# Upgrade guide # Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x Version X of the Embrace SDK renames some functions. This has been done to reduce confusion & increase consistency across our SDKs. Functions that have been marked as deprecated will still work as before, but will be removed in the next major version release. Please upgrade when convenient, and get in touch if you have a use-case that isn’t supported by the new API. | Old API | New API | Comments | |-------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------| | `Embrace.getInstance().startFragment(String)` | `Embrace.getInstance().startView(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().endFragment(String)` | `Embrace.getInstance().endView(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().setUserPersona(String)` | `Embrace.getInstance().addUserPersona(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logBreadcrumb(String)` | `Embrace.getInstance().addBreadcrumb(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().startEvent()` | `Embrace.getInstance().startMoment(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().endEvent()` | `Embrace.getInstance().endMoment(String)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logInfo(String, ...)` | `Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)` | Altered function signature to standardise behavior. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logWarning(String, ...)` | `Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)` | Altered function signature to standardise behavior. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logError(String, ...)` | `Embrace.getInstance().logMessage(...)` | Altered function signature to standardise behavior. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logError(Throwable)` | `Embrace.getInstance().logException()` | Altered function signature to standardise behavior. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logError(StacktraceElement[])` | `Embrace.getInstance().logCustomStacktrace()` | Altered function signature to standardise behavior. | | `EmbraceLogger` | `Embrace.getInstance().logMessage()` | Moved function calls to main Embrace interface. | | `LogType` | `Severity` | Use Severity enum rather than LogType. | | `PurchaseFlow` | None | Please contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality. | | `RegistrationFlow` | None | Please contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality. | | `SubscriptionFlow` | None | Please contact Embrace if you have a use-case for this functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logNetworkCall()` | `Embrace.getInstance().recordNetworkRequest(EmbraceNetworkRequest)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | | `Embrace.getInstance().logNetworkClientError()` | `Embrace.getInstance().recordNetworkRequest(EmbraceNetworkRequest)` | Renamed function to better describe functionality. | ### Previously deprecated APIs that have been removed | Old API | Comments | |---------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | `ConnectionQuality` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `ConnectionQualityListener` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.enableStartupTracing()` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.enableEarlyAnrCapture()` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.setLogLevel()` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.enableDebugLogging()` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.disableDebugLogging()` | Deprecated API that is no longer supported. | | `Embrace.logUnhandledJsException()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.logUnhandledUnityException()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setReactNativeVersionNumber()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setJavaScriptPatchNumber()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setJavaScriptBundleURL()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setUnityMetaData()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.logDartError()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.logDartErrorWithType()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setEmbraceFlutterSdkVersion()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.setDartVersion()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.addConnectionQualityListener()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.removeConnectionQualityListener()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `Embrace.logPushNotification()` | Deprecated internal API that was unintentionally visible | | `EmbraceNetworkRequest.withByteIn()` | Use `withBytesIn()` instead | | `EmbraceNetworkRequest.withByteOut()` | Use `withBytesOut()` instead | | `EmbraceNetworkRequestV2.withByteIn()` | Use `withBytesIn()` instead | | `EmbraceNetworkRequestV2.withByteOut()` | Use `withBytesOut()` instead | ## Hidden symbols The following symbols have been hidden in version 6 of the Embrace Android SDK. These were unintentionally exposed in previous versions. Please get in touch if you had a use-case for these symbols that isn't supported with the new API. - `Absent` - `ActivityListener` - `AndroidToUnityCallback` - `ApkToolsConfig` - `BuildInfo` - `CheckedBiConsumer` - `CheckedBiFunction` - `CheckedBinaryOperator` - `CheckedBiPredicate` - `CheckedConsumer` - `CheckedFunction` - `CheckedPredicate` - `CheckedRunnable` - `CheckedSupplier` - `CountingOutputStream` - `Embrace.` - `EmbraceConnection` - `EmbraceHttpUrlConnection` - `EmbraceHttpUrlConnectionOverride` - `EmbraceHttpUrlStreamHandler` - `EmbraceHttpsUrlConnection` - `EmbraceHttpsUrlStreamHandler` - `EmbraceUrl` - `EmbraceUrlStreamHandler` - `EmbraceUrlStreamHandlerFactory` - `EmbraceEvent` - `EmbraceConnectionImpl` - `EmbraceUrlAdapter` - `EmbraceUrlImpl` - `Event` - `ExecutorUtils` - `HandleExceptionError` - `NetworkCaptureEncryptionManager` - `Optional` - `Preconditions` - `Present` - `RnActionBreadcrumb` - `ThreadUtils` - `Unchecked` - `Uuid`