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Releases: evmos/ethermint


29 Sep 14:55
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State Machine Breaking

  • (app) tharsis#476 Update Bech32 HRP to ethm.
  • (evm) tharsis#556 Remove tx logs and block bloom from chain state
  • (evm) tharsis#590 Contract storage key is not hashed anymore

API Breaking

  • (evm) tharsis#469 Deprecate YoloV3Block and EWASMBlock from ChainConfig


Bug Fixes

  • (rpc, server) tharsis#600 Add TLS configuration for websocket API
  • (rpc) tharsis#598 Check truncation when creating a BlockNumber from big.Int
  • (evm) tharsis#597 Check for uint64 -> int64 block height overflow on GetHashFn
  • (evm) tharsis#579 Update DeriveChainID function to handle v signature values < 35.
  • (encoding) tharsis#478 Register Evidence to amino codec.
  • (rpc) tharsis#478 Getting the node configuration when calling the miner rpc methods.
  • (cli) tharsis#561 Export and Start commands now use the same home directory.


  • (evm) tharsis#461 Increase performance of StateDB transaction log storage (r/w).
  • (evm) tharsis#566 Introduce stateErr store in StateDB to avoid meaningless operations if any error happened before
  • (rpc, evm) tharsis#587 Apply bloom filter when query ethlogs with range of blocks
  • (evm) tharsis#586 Benchmark evm keeper


20 Aug 15:44
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State Machine Breaking

  • (app, rpc) tharsis#447 Chain ID format has been changed from <identifier>-<epoch> to <identifier>_<EIP155_number>-<epoch>
    in order to clearly distinguish permanent vs impermanent components.
  • (app, evm) tharsis#434 EVM Keeper struct and NewEVM function now have a new trace field to define
    the Tracer type used to collect execution traces from the EVM transaction execution.
  • (evm) tharsis#175 The msg TxData field is now represented as a *proto.Any.
  • (evm) tharsis#84 Remove journal, CommitStateDB and stateObjects.
  • (rpc, evm) tharsis#81 Remove tx Receipt from store and replace it with fields obtained from the Tendermint RPC client.
  • (evm) tharsis#72 Update AccessList to use TransientStore instead of map.
  • (evm) tharsis#68 Replace block hash storage map to use staking HistoricalInfo.
  • (evm) tharsis#276 Vm errors don't result in cosmos tx failure, just
    different tx state and events.
  • (evm) tharsis#342 Don't clear balance when resetting the account.
  • (evm) tharsis#334 Log index changed to the index in block rather than
  • (evm) tharsis#399 Exception in sub-message call reverts the call if it's not propagated.

API Breaking

  • (proto) tharsis#448 Bump version for all Ethermint messages to v1
  • (server) tharsis#434 evm-rpc flags and app config have been renamed to json-rpc.
  • (proto, evm) tharsis#207 Replace big.Int in favor of sdk.Int for TxData fields
  • (proto, evm) tharsis#81 gRPC Query and Tx service changes:
    • The TxReceipt, TxReceiptsByBlockHeight endpoints have been removed from the Query service.
    • The ContractAddress, Bloom have been removed from the MsgEthereumTxResponse and the
      response now contains the ethereum-formatted Hash in hex format.
  • (eth) #845 The eth namespace must be included in the list of API's as default to run the rpc server without error.
  • (evm) #202 Web3 api SendTransaction/SendRawTransaction returns ethereum compatible transaction hash, and query api GetTransaction* also accept that.
  • (rpc) tharsis#258 Return empty BloomFilter instead of throwing an error when it cannot be found (nil or empty).
  • (rpc) tharsis#277 Fix BloomFilter response.


  • (client) tharsis#450 Add EIP55 hex address support on debug addr command.
  • (server) tharsis#343 Define a wrap tendermint logger Handler go-ethereum's root logger.
  • (rpc) tharsis#457 Configure RPC gas cap through app config.
  • (evm) tharsis#434 Support different Tracer types for the EVM.
  • (deps) tharsis#427 Bump ibc-go to v1.0.0
  • (gRPC) tharsis#239 Query ChainConfig via gRPC.
  • (rpc) tharsis#181 Use evm denomination for params on tx fee.
  • (deps) tharsis#423 Bump Cosmos SDK and Tendermint versions to v0.43.0 and v0.34.11, respectively.
  • (evm) tharsis#66 Support legacy transaction types for signing.
  • (evm) tharsis#24 Implement metrics for MsgEthereumTx, state transitions, BeginBlock and EndBlock.
  • (rpc) #124 Implement txpool_content, txpool_inspect and txpool_status RPC methods
  • (rpc) tharsis#112 Fix eth_coinbase to return the ethereum address of the validator
  • (rpc) tharsis#176 Support fetching pending nonce
  • (rpc) tharsis#272 do binary search to estimate gas accurately
  • (rpc) #313 Implement internal debug namespace (Not including logger functions nor traces).
  • (rpc) #349 Implement configurable JSON-RPC APIs to manage enabled namespaces.
  • (rpc) #377 Implement miner_ namespace. miner_setEtherbase and miner_setGasPrice are working as intended. All the other calls are not applicable and return unsupported.

Bug Fixes

  • (keys) tharsis#346 Fix keys add command with --ledger flag for the secp256k1 signing algorithm.
  • (evm) tharsis#291 Use block proposer address (validator operator) for COINBASE opcode.
  • (rpc) tharsis#81 Fix transaction hashing and decoding on eth_sendTransaction.
  • (rpc) tharsis#45 Use EmptyUncleHash and EmptyRootHash for empty ethereum Header fields.