function [theta,varargout] = subspacea(F,G,A) %SUBSPACEA angles between subspaces % subspacea(F,G,A) % Finds all min(size(orth(F),2),size(orth(G),2)) principal angles % between two subspaces spanned by the columns of matrices F and G % in the A-based scalar product x'*A*y, where A % is Hermitian and positive definite. % COS of principal angles is called canonical correlations in statistics. % [theta,U,V] = subspacea(F,G,A) also computes left and right % principal (canonical) vectors - columns of U and V, respectively. % % If F and G are vectors of unit length and A=I, % the angle is ACOS(F'*G) in exact arithmetic. % If A is not provided as a third argument, than A=I and % the function gives the same largest angle as SUBSPACE.m by Andrew Knyazev, % see % % MATLAB's SUBSPACE.m function is still badly designed and fails to compute % some angles accurately. % % The optional parameter A is a Hermitian and positive definite matrix, % or a corresponding function. When A is a function, it must accept a % matrix as an argument. % This code requires ORTHA.m, Revision 1.5.8 or above, % which is included. The standard MATLAB version of ORTH.m % is used for orthonormalization, but could be replaced by QR.m. % % Examples: % F=rand(10,4); G=randn(10,6); theta = subspacea(F,G); % computes 4 angles between F and G, while in addition % A=hilb(10); [theta,U,V] = subspacea(F,G,A); % computes angles relative to A and corresponding vectors U and V. % % The algorithm is described in A. V. Knyazev and M. E. Argentati, % Principal Angles between Subspaces in an A-Based Scalar Product: % Algorithms and Perturbation Estimates. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, % 23 (2002), no. 6, 2009-2041. % % Tested under MATLAB R10-14 % Copyright (c) 2000 Andrew Knyazev, Rico Argentati % Contact email: % License: free software (BSD) % $Revision: 4.5 $ $Date: 2005/6/27 threshold=sqrt(2)/2; % Define threshold for determining when an angle is small if size(F,1) ~= size(G,1) subspaceaError(['The row dimension ' int2str(size(F,1)) ... ' of the matrix F is not the same as ' int2str(size(G,1)) ... ' the row dimension of G']) end if nargin<3 % Compute angles using standard inner product % Trivial column scaling first, if ORTH.m is used later for i=1:size(F,2), normi=norm(F(:,i),inf); %Adjustment makes tol consistent with experimental results if normi > eps^.981 F(:,i)=F(:,i)/normi; % Else orth will take care of this end end for i=1:size(G,2), normi=norm(G(:,i),inf); %Adjustment makes tol consistent with experimental results if normi > eps^.981 G(:,i)=G(:,i)/normi; % Else orth will take care of this end end % Compute angle using standard inner product QF = orth(F); %This can also be done using QR.m, in which case QG = orth(G); %the column scaling above is not needed q = min(size(QF,2),size(QG,2)); [Ys,s,Zs] = svd(QF'*QG,0); if size(s,1)==1 % make sure s is column for output s=s(1); end s = min(diag(s),1); theta = max(acos(s),0); U = QF*Ys; V = QG*Zs; indexsmall = s > threshold; if max(indexsmall) % Check for small angles and recompute only small RF = U(:,indexsmall); RG = V(:,indexsmall); %[Yx,x,Zx] = svd(RG-RF*(RF'*RG),0); [Yx,x,Zx] = svd(RG-QF*(QF'*RG),0); % Provides more accurate results if size(x,1)==1 % make sure x is column for output x=x(1); end Tmp = fliplr(RG*Zx); V(:,indexsmall) = Tmp(:,indexsmall); U(:,indexsmall) = RF*(RF'*V(:,indexsmall))*... diag(1./s(indexsmall)); x = diag(x); thetasmall=flipud(max(asin(min(x,1)),0)); theta(indexsmall) = thetasmall(indexsmall); end % Compute angle using inner product relative to A else [m,n] = size(F); if ~isstr(A) [mA,mA] = size(A); if any(size(A) ~= mA) subspaceaError('Matrix A must be a square matrix or a string.') end if size(A) ~= m subspaceaError(['The size ' int2str(size(A)) ... ' of the matrix A is not the same as ' int2str(m) ... ' - the number of rows of F']) end end [QF,AQF]=ortha(A,F); [QG,AQG]=ortha(A,G); q = min(size(QF,2),size(QG,2)); [Ys,s,Zs] = svd(QF'*AQG,0); if size(s,1)==1 % make sure s is column for output s=s(1); end s=min(diag(s),1); theta = max(acos(s),0); U = QF*Ys; V = QG*Zs; indexsmall = s > threshold; if max(indexsmall) % Check for small angles and recompute only small RG = V(:,indexsmall); AV = AQG*Zs; ARG = AV(:,indexsmall); RF = U(:,indexsmall); %S=RG-RF*(RF'*(ARG)); S=RG-QF*(QF'*(ARG));% A bit more cost, but seems more accurate % Normalize, so ortha would not delete wanted vectors for i=1:size(S,2), normSi=norm(S(:,i),inf); %Adjustment makes tol consistent with experimental results if normSi > eps^1.981 QS(:,i)=S(:,i)/normSi; % Else ortha will take care of this end end [QS,AQS]=ortha(A,QS); [Yx,x,Zx] = svd(AQS'*S); if size(x,1)==1 % make sure x is column for output x=x(1); end x = max(diag(x),0); Tmp = fliplr(RG*Zx); ATmp = fliplr(ARG*Zx); V(:,indexsmall) = Tmp(:,indexsmall); AVindexsmall = ATmp(:,indexsmall); U(:,indexsmall) = RF*(RF'*AVindexsmall)*... diag(1./s(indexsmall)); thetasmall=flipud(max(asin(min(x,1)),0)); %Add zeros if necessary if sum(indexsmall)-size(thetasmall,1)>0 thetasmall=[zeros(sum(indexsmall)-size(thetasmall,1),1)',... thetasmall']'; end theta(indexsmall) = thetasmall(indexsmall); end end varargout(1)={U(:,1:q)}; varargout(2)={V(:,1:q)}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [Q,varargout]=ortha(A,X) %ORTHA Orthonormalization Relative to matrix A % Q=ortha(A,X) % Q=ortha('Afunc',X) % Computes an orthonormal basis Q for the range of X, relative to the % scalar product using a positive definite and selfadjoint matrix A. % That is, Q'*A*Q = I, the columns of Q span the same space as % columns of X, and rank(Q)=rank(X). % % [Q,AQ]=ortha(A,X) also gives AQ = A*Q. % % Required input arguments: % A : either an m x m positive definite and selfadjoint matrix A % or a linear operator A=A(v) that is positive definite selfadjoint; % X : m x n matrix containing vectors to be orthonormalized relative % to A. % % ortha(eye(m),X) spans the same space as orth(X) % % Examples: % [q,Aq]=ortha(hilb(20),eye(20,5)) % computes 5 column-vectors q spanned by the first 5 coordinate vectors, % and orthonormal with respect to the scalar product given by the % 20x20 Hilbert matrix, % while an attempt to orthogonalize (in the same scalar product) % all 20 coordinate vectors using % [q,Aq]=ortha(hilb(20),eye(20)) % gives 14 column-vectors out of 20. % Note that rank(hilb(20)) = 13 in double precision. % % Algorithm: % X=orth(X), [U,S,V]=SVD(X'*A*X), then Q=X*U*S^(-1/2) % If A is ill conditioned an extra step is performed to % improve the result. This extra step is performed only % if a test indicates that the program is running on a % machine that supports higher precison arithmetic % (greater than 64 bit precision). % % See also ORTH, SVD % % Copyright (c) 2000 Andrew Knyazev, Rico Argentati % Contact email: % License: free software (BSD) % $Revision: 1.5.8 $ $Date: 2001/8/28 % Tested under MATLAB R10-12.1 % Check input parameter A [m,n] = size(X); if ~isstr(A) [mA,mA] = size(A); if any(size(A) ~= mA) subspaceaError('Matrix A must be a square matrix or a string.') end if size(A) ~= m subspaceaError(['The size ' int2str(size(A)) ... ' of the matrix A does not match with ' int2str(m) ... ' - the number of rows of X']) end end % Normalize, so ORTH below would not delete wanted vectors for i=1:size(X,2), normXi=norm(X(:,i),inf); %Adjustment makes tol consistent with experimental results if normXi > eps^.981 X(:,i)=X(:,i)/normXi; % Else orth will take care of this end end % Make sure X is full rank and orthonormalize X=orth(X); %This can also be done using QR.m, in which case %the column scaling above is not needed %Set tolerance [m,n]=size(X); tol=max(m,n)*eps; % Compute an A-orthonormal basis if ~isstr(A) AX = A*X; else AX = feval(A,X); end XAX = X'*AX; XAX = 0.5.*(XAX' + XAX); [U,S,V]=svd(XAX); if n>1 s=diag(S); elseif n==1, s=S(1); else s=0; end %Adjustment makes tol consistent with experimental results threshold1=max(m,n)*max(s)*eps^1.1; r=sum(s>threshold1); s(r+1:size(s,1))=1; S=diag(1./sqrt(s),0); X=X*U*S; AX=AX*U*S; XAX = X'*AX; % Check subspaceaError against tolerance subspaceaError=normest(XAX(1:r,1:r)-eye(r)); % Check internal precision, e.g., 80bit FPU registers of P3/P4 precision_test=[1 eps/1024 -1]*[1 1 1]'; if subspaceaError1 s=diag(S); elseif n==1, s=S(1); else s=0; end threshold2=max(m,n)*max(s)*eps; r=sum(s>threshold2); S=diag(1./sqrt(s(1:r)),0); Q=X*U(:,1:r)*S(1:r,1:r); varargout(1)={AX*U(:,1:r)*S(1:r,1:r)};