=password;" SqlServer "" Sqlite "" PostgreSql "" ) # Loop through each module for module in "${mods[@]}"; do # Loop through each provider for provider in "${providers[@]}"; do providerPath="../src/modules/Elsa.EntityFrameworkCore.$provider" migrationsPath="Migrations/$module" echo "Updating migrations for $provider..." echo "Provider path: ${providerPath:?}/${migrationsPath}" echo "Migrations path: $migrationsPath" echo "Connection string: ${connStrings[$provider]}" # 2. Run the migrations command dotnet ef migrations add V3_1 -c "$module"ElsaDbContext -p "$providerPath" -o "$migrationsPath" -- --connectionString "${connStrings[$provider]}" done done