#!/bin/bash # Version: 2015-03-04 # Usage: srvzone # srvzone ns1 # # If you specify a nameserver, the output will list you as the master of # any TLDs hosted by that nameserver. This is suitable for any T1 server. # # If no nameserver is specified, all zones will be slaved. # This is suitable for any T2 server. # TODO: # - Flag for IPv6 # - Delete zone file if local serial is newer # - autoupdate script cd `dirname $0` source srvzone.conf NS[0]= NS[1]= NS[2]= NS6[0]=2001:470:1f0e:8a0::2 NS6[1]=2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe33:e1ba NS6[2]=2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fe33:e1d9 RES[0]="${NS[@]} ${NS6[@]}" for ns in "${NS[@]}"; do soa=$(dig +short +tries=1 SOA . @$ns | grep -v '^;') if [ "$soa" ]; then NS0=$ns ; break ; fi done if [ ! "$NS0" ]; then echo "An NS0 server could not be reached -- aborting!" exit 1 fi # Make sure only one copy runs at a time LOCK="srvzone.lock" r=$($PRINTF %05d $RANDOM) sleep ${r:0:1}.${r:1:5} if [ -f $LOCK ]; then if [ "$((`date +%s` - `date -r $LOCK +%s`))" -lt 600 ]; then exit 0; fi fi touch $LOCK # Check if user entered a nameserver for arg in "$@"; do case $arg in -d) DEBUG=1 ;; *) myNS=$(echo $arg | $AWK '{print tolower($0)}') if [ ${#myNS} -lt 5 ]; then myNS="$myNS.opennic.glue"; fi ;; esac done # Start printing the new file ifs=$IFS rm -f "$tmp_dest" { echo "#" echo "# OpenNIC zone config - file created by $HOSTNAME" echo "# Generated on `date '+%A, %d %b %Y at %T'`" echo "#" } >> $tmp_dest # Collect list of TLDs TXT=(dns.opennic.glue $($DIG @$NS0 TXT tlds.opennic.glue +short | grep -v '^;' | $SED s/\"//g)) IFS=$'\n' TLDS=($(sort <<<"${TXT[*]}")) IFS=$ifs if [ "$TLDS" == "dns.opennic.glue" ]; then echo "Failed to obtain list of TLDs" rm -f $LOCK exit 1 fi for TLD in "${TLDS[@]}" ; do # Check if this zone is mastered by this server zone="$TLD.opennic.glue" if [ "$TLD" == "." ]; then zone="" ; fi master=($($DIG TXT +short $zone. @$NS0 | sed 's/"//g' | $GREP ^ns) ns0.opennic.glue.) SLAVE=1; if [ "$myNS" ]; then mm=$(echo ${master[0]} | $SED 's/\.$//') if [ "$myNS" == "$mm" ]; then SLAVE=""; fi fi path=$(eval echo $file_slave) if [ ! "$SLAVE" ]; then path=$(eval echo $file_master) ; fi if [ "$TLD" == "." ]; then path=$(eval echo $file_root) ; fi # Begin printing the zone config echo echo "zone \"$TLD\" in {" if [ "$SLAVE" ]; then echo " type slave;" echo " allow-transfer { any; };" echo " file \"$path\";" echo " notify no;" echo " masters {" # Collect a list of master nameservers for the zone for mm in "${master[@]}" ; do mm=$(echo $mm | $SED 's/\.$//') ns=$(echo $mm | $CUT -d. -f1 | $SED 's/ns//') AT="@$myDNS" if [ "$ns" == "0" ]; then AT="@$NS0"; fi if [ "$AT" == "@" ]; then AT=""; fi # If this is an unknown NS, query its IPs if [ ! "${RES[$ns]}" ]; then A4=$($DIG A +short $mm $AT | $GREP -v '^;') A6=$($DIG AAAA +short $mm $AT | $GREP -v '^;') RES[$ns]="${A4[@]} ${A6[@]}" fi read -a IP <<< ${RES[$ns]} # Print all IPs for all nameservers for addr in "${IP[@]}" ; do $PRINTF "\t\t%-39s # %s\n" "$addr;" "$mm" done done echo " };" else echo " type master;" if [ "$signed" == "TRUE" ]; then echo " file \"${path}.signed\";" else echo " file \"$path\";" fi echo " allow-transfer { any; };" echo " notify yes;" if [ "$myNS" != "ns0" ]; then echo " also-notify {" for i in "${NS[@]}"; do echo " $i;" done for i in "${NS6[@]}"; do echo " $i;" done echo " };" fi fi echo "};" done >> "$tmp_dest" # Confirm the new file is valid TEST=$($CHECKCONF "$tmp_dest") if [ "$TEST" ]; then echo "Failed zone generation - please see $tmp_dest" rm -f $LOCK exit 1 fi if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then echo "Root zone: $file_root" echo "Master zones: $file_master" echo "Slave zones: $file_slave" echo "Config file: $destination" echo "Test file: $tmp_dest" else mv "$tmp_dest" "$destination" $RNDC reload > /dev/null fi rm -f $LOCK exit 0