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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 19, 2019. It is now read-only.

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App based on Nuxt & Vue that greek government institutions can use, in order to compose their decisions in a HTML form. The submission of the form results to the creation of a .n3 decision

Build Setup

# install n3-composer dependencies
$ npm install
# Build for production
$ npm run build
# Run n3-composer
$ npm start

Important: In order for your decisions to be saved to your SPARQL endpoint, you should have Fuseki server running first.

Important: N3-composer uses node-config. Before running the application in production mode, you should edit this configuration file. This file has the following values that you should edit according to your needs:

decisionsSaveDir: The directory in which .n3 decisions will be saved.

isDecisionsSaveDirHome: If set to true, decisionsSaveDir is a relative directory having your home directory as root. Else decisionsSaveDir is an absolute path.

sparqlEndpointUrl: The url that your SPARQL Server is running.

dataset: The dataset name which is used to store .n3 decisions to the rdf store.

SOH_put_executable: The path of the executable which is responsible for storing .n3 decisions to your SPARQL endpoint. Normally, you do not have to edit this value.

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the Nuxt.js docs.


We use backpack to watch and build the application, so you can use the latest ES6 features (module syntax, async/await, etc.).