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706 lines (410 loc) · 25.6 KB

File metadata and controls

706 lines (410 loc) · 25.6 KB


Version 17


  • Added missing types (#480), thanks to @ar53n (#482)


  • Fixed TypeScript typings (#475), thanks to @ar53n (#477)


  • Fixing npm audit vulnerabilities


  • Unobserve all elements on loadAll() call. It's better for performance, and it solves #469.
  • Added some hidden images in the load_all.html demo


  • Bug fix: callback_exit() was not being called on non-image elements (#468).


  • The elements_selector option now defaults to .lazy (was img)
  • The cancel_on_exit option now defaults to true (was false)

See to understand if you are impacted by any breaking change and how to upgrade from previous versions.

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Version 16


Improved speed, cleaning DOM, better working destroy, and also fixed 2 bugs.

  • Cleaning up data attributes from the DOM when finished using them (mainly when elements have finished loading)
  • Improved destroy method, which now also removes lazyload's additions to the DOM elements
  • Video elements are now only listening to the loadeddata event, no longer to load
  • Removed constants containing strings. I thought it would produced shorter minified code, but discovered that terser expands them to strings.
  • Bugfix: when lazily loading videos, the error _poster_ is undefined was thrown
  • Bugfix: when selecting native lazy loading, the loading class was added without knowing whether or not the loading had started


Functional changes:

  • Removed call to deprecated callback_reveal
  • Removed deprecated instance load() method in favor of the static LazyLoad.load() method
  • Replaced auto_unobserve with unobserve_completed, still defaulting to true
  • Introduced a new unobserve_entered option (useful to execute lazy functions once)
  • Created a demo called lazy_functions.html to show how to execute functions as elements enter the viewport
  • Wrote a new recipe to facilitate the lazy execution of scripts/functions
  • Renamed instance method resetElementStatus() to the static LazyLoad.resetStatus()
  • Removed the load_delay option since there's no more use for it
  • Removed the load_delay related demos

See to understand if you are impacted by any breaking change and how to upgrade from previous versions.

Internal changes:

  • Simplified management of the cancel_on_exit with less increase/decrease of the toLoadCount property
  • Refactored counters functions in a new lazyload.counters file

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Version 15



Want to optimize speed for users who scroll down fast on a slow connection? Just set cancel_on_exit: true and LazyLoad will cancel the download of images exiting the viewport while still loading, eventually restoring the original attributes.

  • Introduced the new cancel_on_exit option.
  • Introduced the callback_cancel option, just in case you want to perform any additional action whenever a download gets canceled by cancel_on_exit.
  • Created a new demo named cancel_on_exit.html so you can try the new cancel_on_exit option live.
  • Set cancel_on_exit to true in the following demos, so you can test how it behaves...
    • image_ph_inline.html, with an inline SVG placeholder
    • image_ph_external.html, with an external SVG placeholder
    • delay_test.html, in conjuction with the delay_load option
    • fade_in.html, with a beautiful fade-in effect.

The cancel_on_exit option applies only to images so to the img (and picture) tags. It doesn't work for background images, iframes nor videos.

The cancel_on_exit option will probably default to true starting from the next major version, so give it a try! And please report your feedback in the comments of #438.


  • Added the resetElementStatus() method for when you need to tell LazyLoad to consider an image (or other DOM element) again. This is particularly useful if you change the data-src attribute after the previous data-src was loaded). See the API section in the README file for more information.


  • The callback_exit callback was called several times (for every images out of the viewport) at instance creation or upon update() calls. Now the callback is properly called only when any element exits the viewport.


  • Improved script performance by reducing the number of event listeners used for loading elements.
  • Changed the values that the (internally used) data-ll-status attribute can take. Removed the status "observed" (it was useless) and introduced status "delayed".


Fixed a bug when loading lazy background images on HiDPI screens, data-bg-hidpi was mandatory, not it fallbacks to data-bg. #430


Lazy background images just gained support for hiDPI ("retina") screens! Place your standard resolution images in the data-bg attribute and your hiDPI images in data-bg-hidpi. Same for data-bg-multi and data-bg-multi-hidpi.


Lazy background images gained loaded/error classes and callbacks! 🎉

Breaking changes impacting lazy background images! ⚠ See to understand if you are impacted and how to upgrade from previous versions.

  • Lazy loading of one background image using the data-bg attribute, now manages the load and error events, so they are applied the classes defined in the class_loading/class_loaded/class_error, and the callbacks defined in callback_loading/callback_loaded/callback_error.
  • Lazy loading of multiple background images is still possible via the data-bg-multi attribute. In this case, the load and error events are not managed. The class_applied and callback_applied can be used to understand when the multiple background was applied to the element.
  • Updated background images demos:
    • background-images.html -> single background images
    • background-images-multi.html -> multiple background images
  • Added, a guide on how to upgrade from previous versions (from version 12 up)

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Version 14


Fixed error TS1036: Statements are not allowed in ambient contexts. Closes #427


🎉 Major refactoring and performance improvement! 🔍 File size stays tiny: only 2.07 KB gZipped


  • callback_loading is called when an element started loading
  • callback_reveal is now ⚠ DEPRECATED, use callback_loading instead (it's the same thing, it was just renamed). callback_reveal will be removed and will stop working in version 15.

Instance methods

  • update() method now also unobserves deleted elements, instead of just looking for and observing new elements
  • destroy() destroys better than it did before, delete-ing properties instead of setting their values to null
  • load() method (as an instance method) is now ⚠ DEPRECATED, use the static method instead. If you were using aLazyLoadInstance.load(element) you should change it to LazyLoad.load(element, settings).

Static methods

  • load() was added as a static method. Note that if you need to use custom settings, you need to pass them in the settings parameter.

Instance properties

  • Added toLoadCount. It's the counter of the elements that haven't been lazyloaded yet.


  • Removed the data-was-processed attribute, that was added to mark lazy DOM elements as "already managed". If you were manually handling that attribute to obtain some goal, this is a potentially breaking change. You should now refer to the data-ll-status instead.
  • Added the data-ll-status attribute, which is now used to mark the status of a lazy DOM element. The values it can take are: observing (not loaded yet), loading (loading started), loaded (load completed), error (an error has occured), native (similar to observing, but managed by native lazy loading).

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Version 13


  • Fixed a JS error that could happen to IE11 users after going offline and back online
  • Minor refactoring for better readibility and lighter code (and files)!


  • Added the minified version of dist/lazyload.esm.js as dist/lazyload.esm.min.js, so now you can effortlessly use it with an ES module import statement when using type="module"
  • Reduced files weight even more! dist/lazyload.iife.min.js now weights only 2.03 KB GZipped
  • Removed the callback_set callback that was deprecated since version 11 in favour of callback_reveal
  • Removed sourcemaps (they were probably used only by the authors, but if anyone was actually needing them, we can bring them back)
  • Hidden the _extends function inside LazyLoad's scope (it was global before)
  • Updated build tooling: removed Gulp, now using Rollup & Babel only

Version 12


Restored IE 11 compatibility, which was broken since 12.2.0. See #414. Thanks to @ninosaurus for reporting.


The once-private _loadingCount property is now public and renamed to loadingCount. This property contains the number of images that are currently downloading from the network, limitedly to the ones managed by an instance of LazyLoad. This is particularly useful to understand whether or not is safe to destroy an instance of LazyLoad. See implementation in the destroy demo.

Thanks to @wzhscript and @eugene-stativka.

#### 12.4.0

Video posters can now be loaded lazily, as requested in #365

#### 12.3.0

Callbacks now pass more arguments!

callback_enter, callback_exit now pass:

  1. the DOM element that entered / exited the viewport
  2. the IntersectionObserverEntry that triggered the enter/exit event
  3. the LazyLoad instance

callback_load, callback_error, callback_reveal now pass

  1. the DOM element that entered / exited the viewport
  2. the LazyLoad instance

callback_finish now passes:

  1. the LazyLoad instance

The README file has been updated accordingly.


Released new feature "retry when back online". Now if your users lose the internet connection causing errors on images loading, this script tries and loads those images again when the connection is restored.


Solved a bug with Internet Explorer 11 and the W3C polyfill, as reported in #383.


  • Updated npm dev dependencies
  • Added the new image_ph_inline.html, with an inline SVG placeholder
  • Added the new image_ph_external.html, with an external SVG placeholder


Updated the IntersectionObserver polyfill to version 0.7.0


Improved detection of browser support of IntersectionObserver, as suggested in #362. Thanks to @kaldonir


Updated and to mention the change of the option name callback_load which is called callback_loaded in versions 11.0.0 and above.


  • Reorganized code
  • Improved native lazy loading demos
  • Aligned console messages throughout all demos.


  • Added the use_native option which enables native lazy loading (where supported) with the loading="lazy" attribute. See #331
  • Added two demos:
    • native_lazyload_conditional.html which you can use to test the use_native option
    • native_lazyload.html which always uses native lazy loading (without JS) just to test how it works beyond the LazyLoad script
  • Refactored the constructor and the update method

Version 11


Restored the callback_set callback as deprecated, in order to make the upgrade from v.10 easier.


Fixed the module property of this package.json, which was pointing to a non-existing dist file.


Fixed the main property of this package.json, which was pointing to a non-existing dist file.


Rollback of the patch applied in 11.0.2 since it gave strange results in some cases. See #293. Thanks to @davejamesmiller for the analysis and the report.


Applied a patch to resolve #293 a Chromium bug already fixed in Chrome 72. Thanks to @dverbovyi for the analysis and the report.


Squashed a nasty bug that occurred on IE 11 and Safari when the IntersectionObserver polyfill wasn't loaded before LazyLoad.


  • Changed bundle file name of ES Module from lazyload.es2015.js to lazyload.esm.js
  • Removed the to_webp option (see issue #288)
  • Ceased support and development of LazyLoad v.8 (see issue #306) version. If you were using it, please update your code to use callback_reveal instead.
  • Private methods like _setObserver, _onIntersection etc. are now hidden from the outside.
  • Added the auto_unobserve boolean option, see API.
  • Bugfix: loadAll() didn't unobserve elements.
  • Updated to Jest 24, Babel 7, etc.
  • Fixed dev dependencies vulnerabilities
  • Updated callbacks. See below:

Callbacks updated:

  • Changed callback_enter. This callback is now called whenever an element enters the viewport, even when load_delay is set. In previous versions, this callback was delayed until an element started loading if a load_delay was set. Note that this is a possible breaking change, which you can fix using callback_reveal instead.
  • Renamed callback_loaded is the new name of callback_load.
  • Added callback_exit. This callback is called whenever an element exits the viewport, even if a load_delay is set.
  • Added callback_reveal. This callback is called just after an element starts loading.
  • Deprecated callback_set. This callback still works*, but will be removed in the next major

* it didn't work from versions 11.0.0 to 11.0.5, it still works from 11.0.6.

Version 10


Fixed a bug for which LazyLoad didn't copy the data-sizes attribute value to sizes in source tags inside picture. See #307.


Improved WebP detection to work correctly on Firefox too, see #298.

Thanks to @ipernet for contributing.


  • Fixed build for those using React + SSR, see #287
  • TypeScript definitions clearified, see #283
  • Gulp updated to v.4.0.0 to make it work with node 10

Thanks to @AlexCSR and @muturgan for contributing.


  • Added the ability to know when all images have been downloaded through the callback_finish callback.
  • Added the file demos/print.html to demo how to print lazy images.


Added the ability to have multiple background images, through the new data_bg option.


Added the ability to set different thresholds for the scrolling area, through the new thresholds option.


BUGFIX: Class loaded was not applied to a loaded video (issue #239).


BUGFIX: Autoplaying video not loaded correctly after entering the viewport (issue #240). Thanks to @maeligg.


Added new option load_delay to skip loading when fast scrolling occurs, as requested in issues #235 and #166. Pass in a number of milliseconds, and each image will be loaded after it stayed inside that viewport for that time.


  • Refactorized code & improved script performance
  • BUGFIX: Fixed webpack import (issue #230) TypeError: default is not a constructor


Now supporting WebP through dynamic extension rename if the user browser is compatible.


  • Shortened the RegEx for crawlers detection (shaved a few bytes)
  • Released LazyLoad in new module types! Enjoy the new flavours :)
Filename Module Type Advantages
lazyload.min.js UMD (Universal Module Definition) Works pretty much everywhere, even in common-js contexts
lazyload.iife.min.js IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) Works as in-page <script src="">, ~0.5kb smaller minified
lazyload.amd.min.js AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Works with the require.js module loader, ~0.5kb smaller minified
lazyload.es2015.js ES Module type Exports LazyLoad so you can import it in your project


SEO! Expanded SEO-friendliness to more crawlers, Bingbot included.


BUGFIX: Fixed issue #225. Due to mistyped BOT detection, in version 10.11.0 all images were loaded as soon as LazyLoad was created.


SEO! Version 10.x is now as SEO-friendly as version 8.x.


Added a public load method to lazyload any element.


Added the ability to lazily set the sizes attribute via a data-sizes attribute. See the README file for more information.


Added a public loadAll method to loading all the images at once, as asked in #193.


  • Added support for the <video> HTML tag and descending <source> tags. Now you can lazily load your videos too!
  • Created the video.html demo.


  • Added a demo with a popup layer and images injected after popup open, to help with #196.
  • Updated the background_images demo with a custom management of the loading class and the loaded event callback.


Added a security check on lazy elements' parents.


Just a refactoring over previous version.


Added node support by merging pull request #188, "node-support" by @klarstrup.

With these changes in place, simply importing vanilla-lazyload without using it won't crash Node by itself. This is important for isomorphic/universal/server rendered setups where the same code runs on both the server and the browser.


Fixed a bug for which sometimes images wouldn't reveal on Chrome 65 (see issue #165).


Updated dist folder.


Added the callback_enter callback, which is called whenevery any element managed by LazyLoad enters the viewport, as requested in #159. Thanks to @alvarotrigo.


Fixed tests to match dataset revert made in 10.3 and 8.2 (oopsy).


Fixed a bug that could occur on older versions of IE when trying to access an image's parent node.


Fixed a CustomEvent bug which occurred on IE when using async object initialization.


Fixed supportsClassList test to work even when the document object isn't yet there. Thanks to @Spone and his pull request #145.


Introduced a workaround for an issue of Microsoft Edge documented here


Restored support to IE9 and IE10, as requested in #118 and #132.


To solve cases when you can't select the elements to load using a string, added the ability to pass a NodeList object...

  • as a second parameter in the constructor, after the regular option object, e.g. var ll = new Lazyload({}, myNodeList)
  • as a single parameter to the update() method, e.g. ll.update(myNodeList)


To solve cases when you can't select the elements to load using a string, added the ability to pass a NodeList object to the elements_selector option, as suggested by @SassNinja in #130.


Solved a problem with version 10.0.0 was pointing to 9.0.0.


  • Change in default options:
    • default for data_src is now src (was original)
    • default for data_srcset is now srcset (was original-set)

Version 9


  • Restored tests using Jest
  • Squashed a bug which didn't make images inside picture load correctly


LazyLoad is now faster thanks to the Intersection Observer API.

IMPORTANT! Browser support changed. Find more information in the README file.

Version 8


  • Added the ability to know when all images have been downloaded through the callback_finish callback.
  • Added the file demos/print.html to demo how to print lazy images.


Added the ability to have multiple background images, through the new data_bg option.


BUGFIX: Class loaded was not applied to a loaded video (issue #239).


BUGFIX: Autoplaying video not loaded correctly after entering the viewport (issue #240). Thanks to @maeligg.


  • Refactorized code & improved script performance
  • BUGFIX: Fixed webpack import (issue #230) TypeError: default is not a constructor


Now supporting WebP through dynamic extension rename if the user browser is compatible.


  • Shortened the RegEx for crawlers detection (shaved a few bytes)
  • Released LazyLoad in new module types! Enjoy the new flavours :)
Filename Module Type Advantages
lazyload.min.js UMD (Universal Module Definition) Works pretty much everywhere, even in common-js contexts
lazyload.iife.min.js IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) Works as in-page <script src="">, ~0.5kb smaller minified
lazyload.amd.min.js AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) Works with the require.js module loader, ~0.5kb smaller minified
lazyload.es2015.js ES Module type Exports LazyLoad so you can import it in your project


SEO! Expanded SEO-friendliness to more crawlers, Bingbot included.


Added a public load method to lazyload any element.


Added the ability to lazily set the sizes attribute via a data-sizes attribute. See the README file for more information.


Added a public loadAll method to load all the images, as asked in #193.


Added support for the video tag. Closes #209. Created the video.html demo.


Added a security check on lazy elements' parents.


Added node support by merging pull request #188, "node-support" by @klarstrup.

With these changes in place, simply importing vanilla-lazyload without using it won't crash Node by itself. This is important for isomorphic/universal/server rendered setups where the same code runs on both the server and the browser.


Added the callback_enter callback, which is called whenevery any element managed by LazyLoad enters the viewport, as requested in #159. Thanks to @alvarotrigo.


Fixed a bug that could occur on older versions of IE when trying to access an image's parent node.


Fixed a CustomEvent bug which occured on IE when using async object initialization.


  • Change in default options, in order to be aligned with version 10
    • default for data_src is now src (was original)
    • default for data_srcset is now srcset (was original-set)


Fixed supportsClassList test to work even when the document object isn't yet there. Thanks to @Spone and his #145.


Restored support to IE9 and IE10, as requested in #118 and #132.


Updated from grunt to gulp (run with gulp scripts).


Added quotes in background image URLs, as suggested in #114 (thanks to @vseva).


Fixed a bug that affected performance.


Fixed reference to old names in demo files.


  • The main file to include is now dist/lazyload.min.js as you would expect, and no longer dist/lazyload.transpiled.min.js.
  • The non-transpiled version is now named lazyload.es2015.js

Version 7


  • Now using element.dataset to read data attributes
  • New readme! New website!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed #87

IMPORTANT! Browser support changed. Find more information in the README file.


  • Refactored code now using more modules
  • Saving ~0.5 kb of transpiled code going back from ES2015 class to function's prototype


Source code converted to ES2015 modules, bundled with rollup.js and transpiled with babel.

Version 6


Added the class initial to all images (or iframes) inside the viewport at the moment of script initialization


  • Added the ability to load LazyLoad using an async script


SEO improvements for lazily loaded images


  • Source code migrated to ES6 / ES2015
  • Serving both minified ES6 version and minified transpiled-to-ES5 version

Version 5

  • Exposed private functions for test coverage
  • Test coverage

Version 4

  • Lighter constructor
  • Performance improvements
  • Bugfix: null on background images
  • Removed code for legacy browsers - now supporting IE10+

Version 3

  • Added support to the picture tag
  • Removed the "show image only when fully loaded" mode
    • Dumped the show_while_loading and placeholder options

Version 2

  • Added support to lazily load iframes and background images
  • Added error management callback and error class option
  • Performance improvements

Version 1

  • Added support to the srcset attribute for images
  • Added typescript typings + updated dist folder files
  • Performance improvements
  • Stable release of LazyLoad

Want more detail? Take a look at the release history on GitHub!