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Field Files

PSCF uses several file formats to describe fields, and uses the same set of formats for both "omega" and "rho" fields. In each of the available file formats, for a system with with N_monomer monomer types, a single file contains a description of N_monomer "omega" or "rho" fields, each of which is associated with a specific monomer type. We refer to such a set of N_monomer fields in what follows as a multi-component field.

PSCF can read, write and intercovert three different file formats for multi-component fields, which are based on different mathematical representations of a field. These are:

Each of these three format is discussed in a separate section below. The symmetry-adaped format is based on generalized Fourier expansion using a basis of symmetry-adapted basis functions. This is the default file format that is used by the ITERATE command for the input omega field and the output omega and rho fields. The coordinate space grid format contains the values of all fields on regular grid of points within one unit cell, and is useful as an input to external programs that can visualize a structure.

Symmetry-Adapted Format

This default file format used by the ITERATE command is based on an expansion of each field as an expansion in terms of basis functions that exhibit the space group symmetry of the crystal. In what follows, we first discuss the underlying mathematical expansion, and then the file format

Mathematical Basis

Consider a system with N_monomer monomer types indexed by an integer \alpha = 1, \ldots, N_monomer. Let \omega_{\alpha}(\textbf{r}) denote a field (e.g., a monomer chemical potential field) associated with monomer type \alpha . We approximate the field \omega_{\alpha} as an expansion of the form

\omega_{\alpha}(\textbf{r}) =
\sum_{i=1}^{N_{star}} \omega_{i\alpha} f_{i}(\textbf{r})

in which each function f_{i}(\textbf{r}) is a real basis function, \omega_{i\alpha} is an associated real coefficient, and N_{star} is the number of basis functions used to approximate the field. In a symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion of a field with a specified space group symmetry, each basis function f_{i}(\textbf{r}) is a real function that is invariant under all symmetry elements of the chosen space group, and is also an eigenfunction of the Laplacian, such that

-\nabla^{2}f_{i}(\textbf{r}) = \lambda_{i} f_{i}(\textbf{r})

for some \lambda_{i} \geq 0. The basis functions form an orthogonal basis, which are normalized such that

\frac{1}{V} \int \! d^{D}r \; f_{i}(\textbf{r}) f_{j}(\textbf{r})
= \delta_{ij}

where the integral is taken over one unit cell of a periodic structure in D-dimensional space and V is the generalized volume (length, area or volume) of the unit cell. Here \delta_{ij} denotes the Kronecker delta function, which is defined to be \delta_{ij} = 1 for i=j and 0 otherwise

Each symmetry-adapted basis function can be expressed as a superposition of plane waves with wavevectors \textbf{k}_{1}, \ldots, \textbf{k}_{M} that are reciprocal lattice vectors of equal equal magnitude, as a sum of the form

f_{i}(\textbf{r}) =
\sum_{i=1}^{M} a_{i} e^{i\textbf{k}_{i} \cdot \textbf{r}}

where M is the number of associated plane waves, and where the the coefficients a_{1}, \ldots ,a_{M} are complex numbers that all have equal magnitude |a_{1}| = |a_{2}| = \cdots |a_{M}| = 1/\sqrt{M}.

For any space group with inversion symmetry (i.e., a centrosymmetric group), the set of wavevectors associated with a basis function is a set of vectors that are related to one another by the point group symmetries of the crystal. For non-centrosymmetric groups, the wavevectors associated with a real basis function are related by point group symmetries or by inversion (i.e., by the relation \textbf{k} \rightarrow - \textbf{k}). A group of reciprocal lattice wavevectors that are related by symmetries of the crystal is referred to here and in the PSCF source code as a "star". The number of stars, denoted by N_star in the corresponding file format, is equal to the number of basis functions. In a cubic crystal, for example, each star of wavevectors (and thus each basis functions) correspond to a family of wavevectors with integer indices {ijk} that are related to one another by permutations and/or sign changes. For example, the basis function associated with the {321} star has 48 associated wavevectors that include wavevectors with integer indices (1,2,3), (3,2,1), (-3,2,1), etc, whereas the {200} star in a cubic crystal has only six wavevectors (\pm2,0,0), (0,\pm 2, 0), (0, 0, \pm 2).

Each basis function for d-dimensional crystal is uniquely identified in the symmetry-adapted file format by a label consisting of d integer indices. These indices correspond to the Miller indices for one of the wavevectors associated with the basis function. Thus for example, we identity the basis function associated with the {321} family of wavevectors in a cubic crystal by a label "3 2 1". The conventions for choosing which plane wave to use to identify the basis function is discussed in the comments provided in the source code of crystal_mod (See the html developers manual for browseable version of this. The set of Miller indices output to file corresponds to the value of the variable wave_of_star.)

Example: 3D Gyroid Phase

Below is an example of a "rho" file output from a simulation of a gyroid phase for a diblock copolymer melt. A section of the middle of this file has been removed, as indicated by the vertical dots.

 format  1  0
          'I a -3 d'
  3.000000000000E-01  7.000000000000E-01       0   0   0     1
 -2.942897932802E-01  2.942897932848E-01       2   1   1    24
 -9.425546329793E-02  9.425546327223E-02       2   2   0    12
 -3.864399409689E-03  3.864399436086E-03       3   2   1    48
 -1.483047814338E-02  1.483047815806E-02       4   0   0     6
 -3.546446264855E-02  3.546446265383E-02       4   2   0    24
  3.138519869858E-02 -3.138519870524E-02       3   3   2    24
  2.003121375277E-02 -2.003121374994E-02       4   2   2    24
  1.572048423239E-02 -1.572048424396E-02       4   3   1    48
 -1.376822797257E-02  1.376822798292E-02       5   2   1    48
 -1.063353913450E-02  1.063353913935E-02       4   4   0    12
         .                   .                 .   .   .    .
         .                   .                 .   .   .    .
         .                   .                 .   .   .    .
 -7.575067702553E-05  7.575067344206E-05      13  13  10    24
 -2.570604494615E-05  2.570604263390E-05      14  12  10    24
 -5.627606758688E-05  5.627606408758E-05      14  14   8     6
  5.879116047898E-05 -5.879115755266E-05      14  14  12     6

Example: 1D Lamellar Phase

Below is an example the "rho" file output for a small simulation of a lamellar phase of a diblock copolymer melt:

format  1  0
  5.600000000000E-01  4.400000000000E-01       0     1
  2.179734275940E-01 -2.179734275841E-01       1     2
 -1.523969262415E-02  1.523969262143E-02       2     2
 -5.575240954520E-03  5.575240954490E-03       3     2
  1.108470498335E-03 -1.108470498556E-03       4     2
  1.455449531056E-04 -1.455449530934E-04       5     2
 -6.218980135235E-05  6.218980146350E-05       6     2
 -8.059872486808E-07  8.059872753625E-07       7     2
  2.826732709838E-06 -2.826732713547E-06       8     2
 -2.194238294935E-07  2.194238338772E-07       9     2
 -1.060764766149E-07  1.060764782164E-07      10     2
  1.946388906884E-08 -1.946388995126E-08      11     2
  3.010764186682E-09 -3.010764203812E-09      12     2
 -1.161872573075E-09  1.161872692383E-09      13     2
 -3.137859071779E-11  3.137865228352E-11      14     2
  5.685537948359E-11 -5.685537190418E-11      15     2
 -3.817653721188E-12  3.817577312625E-12      16     2
 -2.332684668702E-12  2.332625641218E-12      17     2
  4.053664853576E-13 -4.051318636739E-13      18     2
  3.071545504276E-14 -3.077687877704E-14      19     2
 -1.475930488937E-13 -4.916067553040E-14      20     1

Description of Format

This first part of such a field file is a header that ends with the parameter N_star, which is the number of basis functions. This is followed by a data section that that is N_star rows long. Each row in the data section contains the coefficients associated with one basis function in the symmetry-adapted Fourier expansion described above, along with some additional information that identifies the basis function.

The structure of the header is similar to that of the parameter file. The first line specifies a file format version number (file format v1.0). The rest of the header contains information that is required to interpret the field file, including the dimensionality of the structure (1,2, or 3) , the crystal system, the unit cell parameters, the space group, the number of monomer types, and the number of basis functions, denoted here by N_star. The second example above is for a lamellar structure with inversion symmetry, for which the space group symbol is -1.

The data section contains N_star rows, each of which contains the coefficients associated with one basis function, along with an identifier for the basis function. The first N_monomer columns of row i (e.g., the first two columns, in both of the above examples) contain the coefficients associated with different monomer types. Specifically, a coefficient \omega_{i\alpha} associated with basis function i and monomer type \alpha is given in column \alpha of row i of this data section.

In the file format for a crystal with dimension d (e.g., d=1 for a lamellar phase or d=3 for a gyroid phase) the next d columns, after the columns containing the expansion coefficients, contain a set of d integers that identify each basis function. As discussed above, these are integer indices for one of the wavevectors in the basis function. The last column is the number of wavevectors in an associated star of wavevectors, which we will refer to as the multiplicity.

The first basis function in the symmetry adapted Fourier expansion, which is given in the first row of the data section, is always the spatially homogeneous function f_{1}(\textbf{r}) = 1. This constant function is associated with the single wavevector \textbf{k} = 0, and identified in a 3D crystal by a label "0 0 0", with multiplicity 1.

The second row in the gyroid example contains the coefficients for the basis function associated with the {211} family of wavevectors, which is identified in columns 3-5 by the label "2 1 1". Because this family contains 24 wavevectors, the last column lists a multiplicity of 24. The {211} family is the first star of non-zero wavevectors from which it possible to construct a nonzero basis function that is invariant under all of the symmetries of space group Ia\bar{3}d of the gyroid structure. The stars that can be used to construct a basis function are precisely those that satisfy the reflection rules for allowed reflections in scattering from a particular space group symmetry, for which the {211} family gives the first allowed family of reflections in scattering from a gyroid crystal.

Consider the second example, which is 1D lamellar phase with inversion symmetry. The first basis function is the constant f_{1}(r)=1, with a label "0" and a multiplicity 1. All subsequent basis functions are cosine functions of the form f_{n+1}(r) = \sqrt{2}\cos(k_{n}r) with k_{n} = 2\pi n/L for a crystal with period L, for which we see an integer label n. The multiplicity of each cosine basis function is 2, as indicated in the last column, since each such function can be expressed as a superposition of two plane waves of wavenumbers \pm k_{n}.

The rules for constructing real basis functions for non-centrosymmetric space groups is somewhat more complicated than for centrosymmetric groups. When the group has no inversion symmetry, a basis function that is constructed by superposing plane waves that are related by symmetry elements of the space group will generally not be proportional to a real function. The simplest example of this is a one dimensional crystal with no inversion symmetry (group 1), and thus no symmetry elements other than the identity. In this case, no plane wave is related to any other by symmetry. The natural basis functions, from the point of view of symmetry alone, are single complex exponential plane waves, but these are complex functions of position. In order to construct basis functions that are real, in this example, one must construct two real superpositions of each pair of plane waves that are related by inversion (which is not a symmetry of the crystal). The required basis functions in this case are both cosine and sine functions. More generally, to form real basis functions in crystals with no inversion symmetry, we use generalizations of the cosine and sign functions that are construction by constructing two different superpositions of "stars" that are related to one another by inversion. Conventions used for doing this are described best in the comments in the source code for the basis_mod module.

Coordinate Grid Format

PSCF can also output the values of set of fields (one per monomer type) evaluated on all of the grid points of the FFT grid that is used to solve the modified diffusion equation.

Example: 2D Hex Phase of Diblock Copolymer Melt

Here is example of a converged omega field for a hex phase:

 format  1  0
           'P 6 m m'
                  24                  24
       0.340581085      19.518839883
       0.570887775      19.658020087
       1.199229419      19.984609517
       2.070864605      20.233012735
       2.929754416      19.853514300
            .                 .
            .                 .
            .                 .
       0.999219800      19.890258066
       0.570887775      19.658020087

Description of Format

Like the others, this file format contains a header section with crystallographic information followed by a data section. The header section is similar that for the symmetry adapted format, except that the last variable is an array "ngrid" of integers giving the number of grid points in each direction. In this example, because it is a two-dimensional crystal (dim = 2), this array contains two numbers, both 24, indicating a grid in which there are 24 grid points along each axis. To describe a hexagonal phase, we use a non-orthogonal coordinate system in which each axis is parallel to one of the Bravais lattice vectors, which in a hexagonal phase have an angle of 60 degrees between.

The data section contains the values of fields associated with N_monomer monomer types at grid points given by

\textbf{r}(n_1, \ldots, n_{D}) = \sum_{i=1}^{\textrm{D}}

where D is the dimensionality of the crystal (denoted by "dim" in the header and the parameter file), \textbf{a}_{i} is a Bravais lattice vector, N_{i} is the number of grid points along direction i, and n_{i} is an integer index in the range 0 \leq n_{i} < N_{i}. The number of rows in the data section is equal to the total number of grid points. Each row in this section contains values of all field components at a single grid point. The number of columns is equal to the number of monomer types, so that data in column \alpha contains the values of the field associated with monomer type \alpha.

Grid points are listed in order using index n_{1} as the most rapidly varying (innermost) loop index. This is implemented in the field_io_mod module, in subroutines output_field_grid and input_field_grid as a fortran loop of the form:

do n3 = 0, ngrid(3) - 1
  do n2 = 0, ngrid(2) - 1
    do n1 = 0, ngrid(1) - 1
       [Read or write data at grid point r(n1, n2, n3)]

Wavevector Grid Format

Finally, PSCF can read and write the unsymmetrized discrete Fourier transform of a multi-component field, which is related to the values on a grid a by discrete Fourier transform. The required file format is very similar to that used for the coordinate space grid. The file consists of a header and a data section. The format of the header is identical to that used for the coordinate grid format, and includes a list of the number of grid points used in each direction, denoted by ngrid.

The data section contains the Fourier coefficients obtained by a discrete Fourier transform of each field at wavevectors given by

\textbf{k}(n_1, \ldots, n_{D}) = \sum_{i=1}^{\textrm{D}}

where D is the dimensionality of the crystal (i.e., dim in the header file), \textbf{b}_{i} is a reciprocal lattice basis vector, N_{i} is the number of grid points along direction i, and n_{i} is an integer in the range 0 \leq n_{1} \leq N_{1}/2 for the first index and 0 \leq n_{i} \leq N_{i} - 1 for indices i > 1. The number of rows in the data section is equal to the total number of such wavevectors, and each row contains values of Fourier coefficients associated with a single wavevector, with coefficients for fields associated with different monomer types in different columnns.

Coefficients for different wavevectors are output in sequential order, using the last index (e.g., n_{3} for a 3D crystal) as the most rapidly varying (inner-most) loop index. This is implemented by a fortran loop of the form:

do n1 = 0, ngrid(1)/2
  do n2 = 0, ngrid(2) - 1
    do n3 = 0, ngrid(3) - 1
      [Read or write coefficients for wavevector k(n1, n2, n3)]