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Contributing to Crossplane

Welcome, and thank you for considering contributing to Crossplane. We encourage you to help out by raising issues, improving documentation, fixing bugs, or adding new features

If you're interested in contributing please start by reading this document. If you have any questions at all, or don't know where to start, please reach out to us on Slack. Please also take a look at our code of conduct, which details how contributors are expected to conduct themselves as part of the Crossplane community.

Contributing Code

To contribute bug fixes or features to Crossplane:

  1. Communicate your intent.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Test your changes.
  4. Update documentation and examples where appropriate.
  5. Open a Pull Request (PR).

Communicating your intent lets the Crossplane maintainers know that you intend to contribute, and how. This sets you up for success - you can avoid duplicating an effort that may already be underway, adding a feature that may be rejected, or heading down a path that you would be steered away from at review time. The best way to communicate your intent is via a detailed GitHub issue. Take a look first to see if there's already an issue relating to the thing you'd like to contribute. If there isn't, please raise a new one! Let us know what you'd like to work on, and why. The Crossplane maintainers can't always triage new issues immediately, but we encourage you to bring them to our attention via Slack.

NOTE: new features can only being merged during the active development period of a Crossplane release cycle. If implementation and review of a new feature cannot be accomplished prior to feature freeze, it may be bumped to the next release cycle. See the Crossplane release cycle documentation for more information.

Be sure to practice good git commit hygiene as you make your changes. All but the smallest changes should be broken up into a few commits that tell a story. Use your git commits to provide context for the folks who will review PR, and the folks who will be spelunking the codebase in the months and years to come. Ensure each of your commits is signed-off in compliance with the Developer Certificate of Origin by using git commit -s. The Crossplane project highly values readable, idiomatic Go code. Familiarise yourself with the Coding Style section below and try to preempt any comments your reviewers would otherwise leave. Run make reviewable to lint your change.

All Crossplane code must be covered by tests. Note that unlike many Kubernetes projects Crossplane does not use Ginkgo tests and will request changes to any PR that uses Ginkgo or any third party testing library, per the common Go test review comments. Crossplane encourages the use of table driven unit tests - you can find an example below. Note that when opening a PR your reviewer will expect you to detail how you've tested your work. For all but the smallest changes some manual testing is encouraged in addition to unit tests.

All Crossplane documentation is under revision control; see the docs directory of this repository. Any change that introduces new behaviour or changes existing behaviour must include updates to any relevant documentation. Please keep documentation changes in distinct commits.

Once your change is written, tested, and documented the final step is to have it reviewed! You'll be presented with a template and a small checklist when you open a PR. Please read the template and fill out the checklist. Please make all requested changes in subsequent commits. This allows your reviewers to see what has changed as you address their comments. Be mindful of your commit history as you do this - avoid commit messages like "Address review feedback" if possible. If doing so is difficult a good alternative is to rewrite your commit history to clean them up after your PR is approved but before it is merged.

In summary, please:

  • Discuss your change in a GitHub issue before you start.
  • Use your Git commit messages to communicate your intent to your reviewers.
  • Sign-off on all Git commits by running git commit -s
  • Add or update tests for all changes.
  • Preempt coding style review comments.
  • Update all relevant documentation.
  • Don't force push to address review feedback. Your commits should tell a story.
  • If necessary, tidy up your git commit history once your PR is approved.

Thank you for reading through our contributing guide! We appreciate you taking the time to ensure your contributions are high quality and easy for our community to review and accept. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions about contributing!

Coding Style

The Crossplane project prefers not to maintain its own style guide, but we do enforce the style and best practices established by the Go project and its community. This means contributors should:

These coding style guidelines apply to all and repositories unless stated otherwise.

Below we cover some of the feedback we most frequently leave on pull requests. Most of these are covered by the documents above, but may be subtle or easily missed and thus warrant closer attention.

Explain 'nolint' Directives

We use golangci-lint on all our repositories to enforce many style and safety rules that are not covered here. We prefer to tolerate false positives from our linter configuration in order to make sure we catch as many issues as possible. This means it's sometimes necessary to override the linter to make a build pass.

You can override the linter using a //nolint comment directive. When you do so you must:

  1. Be specific. Apply //nolint:nameoflinter at as tight a scope as possible.
  2. Include a comment explaining why you're disabling the linter.

For example:

func hash(s string) string {
        h := fnv.New32()
        _ = h.Write([]byte(s)) //nolint:errcheck // Writing to a hash never returns an error.
        return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h.Sum32())

Here we only disable the specific linter that would emit a warning (errcheck), for the specific line where that warning would be emitted.

Use Descriptive Variable Names Sparingly

Quoting the Go code review comments:

Variable names in Go should be short rather than long. This is especially true for local variables with limited scope. Prefer c to lineCount. Prefer i to sliceIndex.

The basic rule: the further from its declaration that a name is used, the more descriptive the name must be. For a method receiver, one or two letters is sufficient. Common variables such as loop indices and readers can be a single letter (i, r). More unusual things and global variables need more descriptive names.

Another way to frame the above is that we prefer to use short variables in all cases where a (human) reader could easily infer what the variable was from its source. For example:

// NumberOfGeese might be used outside this package, or many many lines further
// down the file so it needs a descriptive name. It's also just an int, which
// doesn't give the reader much clue about what it's for.
const NumberOfGeese = 42

// w is plenty for the first argument here. Naming it gooseWrangler is redundant
// because readers can tell what it is from its type. looseGeese on the other
// hand warrants a descriptive name. It's short lived (lines wise), and its type
// doesn't give us any context about what it's for.
func capture(w goose.Wrangler, looseGeese int) error {
        // Important goose capturing logic.
        for looseGeese > 0 {
                // It's not obvious from the w.Wrangle method name what the
                // return value is, so a descriptive name names sense here too.
                captured, err := w.Wrangle()
                if err != nil {
                        return errors.Wrap(err, "defeated by geese")
                looseGeese = looseGeese - captured

        // We prefer 'y' to 'yard' here because 'yard' is implied by 'NewYard'.
        y := goose.NewYard(w)
        return y.Secure()

Don't Wrap Function Signatures

Quoting again from the Go code review comments:

Most of the time when people wrap lines "unnaturally" (in the middle of function calls or function declarations, more or less, say, though some exceptions are around), the wrapping would be unnecessary if they had a reasonable number of parameters and reasonably short variable names. Long lines seem to go with long names, and getting rid of the long names helps a lot.

func capture(gooseWrangler goose.Wrangler, looseGeese int, gooseYard goose.Yard,
        duckWrangler duck.Wrangler, looseDucks, duckYard duck.Yard) error {
        // Important fowl wrangling logic.

If you find the need to wrap a function signature like the above it's almost always a sign that your argument names are superfluously verbose, or that your function is doing too much. If your function needs to take many optional arguments, perhaps to enable dependency injection, use variadic functions as options. In this case we usually make an exception for wrapped function calls. For example:

type Wrangler struct {
        fw fowl.Wrangler
        loose int

type Option func(w *Wrangler)

func WithFowlWrangler(fw fowl.Wrangler) Option {
        return func(w *Wrangler) {
                w.fw = fw

func NewWrangler(looseGeese int, o ...Option) *Wrangler {
        w := &Wrangler{
                fw: fowl.DefaultWrangler{}

        for _, fn := range o {

        return w

func example() {
        w := NewWrangler(42,

You can read more about this pattern on Dave Cheney's blog.

Return Early

We prefer to return early. Another way to think about this is that we prefer to handle terminal cases (e.g. errors) early. So for example instead of:

func example() error {
        v := fetch()
        if v == 42 {
                // Really important business logic.
                b := embiggen(v)
                for k, v := range lookup(b) {
                        if v == true {
                        } else {
                return nil
        return errors.New("v was a bad number")

We prefer:

func example() error {
        v := fetch()
        if v != 42 {
                return errors.New("v was a bad number")
        // Really important business logic.
        b := embiggen(v)
        for k, v := range lookup(b) {
                // "Continue early" is a variant of "return early".
                if v == false {
        return nil

This approach gets error handling out of the way first, allowing the 'core' of the function to follow at the scope of the function, not a conditional. Or put otherwise, with the least amount of indentation. An interesting side effect of this approach is that it's rare to find an else in Crossplane code (at the time of writing there are four uses of else in crossplane/crossplane). Quoting Effective Go:

In the Go libraries, you'll find that when an if statement doesn't flow into the next statement—that is, the body ends in break, continue, goto, or return—the unnecessary else is omitted.

Wrap Errors

Use crossplane-runtime/pkg/errors to wrap errors with context. This allows us to emit logs and events with useful, specific errors that can be related to deeper parts of the codebase without having to actually plumb loggers and event sources deep down into the codebase. For example:

import ""

func example() error {
        v, err := fetch()
        if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not fetch the thing")

        return nil

Scope Errors

Where possible, keep errors as narrowly scoped as possible. This avoids bugs that can appear due to 'shadowed' errors, i.e. accidental re-use of an existing err variable, as code is refactored over time. Keeping errors scoped to the error handling conditional block can help protect against this. So for example instead of:

func example() error {
        err := enable()
        if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not enable the thing")

        // 'err' still exists here at the function scope.

        return errors.Wrap(emit(), "could not emit the thing")

We prefer:

func example() error {
        if err := enable(); err != nil {
                // 'err' exists here inside the conditional block.
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not enable the thing")

        // 'err' does not exist here at the function scope. It's scoped to the
        // above conditional block.

        return errors.Wrap(emit(), "could not emit the thing")

Note that the 'return early' advice above trumps this rule - it's okay to declare errors at the function scope if it lets you keep business logic less nested. That is, instead of:

func example() error {
        if v, err := fetch(); err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not enable the thing")
        } else {
        return nil

We prefer:

func example() error {
        v, err := fetch()
        if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "could not enable the thing")

        return nil

Prefer Table Driven Tests

As mentioned in Contributing Code Crossplane diverges from common controller-runtime patterns in that it follows the advice laid out in the Go project's test review comments documents. This means we prefer table driven tests, and avoid test frameworks like Ginkgo. The most common form of Crossplane test is as follows:

// Example is the function we're testing.
func Example(ctx context.Context, input string) (int, error) {
        // ...

// Test function names are always PascalCase. No underscores.
func TestExample(t *testing.T) {
        type args struct {
                ctx   context.Context
                input string

        type want struct {
                output int
                err    error

        cases := map[string]struct{
                reason string
                args   args
                want   want
                // The summary is always PascalCase. No spaces, hyphens, or underscores.
                "BriefTestCaseSummary": {
                        reason: "A longer summary of what we're testing - printed if the test fails.",
                        args: args{
                                ctx: context.Background(),
                                input: "some input value",
                        want: want{
                                output: "the expected output",
                                err: nil,
        for name, tc := range cases {
                t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
                        got, err := Example(tc.args.ctx, tc.args.input)

                        // We prefer to use
                        // even for simple comparisons to keep test output
                        // consistent. Some Crossplane specific cmp options can
                        // be found in crossplane-runtime/pkg/test.
                        if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want.err, err, test.EquateErrors()); diff != "" {
                                t.Errorf("%s\nExample(...): -want, +got:\n%s", tc.reason, diff)

                        if diff := cmp.Diff(tc.want.output, got); diff != "" {
                                t.Errorf("%s\nExample(...): -want, +got:\n%s", tc.reason, diff)

Establishing a Development Environment

The Crossplane project consists of several repositories under the crossplane and crossplane-contrib GitHub organisations. Most of these projects use the Upbound build submodule; a library of common Makefiles. Establishing a development environment typically requires:

  1. Forking and cloning the repository you wish to work on.
  2. Installing development dependencies.
  3. Running make to establish the build submodule.

Run make help for information on the available Make targets. Useful targets include:

  • make reviewable - Run code generation, linters, and unit tests.
  • make e2e - Run end-to-end tests.
  • make - Build Crossplane.

Once you've built Crossplane you can deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster of your choice. kind (Kubernetes in Docker) is a good choice for development. The script contains several utilities to deploy and run a development build of Crossplane to kind:

# Build Crossplane locally.

# See what commands are available.
./cluster/local/ help

# Start a new kind cluster. Specifying KUBE_IMAGE is optional.
KUBE_IMAGE=kindest/node:v1.23.0 ./cluster/local/ up

# Use Helm to deploy the local build of Crossplane.
./cluster/local/ helm-install

# Use Helm to upgrade the local build of Crossplane.
./cluster/local/ helm-upgrade

When iterating rapidly on a change it can be faster to run Crossplane as a local process, rather than as a pod deployed by Helm to your Kubernetes cluster. Use Helm to install your local Crossplane build per the above instructions, then:

# Stop the Helm-deployed Crossplane pod.
kubectl -n crossplane-system scale deploy crossplane --replicas=0

# Run Crossplane locally; it should connect to your kind cluster if said cluster
# is your active kubectl context. You can also go run cmd/crossplane/main.go.
make run