I'm not a data scientist. I'm just a curious builder who is passionate about coding with AI. Using Tabnine, Github Copilot, ChatGPT and now GitHub Copilot Chat (Copilot X) led me to think about the future of coding. I don't know if I'm right, but I think that the future of coding is not about coding with AI suggestions or autocomplete. The future of coding will resemble assembling intricate structures with AI-powered LEGO blocks, where engineers effortlessly piece together components, plugins, and code blocks to create innovative and cohesive digital masterpieces. I started this project to explore this idea and see if it's possible to build a React application using only AI-powered tools. I tested two things: 1. Building a contained and defined, production ready user flow using GPT 4 (gen.tutim.io, @tutim-io/tutim) 2. Composing a page from 4 levels of composition using GPT 4 and atomic design principles (this POC) Once I figured out that both of these things are possible, I'm positive that the current models are enough to build a React application using AI, with enough engineering. I used a naive prompt engineering approach, splitting a task to multiple steps and providing an example for every step, but I'm sure that with code embedding, better models, fine-tuning, testing and reviewing, we can achieve a much better result. Whether it works or not, it was the most fun project I had in a while.