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Prettier Website

Getting started

  1. Build the Prettier browser libs for the Playground by running the following in the project root directory:

    cd your/path/to/prettier
    yarn build:website

    To build for the current branch, use PULL_REQUEST=true yarn build:website. Otherwise, a release version of Prettier from node_modules is used.

  2. Switch to the website directory and start the development server:

    cd website
    yarn start

    This starts a server hosting the website locally at https://localhost:3000/. Any changes to the site's source files are reflected after refreshing the page, i.e. the server does not need to be restarted to show changes.

    When working on the docs, you need to go to https://localhost:3000/docs/en/next/index.html (note “next”) to see your changes.


The site is built on Docusaurus, a static site generator for documentation sites.

Its main configuration file is siteConfig.js (docs).

Pages can be added to the site by putting .js files with React components in pages/. If you want to use code from other files in these pages, be aware of how require works in Docusaurus. It’s also possible to include .html files directly. They are served as is and don’t have any of the header, footer, or styles shared by the rest of Docusaurus. This is the way the Playground is hooked up (pages/playground/index.html).

Images and other static assets are placed inside the static directory: static/img/your-image.png is mapped to Any .css files in static/ are concatenated to the standard styles provided by Docusaurus and used site-wide.


The Playground is not integrated with the Docusaurus infrastructure. Its UI (website/playground/) is built separately with webpack configured to put the resulting bundle in Docusaurus’s static directory. The yarn start command (in website/) concurrently starts both Docusaurus’s local server and webpack in the watch mode for the Playground.

Another part of the Playground is a web worker where formatting happens. It’s not managed by webpack and resides directly in static/worker.js. It expects to find the UMD bundles of Prettier in static/lib/. That’s why running yarn build:website or PULL_REQUEST=true yarn build:website in the project root is a required step.

Finally, there is a service worker that caches Prettier’s relatively heavy bundles (static/service-worker.js).


In the project repo, the docs directory is used to hold documentation written in Markdown. The front matter of documentation files should follow this example:

id: doc1 # used for docs to find each other and to map links
title: Document Title
layout: docs1 # used to determine different sidebar groupings
category: Sidebar Category 1 # Category on the sidebar under which this doc goes
permalink: docs/en/doc1.html # link to the document that is used for site
previous: doc0 # previous doc on sidebar for navigation
next: doc2 # next doc on the sidebar for navigation
# don’t include next if this is the last doc; don’t include previous if first doc

The docs from docs/ are published to and are considered to be the docs of the next (not yet released) version of Prettier. When a release happens, the docs from docs/ are copied to the website/versioned_docs/version-stable directory, whose content is published to


The website/blog directory contains blog posts written in Markdown. Their front matter should follow this example:

title: Blog Post Title
author: Author Name
authorURL: # (or some other link)

In the blog post, you should include a line <!--truncate-->. This determines under which point text will be ignored when generating the preview of your blog post. Blog posts should have the file name format:

Static Build

To create a static build of the website, run yarn build (in website/). The result will be put in website/build/.