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vCenter Receiver

Stability alpha: metrics
Distributions contrib, observiq, sumo
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @djaglowski, @schmikei | Seeking more code owners!

This receiver fetches metrics from a vCenter or ESXi host running VMware vSphere APIs.


This receiver has been built to support ESXi and vCenter versions:

  • 8
  • 7.0
  • 6.7

A “Read Only” user assigned to a vSphere with permissions to the vCenter server, cluster and all subsequent resources being monitored must be specified in order for the receiver to retrieve information about them.


Parameter Default Type Notes
endpoint String Endpoint to the vCenter Server or ESXi host that has the sdk path enabled. Required. The expected format is <protocol>:https://<hostname>

i.e: https://vcsa.hostname.localnet
username String Required
password String Required
tls TLSClientSetting Not Required. Will use defaults for configtls.TLSClientSetting. By default insecure settings are rejected and certificate verification is on.
collection_interval 2m Duration This receiver collects metrics on an interval. If the vCenter is fairly large, this value may need to be increased. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h
initial_delay 1s Duration Defines how long this receiver waits before starting.

Example Configuration

    endpoint: https://localhost:15672
    username: otelu
    password: ${env:VCENTER_PASSWORD}
    collection_interval: 5m
    initial_delay: 1s
    metrics: []

The full list of settings exposed for this receiver are documented here with detailed sample configurations here. TLS config is documented further under the opentelemetry collector's configtls package.


Details about the metrics produced by this receiver can be found in metadata.yaml with further documentation in

Feature gates

The receiver.vcenter.emitPerfMetricsWithObjects is now stable and will be removed in v0.97.0.