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File metadata and controls

395 lines (309 loc) · 23.9 KB


As the architecture diagram shows, the controller is the core entity to control kinds of working. There are two kinds of controllers overall:

  • System Controller: It is created one and only one instance in every Easegress node, which can't be deleted. They mainly aim to control essential system-level stuff.
  • Business Controller: It could be created, updated, deleted by admin operation. They control various resources such as mesh traffic, service discovery, faas, and so on.

In another view, Easegress as a traffic orchestration system, we could classify them into traffic controller and non-traffic controller:

  • Traffic Controller: It invokes TrafficController to handle its specific traffic, such as MeshController.
  • Non-Traffic Controller: It doesn't handle business traffic, such as EurekaServiceRegistry, even though it has admin traffic with Eureka.

The two categories are conceptual, which means they are not strict distinctions. We just use them as terms to clarify controllers technically.

System Controllers

For now, all system controllers can not be configured. It may gain this capability if necessary in the future.


We use the system controller ServiceRegistry as the service hub for all service registries. Current drivers are

The drivers need to offer notifying change periodically, and operations to the external service registry.


TrafficController handles the lifecycle of HTTPServer and HTTPPipeline and their relationship. It manages the resource in a namespaced way. HTTPServer accepts incoming traffic and routes it to HTTPPipelines in the same namespace. Most other controllers could handle traffic by leverage the ability of TrafficController..


RawConfigTrafficController maps all traffic static configurations to TrafficController in the namespace default. We could use egctl to manage the configuration of servers and pipelines in the default namespace.


HTTPServer is a server that listens on one port to route all traffic to available pipelines. Its simplest config looks like:

kind: HTTPServer
name: http-server-example
port: 80
  - paths:
    - pathPrefix: /pipeline
      backend: http-pipeline-example
Name Type Description Required
http3 bool Whether to support HTTP3(QUIC) No
port uint16 The HTTP port listening on Yes
keepAlive bool Whether to support keepalive Yes (default: false)
keepAliveTimeout string The timeout of keepalive Yes (default: 60s)
maxConnections uint32 The max connections with clients Yes (default: 10240)
https bool Whether to use HTTPS Yes (default: false)
cacheSize uint32 The size of cache, 0 means no cache No
xForwardedFor bool Whether to set X-Forwarded-For header by own ip No
tracing tracing.Spec Distributed tracing settings No
certBaset64 string Public key of PEM encoded data in base64 encoded format No
keyBase64 string Private key of PEM encoded data in base64 encoded format No
certs map[string]string Public keys of PEM encoded data, the key is the logic pair name, which must match keys No
keys map[string]string Private keys of PEM encoded data, the key is the logic pair name, which must match certs No
ipFilter ipfilter.Spec IP Filter for all traffic under the server No
rules httpserver.Rule Router rules No


HTTPPipeline uses the Chain of Responsibility pattern to orchestrate filters. Its simplest config looks like:

name: http-pipeline-example
kind: HTTPPipeline

# Built-in labels are `END` which can't be used by filters.
  - filter: proxy
    jumpIf: { fallback: END }
  - name: proxy
    kind: Proxy
      - url:
        policy: roundRobin
Name Type Description Required
flow httppipeline.Flow Flow of http pipeline No
Filters []httppipeline.Filter Filters definitions of http pipeline Yes


No config.

Business Controllers


EaseMonitorMetrics is adapted to monitor metrics of Easegress and send them to Kafka. The config looks like:

kind: EaseMonitorMetrics
name: easemonitor-metrics-example
  brokers: [""]
  topic: metrics
Name Type Description Required
kafka easemonitormetrics.Kafka Kafka related config Yes


TODO (@ben)


The IngressController is an implementation of Kubernetes ingress controller, it watches Kubernetes Ingress, Service, Endpoints, and Secrets then translates them to Easegress HTTP server and pipelines. The config looks like:

kind: IngressController
name: ingress-controller-example
namespaces: ["default"]
ingressClass: easegress
  port: 8080
  https: false
  keepAlive: true
  keepAliveTimeout: 60s
  maxConnections: 10240
Name Type Description Required
kubeConfig string Path of the Kubernetes configuration file. No
masterURL string The address of the Kubernetes API server. No
namespaces []string An array of Kubernetes namespaces which the IngressController needs to watch, all namespaces are watched if left empty. No
ingressClass string The IngressController only handles Ingresses with ingressClassName set to the value of this option. No (default: easegress)
httpServer httpserver.Spec Basic configuration for the shared HTTP traffic gate. The routing rules will be generated dynamically according to Kubernetes ingresses and should not be specified here. Yes

Note: IngressController uses kubeConfig and masterURL to connect to Kubernetes, at least one of them must be specified when deployed outside of a Kubernetes cluster, and both are optional when deployed inside a cluster.


MeshController contains the ingress controller (note this ingress controller is for mesh deployment, not the Kubernetes ingress controller described above), master(control plane), worker/sidecar(data plane). The config looks like:

name: mesh-controller-example
kind: MeshController
specUpdateInterval: 10s
heartbeatInterval: 5s
registryType: consul
serviceName: service-001
externalServiceRegistry: consul-service-registry-example
Name Type Description Required
heartbeatInterval string Interval for one service instance reporting its heartbeat Yes (default: 5s)
registryType string Protocol the registry center accepts, support eureka, consul, nacos Yes (default: eureka)
apiPort int Port listening on for worker's API server Yes (default: 13009)
ingressPort int Port listening on for for ingress traffic Yes (default: 13010)
externalServiceRegistry string External service registry name No


ConsulServiceRegistry supports service discovery for Consul as backend. The config looks like:

kind: ConsulServiceRegistry
name: consul-service-registry-example
address: ''
scheme: http
syncInterval: 10s
Name Type Description Required
address string Consul server address Yes (default:
scheme string Communication scheme Yes (default: http)
datacenter string Datacenter name No
token string ACL token for communication No
Namespace string Namespace to use No
syncInterval string Interval to synchronize data Yes (default: 10s)
serviceTags []string Service tags to query No


EtcdServiceRegistry support service discovery for Etcd as backend. The config looks like:

kind: EtcdServiceRegistry
name: etcd-service-registry-example
endpoints: ['']
prefix: "/services/"
cacheTimeout: 10s
Name Type Description Required
endpoints []string Endpoints of Etcd servers Yes
prefix string Prefix of the keys of services Yes (default: /services/)
cacheTimeout string Timeout of cache Yes (default: 60s)


EurekaServiceRegistry supports service discovery for Eureka as backend. The config looks like:

kind: EurekaServiceRegistry
name: eureka-service-registry-example
endpoints: ['']
syncInterval: 10s
Name Type Description Required
endpoints []string Endpoints of Eureka servers Yes (default:
syncInterval string Interval to synchronize data Yes (default: 10s)


ZookeeperServiceRegistry supports service discovery for Zookeeper as backend. The config looks like:

kind: ZookeeperServiceRegistry
name: zookeeper-service-registry-example
zkservices: []
prefix: /services
conntimeout: 6s
syncInterval: 10s
Name Type Description Required
zkservices []string Zookeeper service addresses Yes (default:
connTimeout string Timeout of connection Yes (default: 6s)
Prefix string Prefix of services Yes (default: /)
syncInterval string Interval to synchronize data Yes (default: 10s)


NacosServiceRegistry supports service discovery for Nacos as backend. The config looks like:

kind: NacosServiceRegistry
name: nacos-service-registry-example
syncInterval: 10s
  - scheme: http
    port: 8848
    contextPath: /nacos
Name Type Description Required
servers []nacosServerSpec Servers of Nacos Yes
syncInterval string Interval to synchronize data Yes (default: 10s)
namespace string The namespace of Nacos No
username string The username of client No
password string The password of client No

Common Types


Name Type Description Required
serviceName string The service name of top level Yes
Zipkin zipkin.Spec The tracing spec of zipkin No


Name Type Description Required
hostPort string The host:port of the service No
serverURL string The zipkin server URL Yes
sampleRate float64 The sample rate for collecting metrics, the range is [0, 1] Yes
sameSpan bool Whether to allow to place client-side and server-side annotations for an RPC call in the same span No
id128Bit bool Whether to start traces with 128-bit trace id No


Name Type Description Required
blockByDefault bool Set block is the default action if not matching Yes (default: false)
allowIPs []string IPs to be allowed to pass (support IPv4, IPv6, CIDR) No
blockIPs []string IPs to be blocked to pass (support IPv4, IPv6, CIDR) No


Name Type Description Required
ipFilter ipfilter.Spec IP Filter for all traffic under the rule No
host string Exact host to match, empty means to match all No
hostRegexp string Host in regular expression to match, empty means to match all No
paths httpserver.Path Path matching rules, empty means to match nothing No


Name Type Description Required
ipFilter ipfilter.Spec IP Filter for all traffic under the path No
path string Exact path to match No
pathPrefix string Prefix of the path to match No
pathRegexp string Path in regular expression to match No
rewriteTarget string Use pathRegexp.ReplaceAllString(path, rewriteTarget) to rewrite request path No
methods []string Methods to match, empty means to allow all methods No
headers []httpserver.Header Headers to match (the requests matching headers won't be put into cache) No
backend string backend name (pipeline name in static config, service name in mesh) Yes


There must be at least one of values and regexp.

Name Type Description Required
key string Header key to match Yes
values []string Header values to match No
regexp string Header value in regular expression to match No
backend string backend name (pipeline name in static config, service name in mesh) Yes


Name Type Description Required
filter string The filter name Yes
jumpIf map[string]string Jump to another filter conditionally, the key is the result of the current filter, the value is the jumping filter name. END is the built-in value for the ending of the pipeline No


The self-defining specification of each filter references to filters.

Name Type Description Required
name string Name of filter Yes
kind string Kind of filter Yes
self-defining fields - - -


Name Type Description Required
brokers []string Broker addresses Yes (default: localhost:9092)
topic string Produce topic Yes


Name Type Description Required
ipAddr string The ip address Yes
port uint16 The port Yes
scheme string The scheme of protocol (support http, https) No
contextPath string The context path No