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HTPC powered by k3s

htk8s diagrams

This is my current HTPC setup. It runs on k3s - a lightweight and easy to install Kubernetes distribution. It includes the following applications:

Applications state (settings / db) and media files are stored in a shared volume of type hostPath. It does not use PVC and currently only works if the whole htpc namespace is deployed in the same node.

Getting Started


# for x86_64
kubectl apply -f

# for raspberry pi (ARM)
kubectl apply -f

The Gitops way

argocd htpc application

# x86_64 only
kubectl apply -f

This alternate manifest will install Argo CD along with the htpc application. Then it will monitor this repo for changes and apply them to the cluster accordingly (more specifically the overlays/x86overlay).

You can access the ArgoCD UI at: https://localhost/argocd.

Verifying the installation

All resources are created in the htpc namespace. So if you run:

k3s kubectl get all -n htpc

You should get something similar to:

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/bazarr-795f88c5c9-w75l7         1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/emby-6f457df664-fqbmc           1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/jackett-6bcf6cd8d6-lrh6j        1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/radarr-5c965c7678-zt8sq         1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/sonarr-b65c8956-mxng4           1/1     Running   0          24h
pod/transmission-5f7fdc6cb5-nrtbb   1/1     Running   0          24h

NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/bazarr         ClusterIP    <none>        6767/TCP   24h
service/emby           ClusterIP   <none>        8096/TCP   24h
service/jackett        ClusterIP   <none>        9117/TCP   24h
service/radarr         ClusterIP   <none>        7878/TCP   24h
service/sonarr         ClusterIP     <none>        8989/TCP   24h
service/transmission   ClusterIP   <none>        9091/TCP   24h

NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/bazarr         1/1     1            1           24h
deployment.apps/emby           1/1     1            1           24h
deployment.apps/jackett        1/1     1            1           24h
deployment.apps/radarr         1/1     1            1           24h
deployment.apps/sonarr         1/1     1            1           24h
deployment.apps/transmission   1/1     1            1           24h

NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/bazarr-795f88c5c9         1         1         1       24h
replicaset.apps/emby-6f457df664           1         1         1       24h
replicaset.apps/jackett-6bcf6cd8d6        1         1         1       24h
replicaset.apps/radarr-5c965c7678         1         1         1       24h
replicaset.apps/sonarr-b65c8956           1         1         1       24h
replicaset.apps/transmission-5f7fdc6cb5   1         1         1       24h

You should also be able to reach each component's UI using the links below. Don't forget to replace localhost with the IP or the server name running k3s.

radarr https://localhost/radarr
sonarr https://localhost/sonarr
bazarr https://localhost/bazarr
jacket https://localhost/jackett
transmission https://localhost/transmission
emby https://localhost/

Check the ingress-route.yaml for more details.

Each module except for Emby is configured to respond on a custom basepath (check the init containers logic for more details).

How it works (WIP)

It uses LinuxServers images.

It uses a hostPath volume to store configuration and media files. It defaults to the /opt/htpc directory

├── bazarr
├── downloads
├── emby
├── jackett
├── media
│   ├── movies
│   └── tv
├── radarr
├── sonarr
└── transmission