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@title Tutorial


In this tutorial we'll show how to build a simple fiber-based server using Polyphony, how to make it concurrent and how to make it resilient to errors. We'll assume you have read the overview. If you haven't yet, please go and read it now before continuing with this tutorial.

Building a Simple Echo Server with Polyphony

Here's what we want to build: a concurrent echo server. Our server will accept TCP connections and send back whatever it receives from the client.

We'll start by opening a server socket:

require 'polyphony'

server ='', 1234)
puts 'Echoing on port 1234...'

Next, we'll add a loop accepting connections:

while (client = server.accept)

The handle_client method is almost trivial:

def handle_client(client)
  while (data = client.gets)
    client << data
rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
  puts 'Connection reset by client'

Adding Concurrency

Up until now, we did nothing about concurrency. In fact, our code will not be able to handle more than one client at a time, because the accept loop cannot continue to run until the call to #handle_client returns, and that will not happen as long as the read loop is not done.

Fortunately, Polyphony makes it super easy to do more than one thing at once. Let's spin up a separate fiber for each client:

while (client = server.accept)
  spin { handle_client(client) }

Now, our little program can effectively handle thousands of clients, all with a little sprinkling of spin. The call to server.accept suspends the main fiber until a connection is made, allowing other fibers to run while it's waiting. Likewise, the call to client.gets suspends the client's fiber until incoming data becomes available. Again, all of that is handled automatically by Polyphony, and the only hint that our program is concurrent is that little innocent call to #spin.

Here's a flow chart showing the transfer of control between the different fibers:

Let's consider the advantage of the Polyphony concurrency model:

  • We didn't need to create custom handler classes with callbacks.
  • We didn't need to use custom classes or APIs for our networking code.
  • Each task is expressed sequentially. Our code is terse, easy to read and, most importantly, expresses the order of events clearly and without having our logic split across different methods.
  • We have a server that can scale to thousands of clients without breaking a sweat.

Handling Inactive Connections

Now that we have a working concurrent echo server, let's add some bells and whistles. First of all, let's get rid of clients that are not active. We'll do this by wrapping our read loop in a call to cancel_after:

def handle_client(client)
  cancel_after(10) do |timeout|
    while (data = client.gets)
      client << data
rescue Polyphony::Cancel
  client.puts 'Closing connection due to inactivity.'
rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
  puts 'Connection reset by client'

The call to #cancel_after spins up a new fiber that will sleep for 10 seconds, then cancel its parent. The call to client.gets blocks until new data is available. If no new data is available, the timeout fiber will finish sleeping, and then cancel the client handling fiber by raising a Polyphony::Cancel exception. However, if new data is received, the timeout fiber is restarted, causing it to begin sleeping again for 10 seconds. If the client has closed the connection, or some other exception occurs, the timeout fiber is automatically stopped as it is a child of the fiber running the handle_client method.

The habit of always cleaning up using ensure in the face of potential interruptions is a fundamental element of using Polyphony correctly. This makes your code robust, even in a highly chaotic concurrent execution environment where fibers can be started, restarted and interrupted at any time.

Implementing graceful shutdown

Let's now add graceful shutdown to our server. This means that when the server is stopped we'll first stop accepting new connections, but we'll let any already connected clients keep their sessions.

Polyphony's concurrency model is structured. Fibers are limited to the lifetime of their direct parent. When the main fiber terminates (on program exit), it will terminate all its child fibers, each of which will in turn terminate its own children. The termination of child fibers is implemented by sending each child fiber a Polyphony::Terminate exception. We can implement custom termination logic simply by adding an exception handler for Polyphony::Terminate:

# We first refactor the echo loop into a method
def client_loop(client, timeout = nil)
  while (data = client.gets)
    client << data

def handle_client(client)
  cancel_after(10) { |timeout| client_loop(client, timeout) }
rescue Polyphony::Cancel
  client.puts 'Closing connection due to inactivity.'
rescue Polyphony::Terminate
  # We add a handler for the Terminate exception, and give
  client.puts 'Server is shutting down. You have 5 more seconds...'
  move_on_after(5) do
rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
  puts 'Connection reset by client'


In this tutorial, we have shown how Polyphony can be used to create robust, highly concurrent Ruby applications. As we have discussed above, Polyphony provides a comprehensive set of tools that make it simple and intuitive to write concurrent applications, with features such as structured concurrency (for controlling fiber lifetime), timeouts (for handling inactive or slow clients), custom termination logic (for implementing graceful shutdown).

Here's the complete source code for our Polyphony-based echo server:

require 'polyphony/auto_run'

server ='', 1234)
puts 'Echoing on port 1234...'

def client_loop(client, timeout = nil)
  while (data = client.gets)
    client << data

def handle_client(client)
  cancel_after(10) { |timeout| client_loop(client, timeout) }
rescue Polyphony::Cancel
  client.puts 'Closing connection due to inactivity.'
rescue Polyphony::Terminate
  client.puts 'Server is shutting down. You have 5 more seconds...'
  move_on_after(5) do
rescue Errno::ECONNRESET
  puts 'Connection reset by client'

while (client = server.accept)
  spin { handle_client(client) }