FlexGAN is a Python library for automated synthetic relational data generation that models user provided sample data. In three steps, you can generate synthetic data:
Step 1: Import the sample data that you wish to model, either as a Pandas DataFrame or csv file.
Step 2: Initialize training of the synthetic data generation model.
Step 3: Generate data.
tensorflow 2.X pandas numpy scikit-learn scipy
import flexgan as flex
# Initialize flexgan by providing sample data either as a pandas.DataFrame or a csv file path location.
my_generator = flex.generator(csv_path='my_data.csv')
# Train synthetic data generation model.
# Generate synthetic data by optionally specifying sample count and csv file path locaiton.
# Specify path location to save a trained data generation model for future use.
# Import a pretrained model to generate data.
my_generator = flex.generator(csv_path='my_data.csv', model_path='my_flexgan_model.h5')
Check out this colab notebook for an example.
Please reach out if you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to contribute to the project.
email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/emuccino/