# cl-oju ![build](https://github.com/eigenhombre/cl-oju/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg) > What is *oju*? A Mysterious Sauce used as a special ingredient > sourced (some would say pilfered) from an advanced civilization > thirty years in the future (far beyond the late 1980's). `cl-oju`: a few idioms, mostly relating to sequences, that I miss when writing Common Lisp. There are many more comprehensive utility libraries out there, such as [Serapeum](https://github.com/ruricolist/serapeum). This one is focused on a fairly narrow goal: to provide fairly simple equivalents to core Clojure functions. Since I frequently reach for (and write) these out of habit, I wanted a place to put them. I haven't needed to worry too much about comprehensiveness or performance, though PRs to improve either will be gratefully reviewed. I typically add functions here when I reach for them out of habit while working in Common Lisp. Note that I stick to the functional *interface* of familiar Clojure expressions, but do not worry about immutable data structures or laziness in this library. If you're new to Common Lisp coming from Clojure, it may be better to learn "the Common Lisp way" of doing things than to rely on these functions; but this library can still be a reference point to see *a* way of doing things you're used to. Supported operators: comment comp drop filter frequencies group-by if-not interleave interpose juxt neg? not= (based on #'EQUAL) partial partition-all partition-by partition-n (called "partition" in Clojure) pos? rand-int rand-nth range repeatedly slurp sort-by spit str take take-while when-not # Usage Available on [Quicklisp](https://quicklisp.org) or [Ultralisp](https://ultralisp.org/projects/eigenhombre/cl-oju): (ql:quickload :cl-oju) Example: (in-package :cl-oju) (mapcar (juxt (comp #'length #'str) #'identity) (repeatedly 10 (lambda () (rand-int 1000)))) ;;=> '((3 717) (3 508) (3 238) (3 366) (2 50) (3 564) (3 395) (2 18) (3 446) (3 935)) # Testing / Building `make test` should be sufficient to run the tests using SBCL, or `make test-ecl` for ECL. You can also run them in Docker (`make docker`), which is what the CI for this project does. You'll obviously need `make` and Docker installed for this. # License [MIT](https://github.com/eigenhombre/cl-oju/blob/master/LICENSE) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.