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Authors...: Martijn Pieterse ([email protected])
       	    Antoine Nulle    ([email protected])
Currently maintained by the Window Maker Developers Team
       	    ([email protected])

Note......: Please mail bugreports, comments, suggestions,
	    requests and flames to:

	    [email protected]

	    The official WMiFS support website address:

Credits...: Bobby Mezaway ([email protected]) for generously
	    hosting the original website!

WMiFS is a complete network monitoring, it's mainly
designed for usage in WindowMaker's dock and gives you some
nice & nifty features like:

	* Autosensing of *ALL* active network interfaces;
	* Integrated autoscaling (per interface) transfer
	  statistics, tested up to 100Mbit;
	* Displays a 'normal' xload style graph or our new
	  'waveform' like load graph;
	* Realtime cycling through active interfaces by simply
	  clicking on the eth0/ppp0 (interface) gadget;
	* Integrated RX/TX interface activity LEDs;
	* Integrated interface status LED;
	* Commandline options to force monitoring a particular
	  interface, even 'lo' is supported (-h for help);
	* User-definable scripts for left/middle/right mouse
	  buttons which are read from ~/.wmifsrc (optional);
	* Fixed rc file option, useful for sites where users
	  are not allowed to mess with pppd;

WMiFS is developed on DEC Alpha machines running RedHat-5.0/Linux,
but, WMiFS has also been intensively tested on x86 and 68K RedHat/
Linux machines ;-)

README		This file.
INSTALL		Installation instructions.
HINTS 		Hints about what you can do with WMiFS.
BUGS		Things you don't want to know ;-)
CHANGES		Description of changes.
TODO		Things we've already planned for WMiFS.
COPYING		GNU General Public License Version 2.

If you discover any bugs in this software, please send a
bugreport to [email protected] and describe
the problem as detailed as you can.

-------------------------------------------------------------- is copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by Martijn Pieterse and
Antoine Nulle and licensed through the GNU General Public License.
Read the COPYING file for the complete GNU license.