# Workflow - [Workflow](#workflow) - [Background](#background) - [Example](#example) - [Step 1. Create a Slack Webhook](#step-1-create-a-slack-webhook) - [Step 2. Create a pipeline for the workflow](#step-2-create-a-pipeline-for-the-workflow) - [Step 3: Create an HTTPServer to receive client request](#step-3-create-an-httpserver-to-receive-client-request) - [Step 4: See the result](#step-4-see-the-result) - [References](#references) ## Background A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of activity, enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information. It can be depicted as a sequence of operations, the work of a person or group, the work of an organization of staff, or one or more simple or complex mechanisms.[1] ## Example Read an RSS feed, build the article list into a Slack message, and then send it to Slack. ### Step 1. Create a Slack Webhook Please follow [this document](https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks) to create a new Slack WebHook, the URL of the Webhook will be like `https://hooks.slack.com/services/T0XXXXXXX/B0YYYYYYYYY/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ`. ### Step 2. Create a pipeline for the workflow Save the below YAML to `rss-pipeline.yaml`, and make sure you have replaced the Slack Webhook URL with yours. ```yaml name: rss-pipeline kind: Pipeline flow: # validate the request, a valid request must contain the 'X-Rss-Url' header, and its value must be a URL. - filter: validator # create the request for the RSS feed. - filter: buildRssRequest namespace: rss # read the RSS feed, a 3rd party website is used to covert the feed from XML to JSON. - filter: sendRssRequest namespace: rss # the RSS feed is gzipped, we need to decompress it. - filter: decompressResponse namespace: rss # create the request to Slack (build the Slack message). - filter: buildSlackRequest namespace: slack # send the message to Slack. - filter: sendSlackRequest namespace: slack # build the response for the client. - filter: buildResponse filters: - name: validator kind: Validator headers: "X-Rss-Url": regexp: ^https?://.+$ - name: buildRssRequest kind: RequestBuilder template: | url: /developers/feed2json/convert?url={{index (index .requests.DEFAULT.Header "X-Rss-Url") 0 | urlquery}} - name: sendRssRequest kind: Proxy pools: - loadBalance: policy: roundRobin servers: - url: https://www.toptal.com compression: minLength: 4096 - name: buildSlackRequest kind: RequestBuilder template: | method: POST url: /services/T0XXXXXXXXX/B0YYYYYYY/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ # This the Slack webhook address, please change it to your own. body: | { "text": "Recent posts - {{.responses.rss.JSONBody.title}}", "blocks": [{ "type": "section", "text": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "Recent posts - {{.responses.rss.JSONBody.title}}" } }, { "type": "section", "text": { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "{{range $index, $item := .responses.rss.JSONBody.items}}• <{{$item.url}}|{{$item.title}}>\n{{end}}" }}] } - name: sendSlackRequest kind: Proxy pools: - loadBalance: policy: roundRobin servers: - url: https://hooks.slack.com compression: minLength: 4096 - name: decompressResponse kind: ResponseAdaptor decompress: gzip - name: buildResponse kind: ResponseBuilder template: | statusCode: {{.responses.slack.StatusCode}} body: {{if eq .responses.slack.StatusCode 200}}RSS feed has been sent to Slack successfully.{{else}}Failed to send the RSS feed to Slack{{end}} ``` Then create the RSS pipeline with the command: ```shell egctl object create -f rss-pipeline.yaml ``` ### Step 3: Create an HTTPServer to receive client request Save below YAML to `http-server.yaml`. ```yaml kind: HTTPServer name: http-server-example port: 8080 https: false keepAlive: true keepAliveTimeout: 75s maxConnection: 10240 cacheSize: 0 rules: - paths: - pathPrefix: /rss backend: rss-pipeline ``` Then create the HTTP server with command: ```shell egctl object create -f http-server.yaml ``` ### Step 4: See the result Execute the below command and your Slack will receive the article list if everything is correct. You may use another RSS feed, but please note the maximum message size Slack allowed is about 3K, so you will need to limit the number of articles returned by the RSS feed of some sites(e.g. Hack News) ```shell $ curl -v -H X-Rss-Url:https://www.coolshell.cn/rss * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 8080 (#0) > GET /rss HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.68.0 > Accept: */* > X-Rss-Url:https://www.coolshell.cn/rss > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 08:29:58 GMT < Content-Length: 45 < Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 < * Connection #0 to host left intact RSS feed has been sent to Slack successfully. ``` ## References 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workflow