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Native HTML templating based on template parts.

Templize provides elegant native templating for any DOM elements with expressions and reactivity. Based on Template Instantiation and DOM-parts spec.


  • Works with any elements;
  • Expression processor;
  • Reactive props support;
  • Loops, conditions directives;
  • Directives API;
  • Vanilla ESM, no tooling.


<div id="foo" class="foo {{y}}">{{x}} world</div>
<script type="importmap">{ "imports": { "templize": "parth/to/templize.js" }}</script>

<script type="module">
import templize from 'templize'

const [params, update] = templize(document.getElementById('foo'), { x: 'Hello', y: 'bar'})
// <div id="foo" class="foo bar">Hello world</div>

params.x = 'Goodbye' // === update({x: 'Goodbye'})
// <div id="foo" class="foo bar">Goodbye world</div>

params is proxy reflecting current state. Changing any of its props updates fields. update can be used for bulk-updating multiple props.


Templize enables expressions via default expression processor:

<header id="title">
  <h1>{{ }}</h1>
  Email: <a href="mailto:{{ }}">{{ }}</a>

  import templize from 'templize'
  const titleParams = templize(
    { user: { name: 'Hare Krishna', email: '[email protected]' }}
  ) = 'Hare Rama'

It supports the following field expressions with common syntax:

Part Expression
Value {{ foo }}
Property {{ }}, {{ foo["bar"] }}
Call {{, qux) }}
Boolean {{ !foo && bar || baz }}
Ternary {{ foo ? bar : baz }}
Primitives {{ "foo" }}, {{ true }}, {{ 0.1 }}
Comparison {{ foo == 1 }}, {{ bar >= 2 }}
Math {{ a * 2 + b / 3 }}
Pipe {{ bar | foo }}{{ foo(bar) }}


Processor makes assumptions regarding how attribute parts set values.

  • hidden="{{ boolean }}" boolean values set or remove attribute.
  • onClick="{{ function }}" assigns onclick handler function (no need to call it).
  • class="{{ classes }}" can take either an array or a string.
  • style="{{ styles }}" can take either an object or a string.

Other attributes are handled as strings.


Initial state can define async/reactive values: Promise/Thenable, AsyncIterable, Observable/Subject.

Update happens when any param changes:

<div id="done">{{ done || '...' }}</div>

<script type="module">
  import templize from 'templize'

  const done = new Promise(ok => setTimeout(() => ok('Done!'), 1000))

  templize(document.querySelector('#done'), { done })

  // <div id="done">...</div>

  // ... 1s after
  // <div id="done">done</div>

This way, for example, rxjs can be streamed directly to element attribute or content.

Note: observers don't require disposal, since they're connected in weak fashion.


Templize recognizes shortcut directives via :attr (similar to vue).


Iterating over set of items can be done with each directive:

  <li :each="{{ item in items }}" id="item-{{}}" data-value="{{item.value}}">{{item.label}}</li>


To optionally display an element, there are if, else-if, else directives.

<span :if="{{ status == 0 }}">Inactive</span>
<span :else-if="{{ status == 1 }}">Active</span>
<span :else>Finished</span>

Note: text conditions can be organized via ternary operator:

<span>Status: {{ status === 0 ? 'Active' : 'Inactive' }}</span>

Adding directives

To register a directive, directive(name, onCreate) function can be used:

import templize, { directive } from 'templize'

directive('inline', (instance, innerTplPart, state) =>


Templize supports any standard template parts processor:

const params = templize(element, initState, {
  createCallback(element, parts, state) {
    // ... init parts / parse expressions
  processCallback(element, parts, state) {
    // ... update parts / evaluate expressions

Any external processor can be used with templize, eg. @github/template-parts:

import templize from 'templize'
import { propertyIdentityOrBooleanAttribute } from '@github/template-parts'

const params = templize(
  { x: 'Hello', hidden: false },
params.hidden = true

Templize expression processor can also be used with other template instancing libraries as:

import { TemplateInstance } from '@github/template-parts'
import { processor } from 'templize'

const instance = new TemplateInstance(document.querySelector('my-template'), {}, processor)

Or it can be used with proposal polyfill:

import 'templize-instantiation-polyfill'
import { processor } from 'templize'

document.defineTemplateType('my-template-type', processor)


  • template-parts − compact template parts ponyfill.
  • subscript − fast and tiny expressions parser.
  • sube − subscribe to any reactive source.
  • element-props − normalized element properties setter.


  • spect − selector observer, perfect match for organizing flexible native DOM templates.
  • value-ref − reactive value container with reactivity, useful for state management.
  • subscribable-things − reactive wrappers for various APIs.


  • stampino − small HTML template system based on lit-html.
