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An AWS CodeBuild project optimized for multiple source repos & any combination of buildspec based scripts from config values. This is achieved by pointing a single CodeBuild project to this projects CI tooling and moving buildspec.yml build phases to environment variables.


  • I wanted to be able to execute longer running scripts (lambda limits </3)
  • I wanted to avoid having AWS credentials on third party services
  • I also wanted something like, or a chatbot for running one off scripts like publishing npm packages
  • I want a cheaper alternative to paid versions of circle/travis ci, and code pipeline didn't work out for me

AWS Services Overview

  • CodeBuild - we'll utilize this service for it's per-minute based pricing <3
  • S3 - A single bucket to host the CI tooling scripts that we'll point the CodeBuild project
  • Lambda - A single lambda to handle the Step Function State transitions
  • Step Function State Machine - Creates a CodeBuild execution, waits for completion, logs completion status


Getting started

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

Read through terraform/ and update variable names for your environment and remote state s3 bucket.

Create the s3 bucket for terraform remote state:

BUCKET=codebuilder-tf npm run tf:create:remote

Initialize the terraform state

npm run tf:init

Run terraform plan to see what resources will be provisioned

npm run tf:plan

If that looks right, run terraform apply to create the resources in AWS

npm run tf:apply

Upload CI tooling to S3

Replace bucket name with the bucket created via terraform.

BUCKET=codebuilder-tools npm run upload-tools

Deploy Lambda

Replace the placeholder lambda function code that terraform uploaded by deploying the new code with claudia.js.

npm run claudia:update

Run an example codebuilder step function

This example will clone, test, build, and deploy a static react site to s3.

First create a bucket and configure it for static site hosting. (For convenience I've added those scripts to this project)

BUCKET=sample-create-react-app npm run s3:create-bucket
BUCKET=sample-create-react-app npm run s3:configure-bucket

Start your first codebuilder state function by running:

npm run codebuilder

codebuilder config

The following config variables determine which project and branch to build

# example: CI_REPO=eddywashere/sample-create-react-app

# example: CI_COMMIT=feature-branch
# example: CI_COMMIT=c420de0

The following config variables are available to dynamically set your scripts in the CodeBuild execution.

# example: CI_SCRIPT_INSTALL="npm install yarn -g && yarn install --silent"

# example: CI_SCRIPT_PRE_BUILD="npm run test"

# example: CI_SCRIPT_BUILD="npm run build"

# example: CI_SCRIPT_POST_BUILD="npm run s3:upload"

Working with Secrets

Each project that you'd like to run scripts against should use parameter store to get encrypted secrets.


  • Looking into setting up an SNS topic and or github pr status integration