# omdbapi python library. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dubirajara/omdbapi.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dubirajara/omdbapi) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/dubirajara/omdbapi/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/dubirajara/omdbapi) Python wrap to get movie, series, episode data from the Open Movie Database (OMDb) api. Example build and distribution python projects - [Pytools](http://www.python.pro.br) course. Used [The Open Movie Database](http://www.omdbapi.com) api to build a python lib and distribution in [pypi](https://pypi.org/project/omdbapi/). ## How to use? **IMPORTANT**: Requires Python 3.7 or newer. To works with python 3.6 must install the versión 0.5.1. #### Before, you must be request free the omdbapi api key [here](http://www.omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx) Install the library, Python 3.7 or newer: ```python >>> pip install omdbapi ``` To works with python 3.6 must install the versión 0.5.1 ```python >>> pip install omdbapi==0.5.1 ``` import the library and get movie, passing api key and title as parameter, default return short plot: ```python >>> from omdbapi.movie_search import GetMovie >>> movie = GetMovie(api_key='your api key') ``` Get all data movie json format: ```python >>> movie.get_movie(title='Interstellar') {'title': 'Interstellar', 'year': '2014', 'rated': 'PG-13', 'released': '07 Nov 2014', 'runtime': '169 min', 'genre': 'Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi', 'director': 'Christopher Nolan', 'writer': 'Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan', 'actors': 'Ellen Burstyn, Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow', 'plot': "A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival.", 'language': 'English', 'country': 'USA, UK, Canada', 'awards': 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 43 wins & 148 nominations.', 'poster': 'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjdkOTU3MDktN2IxOS00OGEyLWFmMjktY2FiMmZkNWIyODZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '8.6/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '72%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '74/100'}], 'metascore': '74', 'imdbrating': '8.6', 'imdbvotes': '1,569,520', 'imdbid': 'tt0816692', 'type': 'movie', 'dvd': '24 May 2016', 'boxoffice': '$188,020,017', 'production': 'Lynda Obst Productions, Syncopy', 'website': 'N/A'} ``` Or can set full plot as parameter: ```python >>> movie.get_movie(title='Interstellar', plot='full') {'title': 'Interstellar', 'year': '2014', 'rated': 'PG-13', 'released': '07 Nov 2014', 'runtime': '169 min', 'genre': 'Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi', 'director': 'Christopher Nolan', 'writer': 'Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan', 'actors': 'Ellen Burstyn, Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow', 'plot': "Earth's future has been riddled by disasters, famines, and droughts. There is only one way to ensure mankind's survival: Interstellar travel. A newly discovered wormhole in the far reaches of our solar system allows a team of astronauts to go where no man has gone before, a planet that may have the right environment to sustain human life.", 'language': 'English', 'country': 'USA, UK, Canada', 'awards': 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 43 wins & 148 nominations.', 'poster': 'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjdkOTU3MDktN2IxOS00OGEyLWFmMjktY2FiMmZkNWIyODZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_SX300.jpg', 'ratings': [{'Source': 'Internet Movie Database', 'Value': '8.6/10'}, {'Source': 'Rotten Tomatoes', 'Value': '72%'}, {'Source': 'Metacritic', 'Value': '74/100'}], 'metascore': '74', 'imdbrating': '8.6', 'imdbvotes': '1,569,520', 'imdbid': 'tt0816692', 'type': 'movie', 'dvd': '24 May 2016', 'boxoffice': '$188,020,017', 'production': 'Lynda Obst Productions, Syncopy', 'website': 'N/A'} ``` Get value using class attributes: ```python >>> movie.director 'Christopher Nolan' >>> movie.poster 'https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZjdkOTU3MDktN2IxOS00OGEyLWFmMjktY2FiMmZkNWIyODZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_SX300.jpg' >>> movie.awards 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 43 wins & 148 nominations.' ``` Get values using keys as parameter: ```python >>> movie.get_data('director', 'actors', 'awards', 'plot') {'director': 'Christopher Nolan', 'actors': 'Ellen Burstyn, Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy, John Lithgow', 'awards': 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 43 wins & 148 nominations.', 'plot': "A team of explorers travel through a wormhole in space in an attempt to ensure humanity's survival."} ```