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This repository accompanies the paper "Fast Contrail Estimation with OpenSky Data", providing Python notebooks, scripts, and datasets integral to this paper and its findings.

The paper can be accessed at:

Python Notebooks and Scripts

  • plot.ipynb: This Jupyter notebook contains the code to replicate the figures presented in the paper.
  • benchmark.ipynb: This Jupyter notebook demonstrates the benchmarking process of the fastmeteo library, showcasing its performance with different flights.
  • A Python script that includes all necessary functions for contrail estimation, as discussed in the paper.

Data Files

  • example_flight.csv: This file contains an example flight dataset, used in the paper to demonstrate plot generation.
  • eham_flights_benchmark.csv.gz: A compressed CSV file with flight trajectory data. It is used to benchmark the fastmeteo library's performance.
  • benchmark_results.csv: Benchmarking results for individual flights, providing key data for the creation of Figure 5 in the paper.

Installation Note

To reproduce the results presented, it is necessary to install the fastmeteo Python library. Installation instructions and additional information are available at:

You will also need traffic library for trajectory visualization. More details at:

Sample installation:

mamba create -n fastcontrail python=3.11 -c conda-forge
mamba activate fastcontrail
mamba install traffic
pip install git+