# Service Proxy - [Service Proxy](#service-proxy) - [Basic: Load Balance](#basic-load-balance) - [Dynamic: Integration with Service Registry](#dynamic-integration-with-service-registry) - [Zookeeper](#zookeeper) - [Consul](#consul) - [Eureka](#eureka) Easegress servers as a reverse proxy. It can easily integrate with mainstream Service Registries. ## Basic: Load Balance ```yaml name: pipeline-reverse-proxy kind: Pipeline flow: - filter: proxy filters: - name: proxy kind: Proxy pools: - servers: - url: - url: - url: loadBalance: policy: roundRobin ``` ### Dynamic: Integration with Service Registry * We integrate `Proxy` with service registries such as [Consul](https://github.com/megaease/easegress/blob/main/doc/controllers.md#consulserviceregistry), [Etcd](https://github.com/megaease/easegress/blob/main/doc/controllers.md#etcdserviceregistry), [Zookeeper](https://github.com/megaease/easegress/blob/main/doc/controllers.md#zookeeperserviceregistry), [Eureka](https://github.com/megaease/easegress/blob/main/doc/controllers.md#eurekaserviceregistry). You need to create one of them to connect the external service registry. The service registry config takes higher priority than static servers. If the dynamic servers pulling failed, it will use static servers if there are. ### Zookeeper 1. First we need to create a ZookeeperServiceRegistry in Easegress ``` yaml kind: ZookeeperServiceRegistry name: zookeeper-001 zkservices: [] prefix: /services conntimeout: 6s syncInterval: 10s ``` 2. Create a pipeline and set its `serviceRegistry` field into `zookeeper-001` and it will look up the zookeeper configuration for the service named `springboot-application-order` as in field `serviceName`. ```yaml name: pipeline-reverse-proxy kind: Pipeline flow: - filter: proxy filters: - name: proxy kind: Proxy pools: - servers: - url: - url: - url: serviceRegistry: zookeeper-001 # + serviceName: springboot-application-order # + loadBalance: policy: roundRobin ``` ### Consul 1. First we need to create a ConsulServiceRegistry in Easegress ```yaml kind: ConsulServiceRegistry name: consul-001 address: '' scheme: http syncInterval: 10s ``` 2. Create a pipeline and set its `serviceRegistry` field into `consul-001` and it will look up the consul configuration for the service named `springboot-application-order` as in field `serviceName`. ```yaml name: pipeline-reverse-proxy kind: Pipeline flow: - filter: proxy filters: - name: proxy kind: Proxy pools: - servers: - url: - url: - url: serviceRegistry: consul-001 # + serviceName: springboot-application-order # + loadBalance: policy: roundRobin ``` ### Eureka 1. First we need to create a EurekaServiceRegistry in Easegress ```yaml kind: EurekaServiceRegistry name: eureka-001 endpoints: [''] syncInterval: 10s ``` 2. Create a pipeline and set its `serviceRegistry` field into `eureka-001` and it will look up the eureka configuration for the service named `springboot-application-order` as in field `serviceName`. ```yaml name: pipeline-reverse-proxy kind: Pipeline flow: - filter: proxy filters: - name: proxy kind: Proxy pools: - servers: - url: - url: - url: serviceRegistry: eureka-001 # + serviceName: springboot-application-order # + loadBalance: policy: roundRobin ```