package; import static; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.os.Build; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0; /** * Wraps {@link HttpURLConnection} to log network calls to Embrace. The wrapper also wraps the * InputStream to get an accurate count of bytes received if a Content-Length is not provided by * the server. *

* The wrapper handles gzip decompression itself and strips the {@code Content-Length} and * {@code Content-Encoding} headers. Typically this is handled transparently by * {@link HttpURLConnection} but would prevent us from accessing the {@code Content-Length}. *

* Network logging currently does not follow redirects. The duration is logged from initiation of * the network call (upon invocation of any method which would initiate the network call), to the * retrieval of the response. *

* As network calls are initiated lazily, we log the network call prior to the calling of any * wrapped method which would result in the network call actually being executed, and store a * flag to prevent duplication of calls. */ @InternalApi class EmbraceUrlConnectionDelegate implements EmbraceHttpsUrlConnection { /** * The content encoding HTTP header. */ private static final String CONTENT_ENCODING = "Content-Encoding"; /** * The content length HTTP header. */ private static final String CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length"; /** * Reference to the wrapped connection. */ private final T connection; /** * The time at which the connection was created. */ private final long createdTime; /** * Whether transparent gzip compression is enabled. */ private final boolean enableWrapIoStreams; /** * Reference to the SDK that is mockable and fakeable in tests */ private final Embrace embrace; @NonNull private final String callId; /** * A reference to the output stream wrapped in a counter, so we can determine the bytes sent. */ private volatile CountingOutputStream outputStream; /** * Whether the network call has already been logged, to prevent duplication. */ private volatile boolean didLogNetworkCall = false; /** * The time at which the network call ended. */ private volatile Long endTime; /** * The time at which the network call was initiated. */ private volatile Long startTime; /** * The trace id specified for the request */ private volatile String traceId; /** * The request headers captured from the http connection. */ private volatile HashMap requestHeaders; /** * Indicates if the request throws a IOException */ private volatile Exception inputStreamAccessException; private volatile Exception lastConnectionAccessException; private final AtomicLong responseSize = new AtomicLong(-1); private final AtomicInteger responseCode = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicReference>> headerFields = new AtomicReference<>(null); private final AtomicReference networkCaptureData = new AtomicReference<>(null); @Nullable private volatile String traceparent = null; @Nullable private volatile byte[] responseBody = null; /** * Wraps an existing {@link HttpURLConnection} with the Embrace network logic. * * @param connection the connection to wrap * @param enableWrapIoStreams true if we should transparently ungzip the response, else false */ public EmbraceUrlConnectionDelegate(@NonNull T connection, boolean enableWrapIoStreams) { this(connection, enableWrapIoStreams, Embrace.getInstance()); } EmbraceUrlConnectionDelegate(@NonNull T connection, boolean enableWrapIoStreams, @NonNull Embrace embrace) { this.connection = connection; this.enableWrapIoStreams = enableWrapIoStreams; this.embrace = embrace; this.createdTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); this.callId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } @Override public void addRequestProperty(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String value) { this.connection.addRequestProperty(key, value); } @Override public void connect() throws IOException { identifyTraceId(); try { if (embrace.getInternalInterface().isNetworkSpanForwardingEnabled()) { traceparent = connection.getRequestProperty(TRACEPARENT_HEADER_NAME); } } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore traceparent if there was a problem obtaining it } this.connection.connect(); } @Override public void disconnect() { // The network call must be logged before we close the transport internalLogNetworkCall(this.createdTime); this.connection.disconnect(); } @Override public boolean getAllowUserInteraction() { return this.connection.getAllowUserInteraction(); } @Override public void setAllowUserInteraction(boolean allowUserInteraction) { this.connection.setAllowUserInteraction(allowUserInteraction); } @Override public int getConnectTimeout() { return this.connection.getConnectTimeout(); } @Override public void setConnectTimeout(int timeout) { this.connection.setConnectTimeout(timeout); } @Override @Nullable public Object getContent() throws IOException { identifyTraceId(); return this.connection.getContent(); } @Override @Nullable public Object getContent(@NonNull Class[] classes) throws IOException { identifyTraceId(); return this.connection.getContent(classes); } @Override @Nullable public String getContentEncoding() { return shouldUncompressGzip() ? null : this.connection.getContentEncoding(); } @Override public int getContentLength() { return shouldUncompressGzip() ? -1 : this.connection.getContentLength(); } @Override @TargetApi(24) public long getContentLengthLong() { return (shouldUncompressGzip() || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) ? -1 : this.connection.getContentLengthLong(); } @Override @Nullable public String getContentType() { return this.connection.getContentType(); } @Override public long getDate() { return this.connection.getDate(); } @Override public boolean getDefaultUseCaches() { return this.connection.getDefaultUseCaches(); } @Override public void setDefaultUseCaches(boolean defaultUseCaches) { this.connection.setDefaultUseCaches(defaultUseCaches); } @Override public boolean getDoInput() { return this.connection.getDoInput(); } @Override public void setDoInput(boolean doInput) { this.connection.setDoInput(doInput); } @Override public boolean getDoOutput() { return this.connection.getDoOutput(); } @Override public void setDoOutput(boolean doOutput) { this.connection.setDoOutput(doOutput); } @Override @Nullable public InputStream getErrorStream() { return getWrappedInputStream(this.connection.getErrorStream()); } @Override public boolean shouldInterceptHeaderRetrieval(@Nullable String key) { return shouldUncompressGzip() && key != null && (key.equalsIgnoreCase(CONTENT_ENCODING) || key.equalsIgnoreCase(CONTENT_LENGTH)); } @Override @Nullable public String getHeaderField(int n) { String key = this.connection.getHeaderFieldKey(n); return retrieveHeaderField(key, null, () -> connection.getHeaderField(n) ); } @Override @Nullable public String getHeaderField(@Nullable String name) { return retrieveHeaderField(name, null, () -> connection.getHeaderField(name) ); } @Override @Nullable public String getHeaderFieldKey(int n) { String key = this.connection.getHeaderFieldKey(n); return retrieveHeaderField(key, null, () -> key ); } @Override public long getHeaderFieldDate(@NonNull String name, long defaultValue) { Long result = retrieveHeaderField(name, defaultValue, () -> connection.getHeaderFieldDate(name, defaultValue) ); return result != null ? result : defaultValue; } @Override public int getHeaderFieldInt(@NonNull String name, int defaultValue) { Integer result = retrieveHeaderField(name, defaultValue, () -> connection.getHeaderFieldInt(name, defaultValue) ); return result != null ? result : defaultValue; } @Override @TargetApi(24) public long getHeaderFieldLong(@NonNull String name, long defaultValue) { Long result = retrieveHeaderField(name, defaultValue, () -> Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N ? -1 : this.connection.getHeaderFieldLong(name, defaultValue) ); return result != null ? result : defaultValue; } @Override @Nullable public Map> getHeaderFields() { final long startTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall(startTime); return headerFields.get(); } private R retrieveHeaderField(@Nullable String name, R defaultValue, Function0 action) { if (name == null) { return null; } long startTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); if (shouldInterceptHeaderRetrieval(name)) { // Strip the content encoding and length headers, as we transparently ungzip the content return defaultValue; } R result = action.invoke(); cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall(startTime); return result; } @Override public long getIfModifiedSince() { return this.connection.getIfModifiedSince(); } @Override public void setIfModifiedSince(long ifModifiedSince) { this.connection.setIfModifiedSince(ifModifiedSince); } @Override @Nullable public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { try { return getWrappedInputStream(this.connection.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { inputStreamAccessException = e; throw e; } } @Override public boolean getInstanceFollowRedirects() { return this.connection.getInstanceFollowRedirects(); } @Override public void setInstanceFollowRedirects(boolean followRedirects) { this.connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(followRedirects); } @Override public long getLastModified() { return this.connection.getLastModified(); } @Override @Nullable public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { identifyTraceId(); OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream(); if (enableWrapIoStreams && this.outputStream == null && out != null) { this.outputStream = new CountingOutputStream(out); return this.outputStream; } return out; } @Override @Nullable public Permission getPermission() throws IOException { return this.connection.getPermission(); } @Override public int getReadTimeout() { return this.connection.getReadTimeout(); } @Override public void setReadTimeout(int timeout) { this.connection.setReadTimeout(timeout); } @Override @NonNull public String getRequestMethod() { return this.connection.getRequestMethod(); } @Override public void setRequestMethod(@NonNull String method) throws ProtocolException { this.connection.setRequestMethod(method); } @Override @Nullable public Map> getRequestProperties() { return this.connection.getRequestProperties(); } @Override @Nullable public String getRequestProperty(@NonNull String key) { return this.connection.getRequestProperty(key); } @Override public int getResponseCode() { identifyTraceId(); long startTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall(startTime); return responseCode.get(); } @Override @Nullable public String getResponseMessage() throws IOException { identifyTraceId(); long startTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); String responseMsg = this.connection.getResponseMessage(); cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall(startTime); return responseMsg; } @Override @Nullable public URL getUrl() { return this.connection.getURL(); } @Override public boolean getUseCaches() { return this.connection.getUseCaches(); } @Override public void setUseCaches(boolean useCaches) { this.connection.setUseCaches(useCaches); } @Override public void setChunkedStreamingMode(int chunkLen) { this.connection.setChunkedStreamingMode(chunkLen); } @Override public void setFixedLengthStreamingMode(int contentLength) { this.connection.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(contentLength); } @Override public void setFixedLengthStreamingMode(long contentLength) { this.connection.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(contentLength); } @Override public void setRequestProperty(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String value) { this.connection.setRequestProperty(key, value); if (hasNetworkCaptureRules()) { this.requestHeaders = getProcessedHeaders(getRequestProperties()); } } @Override @NonNull public String toString() { return this.connection.toString(); } @Override public boolean usingProxy() { return this.connection.usingProxy(); } /** * Given a start time (in milliseconds), logs the network call to Embrace using the current time as the end time. *

* If the network call has already been logged for this HttpURLConnection, this method is a no-op and is effectively * ignored. */ synchronized void internalLogNetworkCall(long startTime) { internalLogNetworkCall(startTime, embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(), false, null); } /** * Given a start time and end time (in milliseconds), logs the network call to Embrace. *

* If the network call has already been logged for this HttpURLConnection, this method is a no-op and is effectively * ignored. */ synchronized void internalLogNetworkCall(long startTime, long endTime, boolean overwrite, Long bytesIn) { if (!this.didLogNetworkCall || overwrite) { // We are proactive with setting this flag so that we don't get nested calls to log the network call by virtue of // extracting the data we need to log the network call. this.didLogNetworkCall = true; this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; String url = EmbraceHttpPathOverride.getURLString(new EmbraceHttpUrlConnectionOverride(this.connection)); try { long bytesOut = this.outputStream == null ? 0 : Math.max(this.outputStream.getCount(), 0); long contentLength = bytesIn == null ? Math.max(0, responseSize.get()) : bytesIn; if (inputStreamAccessException == null && lastConnectionAccessException == null && responseCode.get() != 0) { embrace.getInternalInterface().recordAndDeduplicateNetworkRequest( callId, EmbraceNetworkRequest.fromCompletedRequest( url, HttpMethod.fromString(getRequestMethod()), startTime, endTime, bytesOut, contentLength, responseCode.get(), traceId, traceparent, networkCaptureData.get() ) ); } else { String exceptionClass = null; String exceptionMessage = null; // Error that happened when trying to obtain the input stream take precedent over connection access errors after that if (inputStreamAccessException != null) { exceptionClass = inputStreamAccessException.getClass().getCanonicalName(); exceptionMessage = inputStreamAccessException.getMessage(); } else if (lastConnectionAccessException != null) { exceptionClass = lastConnectionAccessException.getClass().getCanonicalName(); exceptionMessage = lastConnectionAccessException.getMessage(); } String errorType = exceptionClass != null ? exceptionClass : "UnknownState"; String errorMessage = exceptionMessage != null ? exceptionMessage : "HTTP response state unknown"; embrace.getInternalInterface().recordAndDeduplicateNetworkRequest( callId, EmbraceNetworkRequest.fromIncompleteRequest( url, HttpMethod.fromString(getRequestMethod()), startTime, endTime, errorType, errorMessage, traceId, traceparent, networkCaptureData.get() ) ); } } catch (Exception e) { InternalStaticEmbraceLogger.logError("Error logging native network request", e); } } } @Nullable private HashMap getProcessedHeaders(@Nullable Map> properties) { if (properties == null) { return null; } HashMap headers = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> h : properties.entrySet()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String value : h.getValue()) { if (value != null) { builder.append(value); } } headers.put(h.getKey(), builder.toString()); } return headers; } /** * Wraps an input stream with an input stream which counts the number of bytes read, and then * updates the network call service with the correct number of bytes read once the stream has * reached the end. * * @param inputStream the input stream to count * @return the wrapped input stream */ private CountingInputStreamWithCallback countingInputStream(InputStream inputStream) { return new CountingInputStreamWithCallback( inputStream, hasNetworkCaptureRules(), (bytesCount, responseBody) -> { if (this.startTime != null && this.endTime != null) { this.responseBody = responseBody; cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall( this.startTime, this.endTime, true, bytesCount); } }); } /** * We disable the automatic gzip decompression behavior of {@link HttpURLConnection} in the * {@link EmbraceHttpUrlStreamHandler} to ensure that we can count the bytes in the response * from the server. We decompress the response transparently to the user only if both: *


* If the user specified an encoding, even if it is gzip, we do not transparently decompress * the response. This is to mirror the behavior of {@link HttpURLConnection} whilst providing * us access to the content length. * * @return true if we should decompress the response, false otherwise * @see Android Docs * @see Android Source Code */ private boolean shouldUncompressGzip() { String contentEncoding = this.connection.getContentEncoding(); return enableWrapIoStreams && contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip"); } private void identifyTraceId() { if (traceId == null) { try { traceId = getRequestProperty(embrace.getTraceIdHeader()); } catch (Exception e) { InternalStaticEmbraceLogger.logDebug("Failed to retrieve actual trace id header. Current: " + traceId); } } } @Override @Nullable public String getCipherSuite() { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getCipherSuite(); } return null; } @Override @Nullable public Certificate[] getLocalCertificates() { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getLocalCertificates(); } return new Certificate[0]; } @Override @Nullable public Certificate[] getServerCertificates() throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getServerCertificates(); } return new Certificate[0]; } @Override @Nullable public SSLSocketFactory getSslSocketFactory() { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getSSLSocketFactory(); } return null; } @Override public void setSslSocketFactory(@NonNull SSLSocketFactory factory) { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).setSSLSocketFactory(factory); } } @Override @Nullable public HostnameVerifier getHostnameVerifier() { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getHostnameVerifier(); } return null; } @Override public void setHostnameVerifier(@NonNull HostnameVerifier verifier) { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).setHostnameVerifier(verifier); } } @Override @Nullable public Principal getLocalPrincipal() { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getLocalPrincipal(); } return null; } @Override @Nullable public Principal getPeerPrincipal() throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException { if (this.connection instanceof HttpsURLConnection) { return ((HttpsURLConnection) this.connection).getPeerPrincipal(); } return null; } @Nullable private InputStream getWrappedInputStream(InputStream connectionInputStream) { identifyTraceId(); long startTime = embrace.getInternalInterface().getSdkCurrentTime(); InputStream in = null; if (shouldUncompressGzip()) { try { CheckedSupplier gzipInputStreamSupplier = () -> new GZIPInputStream(connectionInputStream); in = countingInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(gzipInputStreamSupplier.get())); } catch (Throwable t) { // This handles the case where it's availability is 0, causing the GZIPInputStream instantiation to fail. } } if (in == null) { in = enableWrapIoStreams ? countingInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(connectionInputStream)) : connectionInputStream; } cacheResponseData(); internalLogNetworkCall(startTime); return in; } private boolean hasNetworkCaptureRules() { if (this.connection.getURL() == null) { return false; } String url = this.connection.getURL().toString(); String method = this.connection.getRequestMethod(); return embrace.getInternalInterface().shouldCaptureNetworkBody(url, method); } /** * Cache values from response at the first point of availability so that we won't try to retrieve these values when the response * is not available. */ private void cacheResponseData() { if (headerFields.get() == null) { synchronized (headerFields) { if (headerFields.get() == null) { try { final Map> responseHeaders; if (!enableWrapIoStreams) { responseHeaders = connection.getHeaderFields(); } else { responseHeaders = new HashMap<>(connection.getHeaderFields()); responseHeaders.remove(CONTENT_ENCODING); responseHeaders.remove(CONTENT_LENGTH); } headerFields.set(responseHeaders); } catch (Exception e) { lastConnectionAccessException = e; } } } } if (responseCode.get() == 0) { synchronized (responseCode) { if (responseCode.get() == 0) { try { responseCode.set(connection.getResponseCode()); } catch (Exception e) { lastConnectionAccessException = e; } } } } if (responseSize.get() == -1) { synchronized (responseSize) { // Only try to retrieve the response size if the connection is connected. // Doing so when the connection is finished and has disconnected will result in the re-execution of the request if (responseSize.get() == -1) { try { responseSize.set(connection.getContentLength()); } catch (Exception e) { lastConnectionAccessException = e; } } } } if (shouldCaptureNetworkData() && networkCaptureData.get() == null) { // If we don't have network capture rules, it's unnecessary to save these values synchronized (networkCaptureData) { if (shouldCaptureNetworkData() && networkCaptureData.get() == null) { try { Map requestHeaders = this.requestHeaders; String requestQueryParams = connection.getURL().getQuery(); byte[] requestBody = this.outputStream != null ? this.outputStream.getRequestBody() : null; Map responseHeaders = getProcessedHeaders(headerFields.get()); networkCaptureData.set( new NetworkCaptureData( requestHeaders, requestQueryParams, requestBody, responseHeaders, responseBody, null ) ); } catch (Exception e) { lastConnectionAccessException = e; } } } } } private boolean shouldCaptureNetworkData() { return hasNetworkCaptureRules() && (enableWrapIoStreams || inputStreamAccessException != null); } }