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Easegress chart

Helm charts for installing Easegress on Kubernetes.


# create namespace at first
kubectl create ns easegress

Prepare persistent volume (optional)

If you are going to use persistent volumes, run following shell command on each persistent volume node:

sudo mkdir /opt/easegress
sudo chmod 700 /opt/easegress


# install with default values
helm install easegress -n easegress ./helm-charts/easegress

# install with custom values
helm install easegress -n easegress ./helm-charts/easegress \
  --set service.nodePort=4080 \
  --set image.tag=v1.5.0 \

# install cluster of 3 primary and 2 secondary Easegress instances
helm install easegress -n easegress ./helm-charts/easegress \
  --set cluster.primaryReplicas=3 \
  --set cluster.secondaryReplicas=2

# install using persistentVolume on node with hostname "hostname-xyz"
# to support recovery when pod crashes
helm install easegress -n easegress ./helm-charts/easegress \
  --set cluster.volumeType=persistentVolume \
  --set 'cluster.nodeHostnames={hostname-xyz}'

Add filters and objects to Easegress:

egctl --server {NODE_IP}:31255 object create -f pipeline.yaml

where NODE_IP is the IP address a node running Easegress pod and pipeline.yaml Easegress object definition.


helm uninstall easegress -n easegress

# sometimes helm does not delete pvc and pv. Delete manually each pvc.
kubectl delete pvc easegress-pv-easegress-0 -n easegress
# same for easegress-pv-easegress-i...n


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the MegaEase Easegress Helm installation.

Key Type Default Description
service.nodePort int 30780 nodePort for easegress service.
service.adminPort int 31255 nodePort for egctl access.
cluster.primaryReplicas int 1 number of easegress service that persists cluster data to disk
cluster.volumeType string emptyDir emptyDir: use pods internal filesystem that is not persisted when pod crashes. Use emptyDir only when primaryReplicas is 1.
cluster.nodeHostnames list [] nodeHostnames are hostnames of VMs/Kubernetes nodes. Only used when volumeType: persistentVolume. Note that this require nodes to be static.
secondaryReplicas int 0 number of easegress service that not persists cluster data to disk.
log.path string /opt/easegress/log log path inside container

By default, k8s use range 30000-32767 for NodePort. Make sure you choose right port number.