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DigitalOcean Kubernetes Service (DOKS)

This example shows how to use the Terraform Kubernetes Provider and Terraform Helm Provider to configure a DOKS cluster. The example config builds the DOKS cluster and applies the Kubernetes configurations in a single operation. This guide will also show you how to make changes to the underlying DOKS cluster in such a way that Kubernetes/Helm resources are recreated after the underlying cluster is replaced.

You will need to set the following environment variables:


To install the DOKS cluster using default values, run terraform init and apply from the directory containing this README.

terraform init
terraform apply

Optionally, the Kubernetes version, the number of worker nodes, and the instance type of the worker nodes can also be specified:

terraform apply -var=cluster_version=1.22 -var=worker_size=s-4vcpu-8gb -var=worker_count=5


Valid versions for the DOKS cluster can be found by using the doctl, the DigitalOcean CLI.

 doctl kubernetes options versions

Kubeconfig for manual CLI access

Optionally, this example can generate a kubeconfig file in the current working directory. However, the token in this config will expire. The token can be refreshed by running terraform apply again and setting write_kubeconfig to true.

terraform apply -var="write_kubeconfig=true"
export KUBECONFIG=$(terraform output -raw kubeconfig_path)
kubectl get pods -n test

Alternatively, a longer-lived configuration can be generated using doctl. This command will merge the configuration into your kubeconfig at the default location ($HOME/.kube/config) or create it if the file does not exist.

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)
kubectl get pods -n test

Replacing the DOKS cluster and re-creating the Kubernetes / Helm resources

When the cluster is initially created, the Kubernetes and Helm providers will not be initialized until authentication details are created for the cluster. However, for future operations that may involve replacing the underlying cluster, the DOKS cluster will have to be targeted without the Kubernetes/Helm providers, as shown below. This is done by removing the module.kubernetes-config from Terraform State prior to replacing cluster credentials, to avoid passing outdated credentials into the providers.

This will create the new cluster and the Kubernetes resources in a single apply.

terraform state rm module.kubernetes-config
terraform apply