# How to setup Repo in your local system? Steps to follow ## 1. Fork Repo ## 2. Clone Your personal Repo copy created using FORK git clone https://github.com/[YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME]/[REPO_NAME].git ## 3. Installing all npm packages Navigate to the directory and run the following code. This will install all the dependencies you need. The project has been created using npm package manager. ``` npm install ``` _Note_ : You can have different localhost other than 3000, use that in that case. _Never push credentials to GitHub_ ## Pushing changes or making changes For pushing your updates make a new branch in this format: ``` git checkout -b "branch name" ``` Make changes and ``` git add . git commit -m "comments" git push -u origin "branch name" ``` ## Create a PR Click on contribute and perform a Pull Request. Describe a bit what changes you have made and try to attach relevant screenshots. **NOTE:** Keep in mind, make your PRs to the **dev** branch only. Follow the Pull Request Template strictly. Thank you for contributing :)