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The Payloads

The scripts are written in PowerShell (only work against target machines with PowerShell installed, i.e. Windows 7/8, Windows Server 2008. Administrative access is also required.

The payloads are from three categories:

  • Reconnaissance (reports are generated with information about the target computer): Computer Information User Information USB Information Shared Drive Information Program Information Installed Updates User Document List Basic Network Information Network Scan Port Scan Copy Wireless Profile Take Screen Captures Copy FireFox Profile Extract SAM File

  • Exploitation: Find and Upload File (FTP) Disable Firewall Add User Open Firewall Port Start Wi-Fi Access Point Share C:\ Drive Enable RDP Create a Reverse Shell Local DNS Poisoning Delete a Windows Update

  • Reporting (always together with the above items): Save Report to Target Machine FTP Report to External Host Email Report to GMAIL Account Save Files to USB Drive

We will use the last one in our payloads.

Note that we use the name QUACK for the usb stick.

Ducky Syntax

  • Each command resides on a new line

  • Commands are ALL CAPS

  • Lines beginning with REM will not be processed

  • DEFAULT_DELAY or DEFAULTDELAY is used to define how long (in milliseconds * 10) to wait between each subsequent command. DEFAULT_DELAY must be issued at the beginning of the ducky script and is optional. DEFAULT_DELAY 100 REM delays 100ms between each subsequent command sequence

  • DELAY creates a momentary pause in the ducky script. DELAY 500 REM will wait 500ms before continuing to the next command.

  • STRING processes the text following taking special care to auto-shift. GUI r DELAY 500ms STRING notepad.exe ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING Hello World!

  • WINDOWS or GUI emulates the Windows-Key: GUI r REM will hold the Windows-key and press r

  • MENU or APP emulates the App key, sometimes referred to as the menu key or context menu key. On Windows systems this is similar to the SHIFT F10 key combo. GUI d MENU STRING v STRING d

  • SHIFT: unlike CAPSLOCK, cruise control for cool, the SHIFT command can be used when navigating fields to select text, among other functions. SHIFT INSERT REM this is paste for most operating systems

  • ALT key is instrumental in many automation operations: GUI r DELAY 50 STRING notepad.exe ENTER DELAY 100 STRING Hello World ALT f STRING s REM alt-f pulls up the File menu and s saves.

  • CONTROL or CTRL: CONTROL ESCAPE REM this is equivalent to the GUI key in Windows

  • Arrow Keys: ^ Command ^ | DOWNARROW or DOWN | | LEFTARROW or LEFT | | RIGHTARROW or RIGHT | | UPARROW or UP |


Ducky Scripts are compiled into hex files ready to be named inject.bin and moved to the root of a microSD card for execution by the USB Rubber Ducky.

This is done with the tool duckencoder.

duckencoder is a cross-platform command-line Java program which converts the Ducky Script syntax into hex files.

For example on a Linux system:

java -jar duckencoder.jar -i exploit.txt -o /media/microsdcard/inject.bin

Simple Ducky Payload Generator

Also a good option.
