SHELL=/bin/bash export GOPATH=$(shell pwd) ROOT=$(shell pwd) # gorocksdb build settings export CGO_LDFLAGS=-g -O2 -lrocksdb -lstdc++ -lm -lz -lbz2 -lsnappy -llz4 -lzstd .PHONY: clean get test vet cover run dist protoc no_std_log bench fmt all: get build test vet clean: rm -rf src/vendor rm -rf bin rm -rf pkg rm -rf dist find src/${PACKAGE} -name "*.pb.go" -delete rm -f src/ # Set up git hooks. If you want to opt out of the hooks, set this config value # to blank or some other directory. hooks: git config core.hooksPath >/dev/null || git config core.hooksPath githooks get: get_clone get_install get_clone: mkdir -p src/vendor/ go run src/*.go get_install: go install vendor/ go install vendor/ go install vendor/ go install vendor/ go install vendor/ go install vendor/ # generate .go code for .proto input using the gogoslick plugin # # $1 = output directory # $2 = input file directory (may or may not be the same as output directory) # $3 = input file name (no directory) define protoc_go PATH=${ROOT}/bin:${PATH} protoc --gogoslick_out=plugins=grpc:$(strip $1) -Isrc:src/vendor:$(strip $2) $(strip $3) ( \ echo; \ echo '//lint:file-ignore ST1006 staticcheck disapproves of generated code'; \ echo '//lint:file-ignore ST1016 staticcheck disapproves of generated code'; \ ) >> $(strip $1)/$(basename $(strip $3)).pb.go endef src/ src/ src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, src/, views.proto) src/ src/ src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, src/, commands.proto) src/ src/ src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, src/, meta.proto) src/ proto/api/akutan_api.proto src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, proto/api, akutan_api.proto) src/ proto/logspec/log.proto src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, proto/logspec, log.proto) src/ src/ src/ $(call protoc_go, src/, src/, bench.proto) generate: protoc PATH=${PATH}:${ROOT}/bin go generate ${PACKAGE}/... src/ src/ Makefile cat src/ | bin/genny gen "Scalar=int64,uint64,int32,uint32,int,string" > src/ src/ src/ Makefile cat src/ | bin/genny gen "Scalar=int64,uint64,int32,uint32,int,string" > src/ protoc: \ src/ \ src/ \ src/ \ src/ \ src/ \ src/ build: generate src/ src/ go install ${PACKAGE}/... lint: @FAIL=0; \ for pkg in $$(go list ${PACKAGE}/...); do \ if ! bin/golint --set_exit_status $$pkg; then \ FAIL=1; \ fi \ done; \ exit $$FAIL staticcheck: bin/staticcheck -checks all ${PACKAGE}/... vet: generate no_std_log lint staticcheck fmtcheck go vet ${PACKAGE}/... no_std_log: @go list -f "{{.ImportPath}} {{range .Imports}} {{.}} {{end}}" ${PACKAGE}/... | grep ' log ' \ | awk '{ if(err==0) {print "The following package(s) use the standard library log package, but should be using logrus instead";} print $$1; err=1 } END {exit err}' test: go test -timeout 30s ${PACKAGE}/... cover: go test -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=count ${PACKAGE}/... go tool cover -html=coverage.out bench: go test -bench . ${PACKAGE}/... # Reformats all the Go code. We used to use `go fmt` here, but goimports does # all that and a little more. fmt: bin/goimports -w src/ # Verifies that all the Go code is well-formatted, without changing any of it. # # The ! and grep are to get the right exit status: any output from goimports # should fail this target. fmtcheck: @echo bin/goimports -d src/ @! bin/goimports -d src/ | grep '.\?' .PHONY: local/generated/Procfile local/generated/Procfile: bin/gen-local -cfg local/config.json -out local/generated run: local/generated/Procfile CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 bin/goreman -f local/generated/Procfile start # uses dist/ as the docker context # $1 = component name (Dockerfile must exist at docker/${1}/Dockerfile) define docker_build docker build --tag akutan-$(strip $1):latest --file docker/$(strip $1)/Dockerfile dist/ endef docker-build-akutan-builder: docker build --tag=akutan-builder:latest docker/build docker-build-api: dist $(call docker_build, api) docker-build-diskview: dist $(call docker_build, diskview) docker-build-kafka: dist $(call docker_build, kafka) docker-build-txview: dist $(call docker_build, txview) # Run the latest builder image locally. # # The docker.sock volume enables docker in the container to interact with docker on # the host. # # The pwd volume enables development of docker images by mounting the host source # tree into /home/builder/akutan docker-run-akutan-builder: docker run --interactive --tty --rm \ --hostname akutan-builder \ --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume "${PWD}:/home/builder/akutan" \ akutan-builder:latest /bin/bash # Create the Akutan builder docker image with the Docker daemon of Minukube. This # builder image will then be used to build the core Akutan images. docker-build-akutan-builder-in-minikube: eval $$(minikube docker-env || echo "exit 1"); \ docker build --tag=akutan-builder:latest docker/build # Build the core Akutan images using the Akutan builder image running within # Minikube's Docker. These images will then be accessible from Minikube's # Kubernetes. # # Note that these volume mounts are mounting volumes from Minikube's VirtualBox # VM into the container. The reason ${PWD} is meaningful is because VirtualBox # mounts /Users/ from the Mac host into the VM. Other directories, like # /var/run, are local to the VM. docker-build-akutan-service-in-minikube: eval $$(minikube docker-env || echo "exit 1"); \ docker run --interactive --tty --rm \ --hostname akutan-builder \ --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ --volume /home/docker/.docker:/home/builder/.docker \ --volume "${PWD}:/home/builder/akutan" \ --entrypoint /bin/bash \ akutan-builder:latest \ -c "cd /home/builder/akutan && make docker-build-{api,diskview,txview,kafka}"; \ docker tag akutan-api:latest akutan-api:local; \ docker tag akutan-diskview:latest akutan-diskview:local; \ docker tag akutan-txview:latest akutan-txview:local; \ docker tag akutan-kafka:latest akutan-kafka:local dist: build mkdir -p dist/docker cp bin/* dist/ cp docker/kafka/{,*.properties} dist/docker tar --exclude dist/akutan.tar.lz4 -c dist/ |lz4 -f - dist/akutan.tar.lz4 failed: g++ --version gcc --version go version protoc --version find src -type d -name .git -print -exec git --git-dir={} log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%H %cD' \; test -f /usr/local/lib/librocksdb.a && strings /usr/local/lib/librocksdb.a |grep -E 'rocksdb_build_git_(date|sha):' ls -l /var/run/docker.sock id docker --version