# WebSocket - [WebSocket](#websocket) - [Background](#background) - [Design](#design) - [Example](#example) - [References](#references) ## Background - Reverse proxy is one of most popular features of Easegress and it's suitable for many production and development scenarios. - In reversed proxy use cases, `WebSocket` is a widely used protocol for a full-duplex communication solution between client and server. WebSocket relies on TCP.[1] - Many reverse proxy support `WebSocket`,e.g., NGINX[2], Traefik, and so on. ## Design - The `WebSocketProxy` is a filter of Easegress, and can be put into a pipeline. - Easegress uses `github.com/golang/x/net/websocket` to implement `WebSocketProxy` filter. 1. Spec * Pipeline with a `WebSocketProxy` filter: ```yaml name: websocket-pipeline kind: Pipeline flow: - filter: wsproxy filters: - kind: WebSocketProxy name: wsproxy defaultOrigin: pools: - servers: - url: ws:// ``` * HTTPServer to route traffic to the websocket-pipeline: ```yaml name: demo-server kind: HTTPServer port: 8080 rules: - paths: - path: /ws clientMaxBodySize: -1 # REQUIRED! backend: websocket-pipeline ``` Note: `clientMaxBodySize` must be `-1`. 2. Request sequence ```none +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ | | 1 | | 2 | | | client +--------------->| Easegress +--------------->| websocket | | |<---------------+ |<---------------+ backend | | | 4 | | 3 | | +--------------+ +--------------+ +--------------+ ``` 3. Headers We copy all headers from your HTTP request to websocket backend, except ones used by websocket package to build connection. Based on [3], we also add `X-Forwarded-For`, `X-Forwarded-Host`, `X-Forwarded-Proto` to http headers that send to websocket backend. > note: websocket use `Upgrade`, `Connection`, `Sec-Websocket-Key`, `Sec-Websocket-Version`, `Sec-Websocket-Extensions` and `Sec-Websocket-Protocol` in http headers to set connection. ## Example 1. Send request ```bash curl --include \ --no-buffer \ --header "Connection: Upgrade" \ --header "Upgrade: websocket" \ --header "Host:" \ --header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: your-key-here" \ --header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \ ``` 2. This request to Easegress will be forwarded to websocket backend `ws://`. ## References 1. 2. 3.