# AppVeyor configuration for AppVeyor project "Egoboo". clone_depth: 1 # Build worker image (VM template) image: Visual Studio 2017 # Build branch "master" and "develop" only. branches: only: - master - develop platform: - Win32 - x64 configuration: - Debug - Release install: # depth 32 should be enough. - git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 32 # Download and install CMake. - set CMAKE_URL="https://cmake.org/files/v3.8/cmake-3.8.0-win64-x64.zip" - appveyor DownloadFile %CMAKE_URL% -FileName cmake.zip - 7z x cmake.zip -oC:\projects\deps > nul - move C:\projects\deps\cmake-* C:\projects\deps\cmake # Move to a version-agnostic directory - set PATH=C:\projects\deps\cmake\bin;%PATH% - cmake --version # Restore nuget packages and install dependencies. # Furthermore, the artifact name and the artifact file name are computed. before_build: #- nuget restore - ps: .\idlib\ci\appveyor\install-googletest-vsix.ps1 - cmd: if "%platform%"=="Win32" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME=Visual Studio 15 2017 - cmd: if "%platform%"=="x64" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME=Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 - cmake -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR_NAME%" CMakeLists.txt build: parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds project: egoboo.sln # path to Visual Studio solution or project #test_script: # - ps: | # $platformName = $env:platform # if ($env:platform -eq "Win32") { $platformName = "x86" } # vstest.console /Logger:Appveyor /ListDiscoverers /UseVsixExtensions:true # vstest.console /Logger:Appveyor /ListExecutors /UseVsixExtensions:true # vstest.console /Logger:Appveyor /Platform:$platformName /inIsolation /UseVsixExtensions:true "products\$env:configuration\$platformName\bin\idlib-game-engine-tests-executable.exe" # if one matrix entry fails, all entries fails # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration#failing-strategy matrix: fast_finish: true notifications: - provider: Webhook url: https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/7743b26cbf1767e7b3a3 on_build_success: true on_build_failure: true